I ended up with 12 conditioners, 8 shampoos and twenty radios all for a grand total of $19.00. For me that is a great deal and a good savings on something that I buy everytime I shop for my family. At full price the twenty bottles would have cost me $57.80 and I wouldn't have gotten all the free radios either! I plan to add the radios to goodie bags for my son's birthday party. So, I saved $38.80 on the shampoo and I have all those fun little radios to boot! The radios sell for $1.00 at The Dollar Tree, so that's a $20.00 value added to my deal!

In the toy department I found two packs of Hot Wheels Holiday Racer Monster Trucks. They were priced at $4.99, but scanned at 29¢. I also found Mini Magna Doodles with a backpack clip priced at $6.99 but scanning at 49¢. I bought twelve packs of the Monster Trucks to add to DS's goody bags and four of the Magna Doodles. Last week at Wal-Mart I bought 24 of the Tootsie Roll Banks full of Tootsie Rolls for 25¢ each for the goody bags too. I search all year long for birthday prizes, decorations and goody bag fillers. The kids and parents are all shocked when they see all the gooides I bestow on the kids. But, with my deal hunting and shopping ahead - I actually spend less than they do when they shop at the Dollar Tree at the last minute.
I want to come to his B-day Party!!