*****We have a winner for the giveaway: It's none other than
Misselaineous of Love to Junk. Hey I love to junk too! And, I have junk - LOTS of JUNK! Congrats Elaine - I will be in touch soon!****** Also, THANK YOU to everyone that commented and left such sweet notes. I really do enjoy wrinting this blog and it makes me happy to think that just one person might be reading it. Thank you again. Here's to another 600!
I've been playing with my pottery and rearranging my things this week. I know it's a lot all crammed into one bookshelf, but at least it isn't in tubs in the garage and not being enjoyed. I finally took my miniature pots out of their basket and put them out on display too.

Yowza, thatsa lotta pottery. I have little invested in it all - I don't think I have ever paid more than $1.00 for any of the large white pottery or 50¢ for the little ones.

That big handmade oak splint basket basket came out of someone's trash. I keep my gazing ball in it in the winter to keep it safe from the cold and ice. Good thing or last week would have been the last of it. *Smash!* It kind of goes with my fishing net bobber collection. Those glass balls on spindles are actually snowglobes that I found for 90% after Christmas. You can't see the snow, so I added them in for color.

I never realized how many of my miniature pots have green in them until I got them all out. That little green one with the leaf imprint on it is signed "1937" in shaky handwriting.

Love those pink Shawnee baby booties. That reminds me, I have a whole collection of Shawnee shoes somewhere.....Oye.

Too much pottery for one shelf - so I threw it in a metal gym basket. Add in some spindles, some more marble eggs and some old rulers and it is done. I like it anyway.
I did a wee bit of thrifting this week - only two good items to report, but two good ones.

A nice heavy piece of Floraline pottery. I knew it was a Floraline when I spotted it at the thrift and held my breath until I could find the price. That thrift can be a little iffy - maybe it would be $5.00 or maybe $10.00 or maybe 50¢. Lucky, lucky me - it was only $1.00! And, as you can plainly see, I need more pottery!

This was a stellar find at the Super Cheap Thrift. This is super heavy iron with thick, thick glass - I bet it weighs about 20 pounds. I have seen these at Hobby Lobby for $129.00 a few weeks ago and thought they were cool. I paid...wait for it.....5 bucks. I KNOW! For now, it's on top of the wall unit with a rooster sitting in it. When I was at Hobby Lobby I also spotted a huge Robin's Egg in the Easter decor. It was as big as a cantaloupe. I can just see it in a big nest in here. Must watch for 50% off Easter at Hobby Lobby...... When I paid for it, the ladies told me that it had just came in a few minutes ago. They said that one lady brought an entire truck of "very nice things".
Gee, I better go tomorrow to see if I can find some more "very nice things!"
I love your thrift store finds. I wish I could go with you to look for some "very nice things". I went to the Salvation Army yesterday to look for some baskets. Wowza, they are so over priced but better prices than new. I found three baskets that suited my needs. Then I found a pretty "hat" style box labeled "crabtree and evelyn". Are you familar with them? It is high end lotions and other stuff. So, I opened the box and walla it was full of unopened lotions, hand therapy, shower gel and a soap bar. That was $5 BUT the price tag from the store was on the bottom and it was...$50! I know! Then I also picked up a fluted bundt cake pan by Nordic ware USA. It has the number 1 on it under the "nordic ware" label. It is a pretty goldenish greenish color. But boy do I wish I could go thrifting or junking with you. I am going to look you up if we ever travel your way!
ReplyDeleteGreat collections! I love white pottery. I go through phases, at times I like white, then green, sometimes it's blue...and then again, I love it all!
ReplyDeleteI bought a large white vase today, but think I'll put it on etsy...or my shop if I ever get it done.:) I can't find a place in my house to sit this vase. I wish I had a larger house, or I could thin out my collections. Every time I do, I get more stuff. Maybe that is where the fun is for me?
Your collections are so very cool. I love your displays of them.
ReplyDeleteLove your collections! I like the colored snow globes on top of the wool spindles. I have a bunch of spindles, but I always thought I would use them for candlesticks, but I like your idea! Where did you find colored snow globes? I don't think I have ever seen any.
PS Love your thrift store finds; I too have a 'super cheap thrift' that I never know what will be waiting for me! Don't you just love the ladies who buy the 'very nice things' and then get tired of them, and donate them, so they can buy (retail, of course) some more 'very nice things'! LOL!
Good Morning Shara!!! OMG!! I won! I won!! Alright, enough exclamation points!!!!! :o} I woke up this morning with a headache, and feelin' kinda cranky cause I couldn't even check my email with the head hurting. Finally got rid of the head, and decided to read my morning coffee blogs first....and what did I see but your comment on my blog! Thank you Shara! I'm on my way over to my email, so I'll be talking to you soon!! Thanks for perking up my Saturday morning! *elaine*
ReplyDeleteGREAT FINDS! But what I'm really loving is your new 'watermelon colored' background w/ the alabaster-melon header - nice.
ReplyDeleteThat terrarium thingy is NEATO! Great find. You will be able to make the neatest vignettes in that with all of your goodies. I know I've seen photos of those in decorating mags. Ooh, and what you'll be able to do for Christmas with it all filled up with colored Shiny Brites? Pretty!
ReplyDeleteAnd Easter is out at Hobby Lobby, you say? I've been home all week with an invalid hubby and I need to get OUT OF THIS HOUSE so I think I've just found my escape!