What is a monkeybox?

When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Happy Birthday, Bean!

Happy Birthday to The Bean!
The Bean is Fourteen! (The Mama is not happy about that!)
Every morning when he comes to tell me Good Morning, I look down to see him. I cannot remember that he is taller than me. I still see him like this:
Kindergarten School Photo. My boy. That shirt! My Goodness!Fourteen and growing up. Still wearing wild shirts though!
And, still my boy!
Happy Birthday, BEAN!
We're off for a day at the park, family, food, cake, presents and FUN!


  1. Happy Birthday Bean!! I hope you have a great day today. You Rock!!

  2. The kindergarten picture is so cute...what a happy look on his face.
    Wishing him a wonderful and amazing birthday!

    When do you get your driving permit??
    HAPPY DAY to T.B. !!!

  4. BAPPY HIRTHDAY Bean.I personally LIKE the skull shirt!!

  5. That is a very cool shirt in the kindergarten portrait! Hope you kept it and made a pillow out of it or something. I know y'all will have a GREAT b'day party!!!

  6. Happy Birthday, Bean! And Happy Birth Day to you! Congratulations on 14 years of motherhood. Well done.

  7. Happy Birthday, Mr. C! Hope the skull party was fun!

    (and kudos to you Shara for raising such a great kid! :)

  8. Happy Birthday, Bean!

  9. Yes..our little boys grow up quickly.Happy Birthday to your son.
    Deb :)

  10. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Happy Birthday Bean! And Shara, you will always see him as that little boy.

  11. Happy Birthday! Hope the party was a blast!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  12. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Happy Birthday - a couple of days late!!!!!! It's funny how we blink our eyes & our kids are grown!


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