We went to the hospital today to see the Orthepedic Surgeon. His theory is that DS deeply bruised the bone on the back of his shoulder and it may take 6-8 weeks to completely heal. He thinks it is fine, might be sore for a while longer, but will heal completely. Hitting the hard gym floor really bruised it deep. So, that is good news and we are going to go about our business as usual and think good thoughts. Yea!

When we left the hospital we found ourselves near a thrift so we went rummaging. I found these great old folk art seashell encrusted bottles for $2.00 each. I have sold numerous old shell encrusted boxes and vases, so I know they do well. Each one of these bottles should sell for $25.00-$30.00 each. They are soooo Kitschy!
After that we went to my favorite Dollar Shop. They have awesome things and everything is $1.00. Today I bought name brand scrapbooking kits that were priced at $12.99 each, a Teleflora Strawberry shaped teapot and numerous other items - all for $1.00 each. They had Fisher Price Fusion Characters for $1.00. I didn't buy any and now I wish I would have - I looked them up and a set of twelve is seling for $60.00 on ebay. I shoulda bought 'em ALL! Doh!

Tomorrow I take 15 11 year olds out for a day of Go-Karts, Bumper Boats and Laser Tag for DS's late birthday party. Hope I'm still alive tomorrow night!
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