
Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Weekend in Junk: Quilts and Pinwheels

It's the middle of winter, there are no yard sales and thrifting on the weekends is usually not the best time to find goodies.  But, every Saturday my desire to go thrifting goes into overdrive and I just HAVE to go out on the hunt.  Luckily the Super Cheap Thrift is open for a few hours on Saturday. Woo-hoo.  The SCT is always good for a bit of junk and it's always, well, SUPER CHEAP.  :)  

First up - these pipe cleaner photo things - I have never seen anything quite like these.  Snoopy and Charlie Brown made out of chenille stems/pipe cleaners and woven into a burlap background.  
Now, hearing that you would think they would be really tacky and not resemble Charlie Brown or Snoopy.  But, they do!  They really do!  They are for sale in in new Instagram Shop.  (Oh, BTW, I opened an Instagram Shop! monkeyboxvintagejunk)  

These giant Dominoes were in a bag and I wasn't really sure what they were - but I am a sucker for game pieces.  These are at least twice as big as regular Dominoes and made out of some sort of heavy plastic. I'm trying to think of a crafty use for them.  The little piggy  came from a different thrift up the road that I rarely visit.  

He is a vintage Relpo planter AND a piggy bank all in one.  I try not to buy baby planters unless they are super, super sweet.  But this one is sweet and different.  It sells for squat, but I paid diddly squat, so it's all good.  ;)

This other thrift that I visited - it is in a tiny town that offers very little else to do while you are there. They have very little merchandise other than clothing and the ladies that run it are often kind of rude. And the whole place kind of smells like feet.  Or maybe it's shoes.  It does not rank high on my list. BUT, lately, I have been getting vibes to go there. I was 3/4 of the way there Saturday, so I went on out just to see.  As usual, it kind of smelled odd and there were five people working the register. They all had to confer on what I was buying  and how much it should cost.  After a pricey sum of $2.60 was decided for my six items, I handed over a twenty which caused tall five of them to put their hands up and step backwards, shaking their heads, "OH, NO we couldn't break a TWENTY!!!!" they said.  I had two one dollar bills and then I went out and raided my Aldi quarter stash and dug a dime out of the console.  They were very, very relieved that I was able to find the correct change. 

My thrifting senses had told me that I might find some tablecloths.  I didn't.  I searched and searched. On my second loop through, I paused at the baby department and spotted two baby quilts.  One was a quilt, but just squares and not that vintage - yet it was cute.  The other was vintage and OH SO darling.  

It has very sweet vintage puppies all over it with fun colorful ears and butts.  Puppy BUTTS.  
I mean, COME ON!

"Blankets are $1.00," said one of the many five clerks.  

There is the other quilt up in the corner - it is brightly quilted on one side and pre-printed pastel quilt pattern on the reverse side.  It will go to the booth.  The puppy quilt will go in my collection.    I also picked up the two doll faces and a book not pictured.  Two baby quilts, a piggy bank/planter, the two doll faces and a book all for $2.60.  You see why I DO go - occasionally.  The gorgeous old books are from Goodwill as well as the long Sentence writing strips.  Surely I can think of something to do with those?

So, just enough as usual - not too much money, not too much stuff - something to keep, something to create with and a few things to sell.  

I have been making some small clipboards out of old children's books.  I bought a big lot of old book covers on Etsy so I wouldn't have any guilt about ruining any books. But then I got hooked and I needed to make MORE.  The books I use have missing pages or have been colored in or ruined in some way.  But, after I used the covers, I still had a pile of sweet book pages left.  I decided to make some pinwheels.  Or, maybe forty pinwheels.  *cough*  :D

This is a book page pinwheel with glittered edges and a Bingo marker center.  I like the bright colors and the glittery edges.  To make a pinwheel you start with a square piece of paper, so I had to cut a strip off each page before I made the pinwheel.  Then I had a big pile of  paper strips.  So, I made a paper book page chain.  It's kind of a sickness.  Waste not, want not.  

Since you need a square piece of paper to start, I stated looking for square things.  When I stopped at the booth yesterday I found square flash cards (in my own booth).  

I added an edge of black glitter before I made the pinwheel, added a milk cap center and a Bingo Marker to cover the tack.  I really like these!  I have some elusive orange BINGO markers that I think would make these fantastic for Halloween.
I think they are sweet in a vase.  I am going to make a bunch of these for both booths, the Block Street Party in May and the Spring Junk Ranch.  

I better get crackin!


  1. I sure wish I knew where there was a super cheap thrift - sigh! I love the baby quilt and other goodies you found. The pinwheels look great in groups in vases.

  2. The pinwheels are great! I think I may even be able to pull them off myself :-)

    As for the baby planters....those things SELL LIKE HOTCAKES on Instagram. I sold 4 last week in a flash sale for $12 each. Lambs are especially popular.


  3. You got some great bargains. I've found my own Super Cheap Thrift shop, but yours might beat mine! Love the pinwheels!

  4. I cannot tell you enough times how much I Looooooove those pinwheels! They are just so happy and I just adore them! So, so cute. I had no idea they made square flash cards, either. It's too bad stripey straws aren't longer because those would look so cute with one for the stem but they're just not long enough, darn it.

  5. Your pinwheels are pintastic! OK, I made that word up, but they are adorable and I bet they sell well for you. The smell feet thrift store sounds like a gem. I want a super cheap thrift store!!!

  6. Oh! I LOVE the black and white pinwheels. They are awesome in the vase. I wish I was closer, I'd be buying a bouquet of them! The doggie quilt is a fabulous find... well worth putting up with the stinky feet smell! Our reasonable thrift is going upscale with their prices.... sniff.sniff... I'm sad.

  7. Oh my, that quilt is just, oh my. Cutest thing ever. I would have to keep that too. I think you should take your sentence strips and in proper old fashioned cursive you could write A is for Anna or B is for Billy. Make a bunch with kids names on them, parents would love them. Except you will have to look up current kids names because nobody names their kid Billy anymore (haha that is my hubbys name. remember the Glen pillow? LOL)

  8. OH your gears justa keep on turning. I'm loving on those pin-wheels!! ...and thinking up variations of my own ?smaller tops w/ Old Wood Chopsticks for handles (just for decoration in a vase)? ?Find some kind of durable material for the top... thin metal/coated wallpaper... and use Fondue Forks for the handles (metal fork part away from top, and could poke into the ground for 'Spring Flowers')? Oh dear, I think that I foresee my next project after my Winter Scrapbooking is done!!!! Good Job :-)

  9. That puppy quilt is just the sweetest thing EVER! Your pinwheels are darling. They look fabulous all grouped together in a vase. The glitter is the perfect touch.

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pinwheels! What a great idea! I want to see the chain, too. And that puppy quilt...may be my favorite of your finds EVER...def in the top three.


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