I'm no longer sticky. I live in the Stone Ages and still wash my dishes by hand everyday. It came off while I was scrubbing pots and pans. But, I was getting nervous there for a minute. I didn't have any Goo Gone or Nail Polish Remover, so I was beginning to panic. Thanks for the advice! ;o)
Took The Bean and The Breadman to the doctor on Sunday morning at the After Hours Emergency Clinic. They both have the flu. Eh gads. The doctor walked in and said, "Oh, the whole family is sick, huh?" And I said, "Well, not me". And he looked over his glasses at me and said, "Well, not yet, anyway." Gee thanks Doc. After he wrote out a prescription for the men, he surprised me and handed me a prescription too. Saved me from getting sick and having to go back for another doctor's visit (and bill, of course). They take Tamiflu twice a day for five days and I take it once a day for seven days. I take it longer than them, and I'm not even sick. Preventative, I suppose. The Pharmacist warned that it was bad on the stomach so be sure to eat with it. The Bean ate half a grilled cheese, took his pill, then another half of grilled cheese, so it was well protected in him tummy. The Breadman decided to drink broth and take his pill. Consequently, he began hurling about 9:30 and did so for three hours after that. Ten times in all. The Bean has had a 101.9 fever for about three days. The doctor said that is good.
Good? He said that the fever will cook the flu out of him, so let the fever go untreated unless it hits 103. So, I have been taking his temperature every ten minutes for three days watching it flucuate from 101.9 to 102.8.
Have I mentioned that I am ready to move out for a few days?
So, thank Goodness for Happy Mail to get me through all this...
Last week this lovely box of Shiny Brite ornaments and Santas arrived at my doorstep from
Yard sale Princess. She had emailed me saying that she had somehting in her collection that she wanted to send me for my Valentine Tree. This is what she sent:

Can you see her Jar O' Sprinkles hat? Tooooo dadgum cute for words. She fits in perfectly on my tree. Thank you LeAnne. Check out her blog, Digging For Treasure, she's a saler, a junker and an all around nice gal.

This lovely quilted wall hanging came from Jennifer at
What I Did At School Today for the Sweet Goodness Hanging Hearts Swap. Jennifer is a former Art teacher, so I was a bit apprehensive about desiging ART for her! I love this quilted heart with the star behind it. She had commented on my stars in the living room and said she might be able to use that idea. And, she DID!

Look! The back is almost as pretty as the front. Jennifer is about to have a baby, so drop on over and wish her well.

And, then on another day, the mailman brought me a surprise from
Christy. She had found a stray crocheted watermelon potholder at her thrift and thought of me. Anyone new to my blog might finding it weird, I mean, interesting, that I collect crocheted watermelon potholders. I think I am nearing about 50. They are all in a basket neatly organized waiting for inspiration someday. Christy also included a recipe book for Green Tomatoes. The Breadman is all hyped to make ChowChow this summer. Let me rephrase that, he is all hyped to
eat ChowChow this summer. Thank you Christy for thinking of me out of the blue when you spotted that watermelon potholder. It's in good hands now.

And, lastly, this is my swap from
Dee. If you weren't able to participate in any of these swap heart boxes this year, I strongly advice you jump in early next year and sign up. Getting these boxes of little treasures in the mail was just pure joy for those of us that love all things itty, bitty, teeny and tiny. And, cute! I forgot cute!

There were tons of goodies in the box - this is just a sampling of my very favorites. On the left there are two small plastic devils that are quite possibly one of the cutest things I have ever laid eyes on... If devils can be considered cute, that is!

And inside the package were even more goodies - a vintage Valentine that I LOVE, a mini heart shaped pan, vintage Valentine hankie, lots of cut-outs and lots of other goodies.

My first Vintage Valentine. I love it. I want to marry it!
Today the maillady brought a package from
Sarah that contained fourteen Valentine's from very crafty and some very famous Bloggers. Check out Sarah's blog for pictures and linksto some of them. So much talent out in Blogville. I can't believe I actually own things from some of these talented gals.
Hope you've had some Happy Mail too. And, if you haven't gotten any Happy Mail, I hope you don't get the flu.
'Hand dishes'....eeewe... that is one I haven't tried - and hope not to have to!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Goodies you've been getting in the mail! That should help brighten you SICK HOUSE!!!! Hope everyone is better soon so that Doctor Mom can take a break 8-)
Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog The Nuthouse. I have come across several Shara's since I started blogging. While in Canada a couple of years ago I ran into a Shara in real life at a Pizza Hut! I was amazed to find that you have a son Christopher. It would seem that we have more than just a name in common. I will add you to my blogroll. I'll stop by from time to time and hope you will do the same when you have time.
ReplyDeleteOOHHH! such pretty stuff you got in the mail. I must get in on that valentine swap next year!!!! Let me know if you hear of any great easter swaps!
ReplyDeleteI am glad to hear you got the same fever advice as I was getting. It's crazy how much they change their minds about medicine these days. (They told me not to panic even if Jack's fever hit 106! Crazy).