My son and I went to the local Mardi Gras Parade yesteerday. They have been having Mardi Gras for about 8 years and it gets bigger and better each year. It goes down our famous "Dickson Street" and then circles up around the Square where the floats park and everyone walks around enjoying themselves. We went towards the beginning of the parade hoping to get some beads before they ran out. They were throwing htemlike crazy. We each caught about 25 strands of beads, plus DS got tons of candy and junk. We decided to drive up by the Square and see what was going on after the parade. There we saw the new World's Record for the largest King Cake - 250 feet long. A local bakery had made it and they were selling slices for $1.00 to benefit the Homeless Shelter. Ds and I each bought a slice and walked around watching people climbing trees to retreive beads that were stuck in the branches. The things people will do to get beads! (And this was a family event - I've seen COPS New Orleans!!!!) On our way out we decided to get another piece of King Cake for Daddy who couldn't come. The local DJ was cutting slices then and the crowd was growing thin. He said, "How about a nice big piece for $2.00?" Well, okay, DS would pout if he didn't get some more when Daddy did anyway. So, he cuts off about a 14" long piece of this cake and hands it to me. (Sometimes the deals just find me!) I got a lot of envious stares as I walked to the car with my giant King Cake! ;o) So, we had a really fun day outside enjoying other people. That's my hint of the day - Be sure to go to your local events - they are always a source of good entertainment for little to no money!
We went to Deal after that and spent $44.00. When everything is $1.00 - you just start throwing it in the cart. Then when you check out and it is $44.00 you think, "D@mn! $44.00!" But, if they have it today, they might not ever have it again - so you better buy it. I got a bunch of really nice American Greetings Scrapbooking kits for $1.00 each. I bought about 10 things at $1.00 each, but it was over $100.00 worth of stuff. We also buy their batteries - they have 16 AAA and 16 AA batteries for $1.00. These are cheapo batteries but are just fine for toys and even remotes and things that don't need a lot of power. DS will pick up a $1.00 toy and then need $4.00 woth of batteries for it. NOT!
After that we ordered pizza from our local "Buy One Get Two Free" pizza place. We got three pizzas and cheesesticks for $12.20. Not a bad deal, indeed.
So, if you wanted to know every move I made yesterday - now you do! We had a fun day out and hope to do it again next year too.
What is a monkeybox?
When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I left a comment for Nicole down in the blog - but I wanted to thank her for reminding me bout Freecycle. I had thought about posting asking for shelves, but hadn't done it yet. So, I did put a post on there Tuesday, had a response Wednesday morning and DH is picking them up this afternoon. They are supposed to be 6' tall, black, wooden and backless - just what I need for the Flea Market. If you haven't checked out Freecycle in your area you really should!
I went to a thrift this morning. I bought a Jesical McClintock formal gown for $5.00, four vintage Wesern Shirts and some misc. stuff for ebay. Got DS some books as usual. I don't normally sell clothes, but these looked like good deals. The dress still has the tag on it- it is really pretty.
Went on to Dillon's to stock up on their $1.00 sale. I bought 15 bags of frozen veggies - Kroger brand is the best. Produce is so expense these days! DS eats cucumber almost every night with his dinner. They are 89¢ right now. If he eats 25 cucumbers a month - that is almost $25.00 a month just to budget CUCUMBERS! (Rant over). He does like carrots, broccoli and salad too. He doesn't eat cooked vegetables at all.
Hint of the Day: Need something? Check Freecycle. Want to get rid of something? Put it on Freecycle!
I went to a thrift this morning. I bought a Jesical McClintock formal gown for $5.00, four vintage Wesern Shirts and some misc. stuff for ebay. Got DS some books as usual. I don't normally sell clothes, but these looked like good deals. The dress still has the tag on it- it is really pretty.
Went on to Dillon's to stock up on their $1.00 sale. I bought 15 bags of frozen veggies - Kroger brand is the best. Produce is so expense these days! DS eats cucumber almost every night with his dinner. They are 89¢ right now. If he eats 25 cucumbers a month - that is almost $25.00 a month just to budget CUCUMBERS! (Rant over). He does like carrots, broccoli and salad too. He doesn't eat cooked vegetables at all.
