What is a monkeybox?

When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.

Thrift Stores in NW Arkansas

Prairie Grove, Arkansas Thrift Store(s)

SCT - The Super Cheap Thrift as I call it.  It's actually called Life Ministries and it is located in Prairie Grove, AR.  It is a Church run thrift and they give out vouchers to people in need.  Things are priced from 10¢ and up. Clothes are usually 50¢ - $1.00 each.  A really nice brand new shirt with tags, might cost you $2.00.  Great prices on knick knacks, books, kitchen ware, etc.  They give you a punch card and each time you spend $10.00 you get a punch.  After ten punches you get $10.00 for free.  I have never gotten a punch card because even though I leave with a huge shopping bag stuffed full every time, I never spend more than a few dollars.  This thrift is one of my very favorite mostly because of the prices and the lovely women that run it on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Prairie Grove is also chockablock full of flea markets and antique stores - at least fifteen all pretty much within eyesight and walking distance of one another.  Not to mention The Junk Ranch held in June and October each year.  


Fayetteville, Arkansas Thrift Stores

Goodwill on MLK: This is the closest thrift store to my house.  I do like Goodwill, but the prices are kind of high.  This store does not do the "baggie" thing like some other Goodwill's do.  They have a TON of clothes and all of it appears to be in nice clean condition.  The perks of a college town thrift, I suppose.  They always have a nice variety of books as well.  I rarely find anything truly vintage there, but I have found a few good things.  I go there at least once a week.  Because you just never know....  The bring most of the carts out full of new merchandise in the afternoon and park them in the aisle.  It's okay to dig.  *edited on 4/44/17:  The prices at this store have gone over the top lately. I am currently boycotting them.  Okay, I still go - I just don't buy!


Goodwill on North College:  This Goodwill is half the size of the one on MLK.  Lots of clothes. This store keeps all holiday items out all year long, so there is always the chance of a vintage holiday find.  This is where I found my pink Christmas tree for TWO DOLLARS.  Woohoo.  They have a good selection of books too. Prices at this Goodwill are a bit more reasonable that the MLK store.


Potters House on North College: I have a love/hate affair with this store.  My first hate is the parking.  It is terrible. Hard to get in and hard to get out of and people have NO common sense about letting you out so they can come in.  But this is a huge store with lots of inventory.  All donations come in the back then go to a sorting center where it is priced and brought back in to sell.  This store has a color coded system where items go on sale at different intervals over a five week period.  After that time, the items are pulled and donated to some other unsuspecting charity.  I have found a good mix of old and vintage things at this store. Because things get discounted weekly, items are usually priced on the higher side, therefore, you really want to see if it will still be there at 25% off or better. It's a gamble to do that if you really want it!  They also make these giant bags full of craft supplies and toys, then price them really high. Like $19.99!  I swear they would make more money if they priced them out individually.  I saw a bag of yarn once so big it was like a beanbag chair.  Who is going to buy THAT for $49.99?  But, price them at $2.00 a skein and I bet they would have sold it all and made MORE money.  But hey, I can't be in charge everywhere, can I? :D  *They have recently upped their prices again.  You can still find goodies.  I'm just cheap.  


The Attic: This has always been my favorite thrift store.  Not so much for the finds, but for the lovely LOL (little old ladies) that run the place.  They have always been SO nice to me and The Bean. They recently vacated the City Hospital and set up in an old store front.  They have very limited space and really seem to focus on clothing donations more that anything else.  I don't go very often anymore and when I do, it is just to visit with my ladies.  The do have a little "antique" section up front, but don't let that scare you away when you look at the prices.  I have scored Pyrex and other sweet vintage things there for very little money.


Salvation Army:  This store is hit and miss.  I like the bric-a-brac as they call it, but this store never has much in that department.  They do get an enormous amount of Christmas that they only put out in Nov/Dec.  Much of it is in tubs and boxes and you just dig and dig.  I like that.  They have a "Antiques Corner" which is usually BAD NEWS at a thrift - but really the prices aren't that high.  A bit more than normal, but no so high that you can't consider it.  They do markdown in that area occasionally too.  The people that work the registers are all super nice and like to see what people buy.  I bought a KFC clock and they saluted the Colonel as I left.  "We're going to miss that guy..."


