What is a monkeybox?

When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!

It's been raining for over a week now. Every single stinking day. We finally left the house yesterday to go pick up some groceries, but other than that, home has been the place to be. We had torrential rain last week which caused flooding at the end of the street. People got stuck in the flood in their cars and houses were flooded. Luckily, we sit up on top of the hill, so our house was fine. I so could not bear my junk getting wet and icky.
In addition to the flooding, the city is putting in all new sewer lines which has finally arrived to our neighborhood. We had a flyer in our mailbox alerting us that they would have to dig up the street, so we would need to go around the back way (about 3/4 of a mile) for a day or possibly two. Today was Day Number Eight. It's not that big of a deal, but it is hard to remember to go this way when I have been going that way for 15 years. One more fun thing - twice a day, they do something to the sewer lines and our entire house shakes and emits a hue fart-like sound. It is really scary and surprises us every time.
So, between the rain, the flooding and the rerouting of traffic, I haven't been thrifting or yard saling. No new treasures to share. No stories to report. Boo hoo for me. :D
I have been able to drag out all the Halloween decorations. Here's another "new to me" kind of display that I made.
I found the crows at The Dollar Tree this year. I bought about ten of them, but I have ideas for them throughout the year. Notice the one on the top shelf is wearing a silver crown. The honeycomb pumpkins all came from the Dollar Tree too. Four in a pack or one buck. Sarah showed these fun Silhouettes on her blog not long ago. I printed all three of them and framed them in some black frames that I had picked up about a month ago at.....you guessed it.....The Dollar Tree. (You gotta love The Dollar Tree!) The Bean had picked out the orange Christmas ornaments after Christmas at Hobby Lobby last year. I couldn't figure out how on earth I was going to incorporate ORANGE into my vintage pink-ish Christmas motif. I remembered them when I was making this display and added them in. I like the pop of color and shine they add.

One last thing - it's not a great photo, but I took it without a flash so the lights would show. I got these Martha Stewart paper globes at Big Lots for $2.00. I didn't know how I would use them, so I threw them in the garage for "someday". I hate light cords running up walls, so I never add lights on my old windows. These globes are great - they have LED lights, so they are pretty bright and they run on two AA Batteries. I have a feeling these will be making their way into much of my future holiday and non-holiday decor.

I'll be back with more Halloween decor and *cross your fingers* some thrifty finds. Rain, rain, GO AWAY!

***More rain forecasted for three more days. Then, it gets sunny......and FREEZING COLD. Where, oh where, did Fall GO?


  1. Hey Shara...BOO hiss to the constant rain, been there done that...had the almost flooded barn to show for it several years ago. Even the cats were getting moldy! We have had unseasonably hot and humid...so humid it's hard to breathe...but happily they are saying cool & sunny this weekend...oh please let them be right. Our sale is Saturday & I would love to talk to customers without dripping on their $$!!!! So together now...rain rain go away, brighten Shara's Thursday and take MissE's humidity to California!! Love the window w/the MS globes! *e*

  2. You said FART! Why is that a funny word that makes me gigglesnort?

  3. If only you could send some of that rain to South Florida! We would trade you our yucky 90 degree heat! Where or where is FALL??? I find it on your blog where your crows and pumpkins are very cheery. Hang in there!

  4. you know, i was thinking--you love junk, you love yard sales, and you love the dollar tree...do you think we were separated at birth?

  5. oh and another thing--your house is farting--i just love that idea...

  6. Crows at the Dollar Tree, you say? {screeching sound as Heidi pushes back her chair and runs for the car keys}

  7. I think they look great!

    I wish it were cooler here! Its still in the 90s!

  8. You have rain..I have snow/mushy rain...and I also want to know..Where is Fall??!!
    Love the Halloween and the dollar store items.The window is so fun.
    Deb :)

  9. oops...What is very strange that your WHOLE house moves and "farts"...I would tell the workers/city about that!!!
    Deb :)

  10. Great blog! I loved looking at all your "junque!" It looks like you have a Christmas "problem" like I do. I found your blog via Carol at Old Glory COttage. How do I start my own Priority Mail Junk SwaP? It's such a clever idea and so much fun...like a junkers twist on the chain letter!

  11. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Lovin' your Halloween decor... we have alot of the same things... I'm also a Dollar Tree Lover, but sadly do not have a Hobby Lobby anywhere near where I live... Had to chuckle at your farting house story... I'll remember that for the next time our old home starts making her weird-o sounds...


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