Hint of the Day: Need something? Check Freecycle. Want to get rid of something? Put it on Freecycle!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
My Valentine's Day Finds at Target
I want to thank everyone that left me a note about my cat, Neilsen. We lost him Friday afternoon. He was so close to passing, but we had an ice storm coming and a holiday weekend ahead, so I called the Vet and made arrangements to take him in thirty minutes later. When I hung up and went to get him, he was already gone. I am thankful he went on his own, here at his house with us. We did end up gettiing close to 6" of snow and sleet, so I don't know how I would have taken care of him after all that hit. I miss him so much. We have three other cats, all with their own distinct personalities. But, we had Neilsen for 15 years, so we really lost a member of our family.
Okay - on to the purpose of this blog! I heard that Target was 90% off on Valentine's merchandise today. Normally, Valentine's stuff is all chocolate and silk roses. But, Target gets things in every department. I got my son seven pairs of funny boxer shorts with Scooby Doo, SpongeBob, Homer Simpson, etc. on them. He likes to wear them in the summer as shorts around the house. They were 79¢ a pair. I got him three T-Shirts for 99¢ and all three of us matching Snoopy T-Shirts for 99¢ each. I got a bunch of packages of multi-striped tissue paper for 19¢ each. I found a gorgeous pink leather serving tray for $1.99 that I already have in the flea market for $18.00. My best find was two red leather nightstands with built in shelves. They were $69.99 but scanned at $4.99. So, I got nearly $140.00 worth of furniture for $9.99! I am going to use them in the Flea Market for display and also put a nice price tag on them just in case someone is interested! I also found ten bags of Hershey's Nuggets mixed in with the regular candy for 27¢ a bag. I will give some away and freeze some. I really didn't need them and really shouldn't have bought them. But, 27¢? Come ON! That's cheaper than a candy bar!
I went back to the Global department to look around. They have so much cool stuff there and it is 50% off. Actually, that's where I found the leather nightstands. Anyway, I found this big hammered copper cauldron with a forged iron handle. It was $60.00. But, on sale it was $30.00. I had a $20.00 gift certificate that I had earned for doing a survey, so I treated myself to it for only $10.00 But, I still feel guilty about spending $10.00! It is in the living room in the bay window with a big plant in it. It is really pretty.
Hint of the Day: Scour the aisles looking for items that are "holiday" or "Seasonal" even if they don't look it! And, treat yourself sometimes!
Okay - on to the purpose of this blog! I heard that Target was 90% off on Valentine's merchandise today. Normally, Valentine's stuff is all chocolate and silk roses. But, Target gets things in every department. I got my son seven pairs of funny boxer shorts with Scooby Doo, SpongeBob, Homer Simpson, etc. on them. He likes to wear them in the summer as shorts around the house. They were 79¢ a pair. I got him three T-Shirts for 99¢ and all three of us matching Snoopy T-Shirts for 99¢ each. I got a bunch of packages of multi-striped tissue paper for 19¢ each. I found a gorgeous pink leather serving tray for $1.99 that I already have in the flea market for $18.00. My best find was two red leather nightstands with built in shelves. They were $69.99 but scanned at $4.99. So, I got nearly $140.00 worth of furniture for $9.99! I am going to use them in the Flea Market for display and also put a nice price tag on them just in case someone is interested! I also found ten bags of Hershey's Nuggets mixed in with the regular candy for 27¢ a bag. I will give some away and freeze some. I really didn't need them and really shouldn't have bought them. But, 27¢? Come ON! That's cheaper than a candy bar!
I went back to the Global department to look around. They have so much cool stuff there and it is 50% off. Actually, that's where I found the leather nightstands. Anyway, I found this big hammered copper cauldron with a forged iron handle. It was $60.00. But, on sale it was $30.00. I had a $20.00 gift certificate that I had earned for doing a survey, so I treated myself to it for only $10.00 But, I still feel guilty about spending $10.00! It is in the living room in the bay window with a big plant in it. It is really pretty.
Hint of the Day: Scour the aisles looking for items that are "holiday" or "Seasonal" even if they don't look it! And, treat yourself sometimes!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Haven't had a lot of baragins hunts to brag about lately. I am sure Iw ill find some Valentine's Day stuff when it goes to 90%. DH did surprise me this year with two cards, chocolates and two bouquets of flowers. I don't know what got into him!