Habitat for Humanity:  I never go here since it is all building things, paint and lighting and such - but if you are into those things, this is a great place to find them at a STEAL.  *They now have a ton of household items and holiday decorations.  It's on my occasional loop now.


Peace at Home Thrift:  A month ago I wouldn't have even put this thrift on my list.  Very very expensive and not much merchandise.  I stopped in a few weeks ago because I have THRIFT FEVER and it was close.  I was pleasantly surprised - prices were about half what they were before, plus different things were on sale - board games were half off, etc.  I got a really nice big bubble gum machine for $5.00.  I honestly expected it to be $25.00 when I saw it.  It's back on my list!

Springdale, Arkansas Thrift Stores

Compassion Center:  This store is NUTS.  Regular donated items are affordable.  BUT.  They get all sorts of brand new items donated to them by the  Wal-Mart corporate offices and they put super high prices on them.  They currently have those cups that you squeeze and make slushies in them - you know what I mean - Chill Cups, I think?  Anyway, they are $13.88 at Walmart and TWENTY THREE DOLLARS each at the thrift.  This is a Church run store, so I hesitate to say this, but, WHAT THE HELL?  My opinion is this - if you are driving by, stop - you might find something. But don't make a special trip.  *They do have free day old Panera bread on certain days.  Which is kind of a sweet perk.  If you are looking for vintage (PLEASE LEAVE IT FOR ME).  I mean, if you are looking for vintage  - they always price it dirt cheap.  It's weird.  (IF you want to buy any of the "new" Wal-Mart items, you can look them up on your phone and they will sell them to you for the Wal-Mart price.  That way they aren't underselling Wal-Mart and your money goes to the thrift and not WM.) *dited 4/17:  They not longer have the new Walmart merchandise.  The store is sort of in ruins - quite messy and not a lot of new (recently donated, not New, new).  I rarely find much here.  But, if you are driving by, why not stop.


Goodwill:  HUGE store lots of everything.  I think things are priced higher there that at either of the Fayetteville locations.  A huge bonus to this store is that I have NEVER been it here without spotting a group of Duggar's shopping.  I like that.  :)  It's dark in there so I use the flashlight on my keychain to see the bric a brac shelves.  I bought a French Artist Easel for $5.00.  A gorgeous Longaberger picnic basket for $3.00  You can find a treasure there, I think.  Parking is on short demand you I almost always have to park out back and walk all the way around the store which makes me not look at or want to buy anything very big or heavy.  I am lazy.  :)


Hospital Auxiliary:  This was the first thrift store where I ever shopped as a kid.  I swear the same Little Old Ladies are still running it.  Recently, prices went up.  OH MY!  Things that used to be 50¢ are now 65¢!  75¢ items are 85¢.  THE HORRORS.  :)  They wash everything before they sell it and they do get a lot of older stuff.  Not a lot of truly cool vintage stuff like I love, but enough to make me always stop if I am in the area.  Out front they often have the oldest tiniest shopping carts full of random junk.  The signs say, "Items in carriages 10¢"  I really want one of those "carriages".


Samaritan's House:  This store has a good mix of new, old and vintage items.  I noticed that recently their prices have gone down.  That's good because they used to be really HIGH.  Once a month the whole store goes to half off on a weekend - sign up for a mailer and you can go a day early and get everything for half off.  Plus, occasionally for no reason, they will just have an unadvertised half off day.  They get a steady supply of one of my favorite crafting items so I make a trip at least once a month for that.  What is it?  Can't tell you.....sorry.  :) They also get bread from Panera that they give out a few days a week. Also, when you pay, they tell you how many kids your fed with your donation.  I never really think about where the money goes that I spend  - so it is nice to hear that I fed 27 kids a meal.  (A meal is 16¢ due to corporate sponsors and donations.) Store has moved, prices went up and the selection isn't as good.  Still worth an occasional stop.  There is also a Samaritan's House in Rogers that is moving into an abandoned K-mart.  It is going to be HUGE.



  1. Anonymous1:07 AM

    I think it is SO generous of you to share your thrifting spots with the entire internet! Just another reason why I love to read your witty and charming blog.
    A Fan:
    Meredith Brody

  2. M Cotter2:31 PM

    Thanks for all of this info! I often think I would like to thrift shop, but don't know where to start. Also, having chronic health issues limits the amount of walking I can do so a "battle plan" is super helpful! Thanks again for taking the time to do this.


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