When I was little my family would go to all the craft fairs. I would see these dolls that were called Topsy Turvy dolls - it was Lille Red Riding Hood on one "end". Then flip her skirt over her head and it is Grandma - turn her night cap over and it is the big, bad wolf. I always wanted one of these dolls. And, I don't know why I never got one - I don't think I ever asked for one, or I probably would have gotten one. I never asked for much and what I did ask for I usually got from Santa or for my birthday. Anyway, at my favorite cheap thrift last Saturday I found one of these dolls. She's handmade, which is the type I always wanted. And, the even better part, she was priced at the magic amount of 25¢.

Yesterday I went to Target and cruised the Halloween stuff looking to see if I wanted to go back for the 50%, 75% or 90% off sales. Verdict - yep. DS loves goofy t-shirts, PJ bottoms and boxers and I can normally stock up for pennies at the 90% off sale.
DH took me to one of my thrifts yesterday too. I say he "took me" because I have bum knee that goes out of whack occassionally and it is out of whack right now. He delivered me right to the door and picked me up when I was done. What service! I found this awesome old picnic basket for $4.00. It has 1960's mushroom motif contact paper on the inside, but that is long gone by now. The little handmade crows are so sweet. DS's Indian name is Crow Walker - so I am always on the prowl for crows. I picked up on priced $1.00 and was happy to pay $1.00 for each of them. But, when I checked out one was priced 50¢, so they only charged me $1.00 for both of them. Deal! The little piece of potery is for my collection of miniature handmade pottery. That was 25¢. The beautiful blueish purplish pottery bowl was from the Salvation Army the day before for only $2.00. It is very heavy and so beautiful. I'm going to fill it with my new love - Vanilla Tootsie Rolls. Mmmmmm.

Yesterday I went to Target and cruised the Halloween stuff looking to see if I wanted to go back for the 50%, 75% or 90% off sales. Verdict - yep. DS loves goofy t-shirts, PJ bottoms and boxers and I can normally stock up for pennies at the 90% off sale.

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