I've been busy volunteering at the school working in the library. The libraian broke her hip and needs help. I like volunteering and being at school. ANd sheis vey nice and appreciative which really helps. Today is Teacher COnference Day which I always dread. It always goes okay, I just have this impending feeling of doom before hand.
We have a 15 year old kitty named Neilsen. He is failing and not doing well. It breaks my heart to watch him. He has quit eating and is sleeping most of the time. It is hard to watch. He has been a faithful kitty companion for many years.
I've been busy volunteering at the school working in the library. The libraian broke her hip and needs help. I like volunteering and being at school. ANd sheis vey nice and appreciative which really helps. Today is Teacher COnference Day which I always dread. It always goes okay, I just have this impending feeling of doom before hand.
We have a 15 year old kitty named Neilsen. He is failing and not doing well. It breaks my heart to watch him. He has quit eating and is sleeping most of the time. It is hard to watch. He has been a faithful kitty companion for many years.

Friday, February 10, 2006
I went to my favorite thrift (not the best stuff, but the nicest people) at noon yesterday. Well, it opens at noon, but you can go in anytime after about 1:15, so I always get there then, since most people do come at noon. Anyway, when I pulled up there was this guy sitting by the door. When I pulled up, he sort of motioned at me, then brushed his hand away at me like I wasn't who he thought I was and then he went in the thrift. I thought maybe he was witning for someone and mistook me for them. I went in and browsed around a bit. A little bit later I heard that guy at the counter talking. He had a bedspread and he said, "I need this." The ladies smiled and said, "Okay, that's $7.00". He said, "I'll give ya a dollar." The ladies said they couldn't sell it to him for a dollar. Then he went NUTS. Turns out he was a homeless man. He started screaming that he was FREEZING HIS YOU KNOW WHAT OFF OUTSIDE. (He cussed. A LOT!) The ladies told him that a bedspread wouldn't keep him warm, but they would give him a blanket. They went to get him a blanket and he started hollaring, "You think you are a bunch of saints for giving me a blanket. You think I'm funny, living on the streets? I'd like to see any one of you out there freezing you're a$$ off out there." (Mind you, I was the only one under the age of about 70 in there and he coudn't even see me.) So, the lady gives him the blanket and he THROWS it on the floor and says, "THIS IS CRAP." She said, "I am sorry, but that's all we have. If you don't want it, I'm sorry." "No", he says. "I'll take it. It's crap, but what else am I gonna do if all you PEOPLE think I can use is CRAP?" And then he stormed out of the door. Right before he walked out he said, "THANK you, ladies." Which was sort of funny because we all thought he was going to go whack on us! I had the cellphone out in case I needed to hide in the used suit rack and dial 911!
Here's what I ended up buying:
Birdhouse made from a gourd - $3.00
Denim vestw/ cargo pockets for me- 50¢
Pocket Doll from 1985- 50¢
6 old Mini Aluminum Jell-O Molds - 50¢ (I have too many of these, and am not supposed to buy anymore. )
Oklahoma Sooners Glass - 50¢
Stack of Country Living Mags - FREE
Went to another thrift on the way to school. They are SO expensive. Almost every knick-knack is $8.00. This store will well things that are "K's Collection" whcih is from the Dollar Tree for $3.00. Hellloooo?
Stack of Country Living Mags - $1.25 I don't normally pay for mags, but since I got about 10 for free earlier, I figured $1.25 for about 20 total wasn't bad.
*Notice that NONE of this is for resell. Me, me, me!
It's starting to snow right now. I have a ton of errands to do today, but now I must sit by the TV and wiat for them to annouce the school closings. The school in the next town (8 minutes away) is closing in 15 minutes - but no word on our schools yet. DH drove an hour away to deliver bread to a school and they were already closed. Now, won't he be a happy camper all day?!?!?!?
Here's what I ended up buying:
Birdhouse made from a gourd - $3.00
Denim vestw/ cargo pockets for me- 50¢
Pocket Doll from 1985- 50¢
6 old Mini Aluminum Jell-O Molds - 50¢ (I have too many of these, and am not supposed to buy anymore. )
Oklahoma Sooners Glass - 50¢
Stack of Country Living Mags - FREE
Went to another thrift on the way to school. They are SO expensive. Almost every knick-knack is $8.00. This store will well things that are "K's Collection" whcih is from the Dollar Tree for $3.00. Hellloooo?
