February brought job changes for The Breadman. Lots more travelling, more hours and less money. Boo! Hiss!

April brought the shocking news that the once-little boy that I had babysat for twelve years had died. He was 30, but he will always be a little boy in my mind. The last time I saw him was at his sister's wedding. He was drinking a beer and I scolded him for drinking when he was only a littler boy! He said, "Shara, I am a full grown man now!" He said it so funny. I will always remember his saying it just that way.
May took our little family on a trip to Branson. Not far away from home but a world away in term of things to do and things to see.
June brought me a two night private getaway in a swanky $15,000.00 a night room here. My first stay in the hospital (except giving birth, of course). My first surgery. My second surgery. The Bean's first night at home with Mom being there. Lots of firsts. One Gall Bladder Gone and $15,000.00 in debt. (That's a George Strait tune, I think.....)
In July, our favorite local Chinese restaurant closed it's doors due to the sucky economy. I am extremely picky about my food and this was one of the very few places where I loved the food. And, now it is only a faint memory. Oh, Pan Fried Chicken and Crab Rangoon, how I miss thee......
December meant I got to bring out all my wonderful Christmas goodies, only to have to box them all up again in the very same month.
So, that brings us to New Year's Eve. The end of another year. The beginning of a New Year. Maybe this will be a good year. Don'
Don't get me wrong - this year wasn't all that bad. There was just enough crappy stuff thrown in to make it seem like a bummer of a year. But, everyone I know and love is happy and relatively healthy, so I am very happy for that!
Tomorrow - the Thrifting Year in Review! Yippeee!