While we were out today, we did see something that really got to me and made me have a little crying session in the car. We spotted a convoy of huge military vehicles coming in with pallets and pallets of bottled water and canned food. I've seen that on the news other places, but to see it in your hometown, well, that really got to me. Made me want to come home, put the flag out and realize how lucky we are to have gotten through everything okay and with minor crud to deal with over the next few
What is a monkeybox?
When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.
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Saturday, January 31, 2009
More Icy Photos and a Surprise at the End
While we were out today, we did see something that really got to me and made me have a little crying session in the car. We spotted a convoy of huge military vehicles coming in with pallets and pallets of bottled water and canned food. I've seen that on the news other places, but to see it in your hometown, well, that really got to me. Made me want to come home, put the flag out and realize how lucky we are to have gotten through everything okay and with minor crud to deal with over the next few
Friday, January 30, 2009
Burnin' Down the House
This plane flew over the house yesterday and I begged for it to land and take me somewhere tropical, but to no avail. That's okay, I'll just assume it was Oceanic 815.
I'll be back when and if I can. Thanks again to everyone and to those in the same boat - I feel for ya! And, please let tomorrow be a regular old day!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ice Storm 2009
Trees across the street from my house.
Weeping willow encrusted in ice. Really awesome.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thrifty FridayThursday Finds
Thank heavens I got to make a thrift run this morning, so the day wasn't a total waste.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Digging in Junk
Since we were home watching the Inaugural festivities all day, I decided to tackle some of the boxes in my so called "Office" (aka "The Junk Room") that had been in the depths of the closet for longer than I can remember. When I first started thriifting for ebay items, I bought vintage things and packed them away until I got them listed. Then something terrible happened - I found out that I liked, no, make that loved, all things vintage. So, selling my finds became less likely to happen and I kept more and more. Ooopsie. I know that none of you have ever done this....
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I (Heart) Making Stuff
I've never really considered myself a crafter. But, I do love making things. I get an idea for something and I make it. I mostly make holiday things as my house is bursting with regular stuff, but I can always seem to justify another holiday decoration. In the past year now that I am home, a LOT, I have made more and more things. What with the housework and homeschooling, I have found that making something is something that I can do by myself for me. And, so I do. There's glitter in the crevices of the lower kitchen cabinets and hot glue remnants on the carpet, but that's okay. I have a busy mind and busy hands.
First I devised these mini cones. I've always made bigger cones, but I wanted to make smaller ones just to see if I could. I think it turned out cute. I especially like the "SMOOCH" on the handle. "Smooch" was one of The Beans first words. I massed produced 15 of these guys. My first mass produced item.
A Valentine's paperweight. Several years ago I bought a packet of school photos of two sisters from Kindergarten to 8th grade. I have doubles of each photo in three sizes and of both sisters. So, I have a lot of these photos. I particularly liked the smile in this photo, so I placed it inside the paperweight with a piece of scrapbooking paper that looks like an old journal and some hearts. I added in the "L-O-V-E" cut from another piece of scrapbooking paper and it was done. The back is lined in red felt and the outer rim has red rick rack around the edges. I think it is simple, but cute.
Tonight I started a collage using another photo of the same girl in the paperweight. I wonder where that little girl is now and how old she is now. Wouldn't she be amazed that I am using her in my crafting fodder and posting her on my blog
I spied some sweet little dollies on another blog - all made from bits and bobs and yard sale finds. They were just so stinkin' cute, I just couldn't believe it. I immediately started digging in the craft bins and the holiday bins pulling out anything red, white, pink or Valentine-y. I pulled out enough to make roughly 10,000 dolls, (ha) but have only made two so far with another in progress. The ones on the other blog are still cuter than mine, but I am working on it!
Hmmmm....what shall I make tomorrow?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Yet Another Cat Post

That's not to say that I don't love my other two cats. I do. I really do. It's just that Little Lady has needed my attention lately. I'd love to show a photo of Tiger looking all alert and full of energy. But, that ain't gonna happen. This is how we see him 99% of the time. In fact, as I write this, he is asleep on the couch in a bed I made for myself complete with a quilt and pillow. he even has his head on the pillow like I made the darn bed just for him!
Here's Pity, doing what she does best - getting ready to go to bed. I swear to you, she can tell time. At exactly 10:15 every night, she comes into my office (aka THE JUNK PIT) gives me a very loud "MEW" and runs to the bed. She knows when it is time to go to bed.
It's amazing the love we get from our pets, isn't it? What we would do without our cats and dogs and birds or whatever fuzzy cuddly or even scaly and slimy pet you may have. Thank you for your love, kitties. Even you Tiger, who really only loves Daddy.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Sticky Situation
I steal stickers off watermelons in the fruit bin at the grocery store. Whew. I said it out loud. I am a thief. Actually, it's funny - the one pictured on the cover of my Sticker Book is actually a vintage one I paid for on ebay. I guess I'm not a total thief!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Some Finds, A Gift & A Project
Find #1: Donvier Ice Cream Maker - $1.00. A good deal, right?
Okay, so it only makes one half pint of ice cream. It's a little one serving maker, and oh so cute. We have the larger variety and rarely, okay, never use it. I thought this would be fun to play around with and make a little treat now and then. We like to take a Kool-Aid single packet, add half the amount of water and give it a spin in the Donvier. It makes a tasty slush in a couple of minutes.
Find #2: What the ?????
At this particular thrift, they have these huge bins where they dump clothes and everything is 50¢ an item or 3/$1.00. I never look in the bins because people are always crowded around them digging and I don't really go looking for clothes anyway. But, recently I have been buying wool sweaters for felting, so I have been digging in the bin looking for sweaters. Last week I reached into the bin and pulled out a vintage tablecloth! A tablecloth in the clothes bin. Oh, No! How many have I missed not knowing this. (Tell me none, tell me none!) I gave it a good soaking and the stains came right out, including what appeared to be big cranberry sauce stain right in the center. Love the horses and covered bridges on the sides (not pictured).
Last week I had a Royal Gift bequeathed to me. Chris at Yardsalequeen saw these vintage-y rusty old ornaments and immediately thought of me. I love them! Thank you Queen. (There will come a day when I will not want people to think old and rusty and then Shara.)
Have you been digging for junk or creating anything lately?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Weeeee're Off To See

My Mother's birthday present this year (or rather last year - December 11th) was tickets to see the touring production of The Wizard of Oz. This was what we refer to as a girl's day out, but The Bean is included. (Don't tell him we think of him as "one of the girl's).
The Wizard of Oz has always been one of my Mom's absolute favorite movies, with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" being a special song for her. She even had it played at her wedding on the giant pipe organ. It was beautiful. I love the Wizard of Oz too. Well, now I love it. There was a time back in my Junior High days (before Ted Turner bought the rights to the Wizard of Oz) when it was only on the Friday night after Thanksgivng. Remember that? Friday night to me, was roller skating in my Dee Cee Painters paints with my coordinating Dee Cee Polo shirt and matching colored pompoms on my skates. Every Friday night I was at the skating rink; skating, being with my friends, looking at the boys, you know typical girl stuff.
But, on the Friday after Thanksgiving we had to stay home and watch The Wizard of Oz.
"Oh, puhleeeeeeeeze, can't we go skating?"
No, The Wizard of Oz is only on once a year, we have to watch it.
Oh My God, it was the end of my LIFE!
Until the next week when we went back and I wore my red Dee Cee Painter's pants and my red and yellow stirped polo shirt. Ah, good times, good times.
I digress. Back to the Wizard of Oz.