Stack of Country Living Mags - $1.25 I don't normally pay for mags, but since I got about 10 for free earlier, I figured $1.25 for about 20 total wasn't bad.
*Notice that NONE of this is for resell. Me, me, me!
It's starting to snow right now. I have a ton of errands to do today, but now I must sit by the TV and wiat for them to annouce the school closings. The school in the next town (8 minutes away) is closing in 15 minutes - but no word on our schools yet. DH drove an hour away to deliver bread to a school and they were already closed. Now, won't he be a happy camper all day?!?!?!?
Sunday, February 05, 2006
My Saturday Deals
I went to a thrift yesterday. I spent $12.50 but nothing to get excited about. DS got a new bathrobe, denim jacket (courtesy of my Mom), Bahama's shirt and an LL Bean shirt. All brand new looking. He has a huge collection of shirts form all over the world. He's never been anywhere but thriftng!
Went to Dillon's to get some of their ad specials. Louis Rich Hot Dogs were Buy One Get/One Free. That is a good deal, but these are also the very best hot dogs and I have trouble finding them anywhere usually. They also had one of their cheap pop and chips deals going. 24 packs of Pepsi were 2/$10.00. Lays, Doritoes, Cheetoes, Fritoes (anything 'eetos!), etc/ were 4/$8.00. Buy 24 pks. for $10.00 and four bakgs of chips for $8.00 - total $18.00. Then the register takes $5.00 off for a total of $13.00 THEN there is a $10.00 mail-in rebate for a total of $3.00. On some of the 24 packs were coupons for Buy a 24 Pack get a free bag of Lay's. The coupons expired 1/31/06 so I just left it on there. The checker took it off and subtracted one of the bag of chips. I didn't say anything aobut it being expired, because Dillon's has taken expired coupons before if they are on their products and you didn't bring it in. Whne I checked my receipt at home, the checker had actually taken off $6.99 - the cost of the Pepsi BEFORE sale prices. So, it won't even cost me $3.00 for this deal - I will be ahead $3.99.
Super Bowl Sunday is today. I could care less about the game - but we always have a party with the three of us and at lest enjoy the commercials. Yeah - Go WHOEVER!
Went to Dillon's to get some of their ad specials. Louis Rich Hot Dogs were Buy One Get/One Free. That is a good deal, but these are also the very best hot dogs and I have trouble finding them anywhere usually. They also had one of their cheap pop and chips deals going. 24 packs of Pepsi were 2/$10.00. Lays, Doritoes, Cheetoes, Fritoes (anything 'eetos!), etc/ were 4/$8.00. Buy 24 pks. for $10.00 and four bakgs of chips for $8.00 - total $18.00. Then the register takes $5.00 off for a total of $13.00 THEN there is a $10.00 mail-in rebate for a total of $3.00. On some of the 24 packs were coupons for Buy a 24 Pack get a free bag of Lay's. The coupons expired 1/31/06 so I just left it on there. The checker took it off and subtracted one of the bag of chips. I didn't say anything aobut it being expired, because Dillon's has taken expired coupons before if they are on their products and you didn't bring it in. Whne I checked my receipt at home, the checker had actually taken off $6.99 - the cost of the Pepsi BEFORE sale prices. So, it won't even cost me $3.00 for this deal - I will be ahead $3.99.
Super Bowl Sunday is today. I could care less about the game - but we always have a party with the three of us and at lest enjoy the commercials. Yeah - Go WHOEVER!
Friday, February 03, 2006
Bargains at Wal-Mart
If you have a Wal-Mart near you, you might want to check out the toy aisle for markdowns. They always markdwon lots of toys around the first of February. My son had always gotten very nice Valentine's Day gifts due to this. DH and I were there Wednesday and the lady was scanning and marking things while we shopped. We were the only ones on the aisle and had our pick of everything. We got a LeapFrog
I-Quest which was $64.99 for $8.00. We got two cartridges for it for $5.00 each. They were $14.99 each. This is so you can download your child's actual textbook and it will quiz him and review him on material from his book. The cartridges are good for 6th - 8th grades. He's only in 4th grade - but it still has lots of random spelling games, science quizes and social study questions. It also has a calculator, agenda, calendar, appointment schedule, etc. in it. (He entered his Valentine's Day party with an alarm to go off just in case we forget about it - Not like I haven't been planning for it and getting ready for it for weeks!) He can use the cartridges when he is in the appropriate grade.
