What is a monkeybox?

When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Estate Sale Finds

There was an Estate Sale not too far from me today. I generally don't go to Estate sales that are run by companies, because things are just priced too high. But, there is a local guy in town that runs an Estate Sale Business and his sales are better than the others. His prices are more reasonable, but still a bit more than I usually pay for things. I found five vintage tablecloths there today, but they ranged from $6.00 to $18.00. Ouch. I usually just go to get into neat old houses and see other people's stuff. Of course, I usually find a treasure to two.

Here's a photo of the wallpaper that lined the hallways. It was a neat old house - four bathrooms, five bedrooms and a maid's quarters like Alice had in The Brady Bunch - off to the side of the kitchen. it had an attic and a basement. There are no basements in Arkansas, so that was neat to see. Although I didn't go down there. I cannot walk down backless stairs. The boogie man will get my ankles! Here's the website for the Estate Sale - See anything you want?
Estate Sale

My finds:
An old box of Cotton buds with non splintering wooden stems for 50¢. Ouch wooden Q-tips!

I remember these silly plastic figures from Ben Franklin when I was a kid. At 25¢ a piece, I grabbed them up for nostalgia's sake.

I bought this box of old paper for $1.00 mostly because I liked the wonderful old lithographed label.

And, when I got it home, I found this package under it with this old lithographed label. Two for one!
There was a Rubbermaid tote with some old junky toys in it for $5.00. I dug out the wooden blocks and asked if I could just buy them. I think he charged me $1.00. I've never heard of a few of those Disney Characters. Practical Pig? Piper Pig?
Hi! This neat old banner was $3.00. I really thought it said "Happy New Year" when I bought it (it was folded up in a box). But, when I hung it up I saw that it said "Happy Anniversary". It is neat with its crepe paper fringe and gold glittery letters. I happen to know that you can make "SHARA" out of those letters, so I may reconfigure it and hang it in my office.

The real reason I went - My quest for Vintage Christmas. Which I need like a hole in the head. This is a door sign from a store. "Come in and Browse". LOVE IT!
Lots of pretty sparkle-y vintage-y Christmas goodness. I adore the little ornaments when I find them in their original boxes. I paid $4.00 for everything.
Loooong strands of Mercury Beads. I have only found one string ever, so this was an exciting find for me. The things that make me happy.....
After the Estate Sale we went to one of my thrifts because I still had a hankering to dig and I really needed to use the bathroom! There are only a few thrifts where I will use the bathroom. The Salvation Army is a BIG NO NO. NEVER.

I saw the lady pushing a cart of things to put out and noticed there were a few baggies of what appeared to be old sewing items. So, what did I do? I followed her!
I bought five baggies full of things and found the old sewing basket on the way to check out. Then the lady came and found me and offered me another baggie full for $1.50. I paid $5.50 total for the sewing basket, several old wooden spools of thread, old pincushion, various trims, four wooden needle shuttles, a STERLING thimble, a bunch of bone or ivory crochet or tatting needles and several other very old nice items. I am happy that I found it all and put it back together. I don't know why they pieced it all out like that anyway.

Lastly, for 50¢, a bag full of old wooden puzzle pieces. I think the states would make interesting pins.


    The horror of it! That would be almost as bad as 'No Attic'!! (almost... not quite.)

  2. ohhhhhh! I am jealous! Although, I did get five boxes of vintage Christmas goodies at my thrift store today! Ornaments, beads, an old stocking...so much stuff! But it is mostly for selling at my shop! I have your enamel dish! The exact same one that you have, with the red edges!! LOVE IT!

  3. Great Christmas - especially that garland! I had to TOTALLY LAUGH that you cannot go down "backless stairs"...the thought of the boogie man getting your ankles! I will never go down in the basement of an estate sale without thinking of you - but I'll still go down...I'm not afraid of the boogie man when there could be a treasure down there!!! You are a riot.

  4. Piper Pig and Practical Pig are two of the "3 little pigs", with the big bad wolf. I didn't know until recently that they had NAMES, but I can't remember the
    3rd one.

    It would have been even scarier if you had waited until TOMORROW to go down those basement stairs.

  5. Anonymous3:07 AM

    I like your idea of re-vamping the vintage banner into your name for your office... that will look neat! I'm green with envy over your sewing basket 'n goodies inside... great score on that!
    I'm not fond of the Boogie Man, either... tee~heeee...
    Have a Magical
    and Enchanting
    Halloween !!!

    ~ blessings ~

  6. Wow! Such great finds. I love the old puzzle pieces. Buttons are a cute idea, but you could also turn them into magnets. Stan

  7. I may have said this before, but my hometown in northern Minnesota still has a Ben Franklin :) I wonder how many of them are still around?

    Wonderful finds as always, Shara!!

  8. Love it all, especially the sewing stuff. The state pins - what an excellent idea.

  9. One of these days I WILL get to thrift with you! Amazing finds as always.

    I always thought those state puzzle pieces would make an interesting craft challenge. hint hint


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