I also bought him a Plug-In Play Frogger game (from the good old 1980's) for $3.00. I think it was about $19.99 at Christmas time. This is tucked away in the closet for a "You Did Good" or a "It'll Get Better" spur of the moment gift. I got a friend some Power Ranger Sound Gloves (**Swoosh**Crash**Kaboom!**) for $1.50 that were $9.99. By friend, I mean his freind. My friends are not into Power Rangers. Well, some of them are...
Hint of the Day: Buy toys and games NOW while they are cheap! Save them for birthday gifts for your kids, birthday parties, Christmas gifts, Toys For Tots, etc.
I-Quest which was $64.99 for $8.00. We got two cartridges for it for $5.00 each. They were $14.99 each. This is so you can download your child's actual textbook and it will quiz him and review him on material from his book. The cartridges are good for 6th - 8th grades. He's only in 4th grade - but it still has lots of random spelling games, science quizes and social study questions. It also has a calculator, agenda, calendar, appointment schedule, etc. in it. (He entered his Valentine's Day party with an alarm to go off just in case we forget about it - Not like I haven't been planning for it and getting ready for it for weeks!) He can use the cartridges when he is in the appropriate grade.
I also bought him a Plug-In Play Frogger game (from the good old 1980's) for $3.00. I think it was about $19.99 at Christmas time. This is tucked away in the closet for a "You Did Good" or a "It'll Get Better" spur of the moment gift. I got a friend some Power Ranger Sound Gloves (**Swoosh**Crash**Kaboom!**) for $1.50 that were $9.99. By friend, I mean his freind. My friends are not into Power Rangers. Well, some of them are...
Hint of the Day: Buy toys and games NOW while they are cheap! Save them for birthday gifts for your kids, birthday parties, Christmas gifts, Toys For Tots, etc.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
A Few Buys This Week
I went to the Attic Thrift Store on Wednesday. I spent $2.50 - I spent $1.00 for a Foregin Military looking scarf, two books for DS for $1.50 and a keychain from Venusula for 10¢ for DS. Went to the Salvation Army twice this week. I got a Teddy Bear that makes noises like inside the womb for 75¢ and a Hawaiian Sugar Buddie doll from C&H Sugar for 75¢. I didn't buy anything the second time. DH works next door to the Salvation Army, so I find myself down there quite often.
Today I went to the Dollar Tree and they had just filled up the scrapbooking section with all new stuff. Ack! I bought 26 things. That's $26.00! But, the same things at Hobby Lobby would have been at least $3.00 each and I would NOT have bought them at that price. I got my latest order from Snapfish today, so I have lots of pictures to scrapbook. (I always made fun of scrapbooking - but I do enjoy it!)
I saw a sign for a Yard Sale tomorrow. I think it's at a house where this guy has a sale twice a year and only sells fishing, hunting and tool items. Not my speed. But, it's a good sign - Spring Sales are on the way.
My Flea Market is picking up - rent was due yesterday too. I need to find some nice tall backless shelves to put in the window so I can load them with things. Lord knows I have the things!
Today I went to the Dollar Tree and they had just filled up the scrapbooking section with all new stuff. Ack! I bought 26 things. That's $26.00! But, the same things at Hobby Lobby would have been at least $3.00 each and I would NOT have bought them at that price. I got my latest order from Snapfish today, so I have lots of pictures to scrapbook. (I always made fun of scrapbooking - but I do enjoy it!)
I saw a sign for a Yard Sale tomorrow. I think it's at a house where this guy has a sale twice a year and only sells fishing, hunting and tool items. Not my speed. But, it's a good sign - Spring Sales are on the way.
My Flea Market is picking up - rent was due yesterday too. I need to find some nice tall backless shelves to put in the window so I can load them with things. Lord knows I have the things!
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