
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Phone Dump

I used to carry my camera wherever I went and I SWORE I would never turn into a iphone photo taker.  But, I did and I have.  I also use the 'screen shot' function on my phone a lot to save Facebook and Instagram photos from other people and to be able to enlarge them so I can snoop.  Ha.  It's true! You can see prices on things and dirty little secrets in the background of photos.  We all do it.  Don't we?

I just downloaded all my photos from the last few months, lets see what's on there besides junk and journeys.  

Here we have a very, very, very, VERY close up jacket!  

About a week ago the clouds above my house were Cotton Candy pink.  
They were glorious!  I think all clouds should be cotton candy pink.  STAT.

This is the EMPTY shelf at harbor Freight were the spinning organizers are SUPPOSED to be.  SUPPOSED TO BE.  I NEED one of these.  I WANT two of these.  But they are sold out until March 1st.  SAD FACE.  I will paint mine minty green.  Or maybe cotton candy pink.  I haven't decided.  Good thing I have until MARCH.  :(

My Uncle that I see quite often sent me this photo of my other Uncle who I have not seen in thirty years.  It's weird because he's still the uncle I remember, but he's older.  But then again, so am I.  (He's never met my husband or my son.  SAD FACE)  His choice, not mine. 

Ha.  Took this one at the "Kum & Go" (could that BE a worse name, I ask you?).  Convenience store Mac and Cheese at the bargain basement price of SIX BUCKS.  I knew a girl in college once that would have bought it.  Her Dad gave her a gasoline credit card.  It was to be used for gas.  At the gas station.  FOR GAS.  But then she found out they had FOOD in there, so she did all her grocery shopping there.  She would drag home two bags of food and it cost her about a hundred dollars.  Well, it didn't cost her, but it cost her Dad.  BIG TIME.  He put a halt to that.  BIG TIME!

Here is what I found when I walked into the living room one morning.  The Bean shot a Nerf Gun and the dart went behind the pottery shelf.  So, he unloaded it and stuck his head back there to get it out.  He also found a big Santa platter.  Who knew that was back there?  Not me!  (Yes, the cats have scratched up that chair.  I never even notice it until I accidentally see it in a photo.  Dirty little secret...)

Car wash up close.  The day we washed the car, I had terrible vertigo when the machine started moving.  I thought the car was moving and I slammed on the brakes (we were in Park) and yelled, "WHY ARE WE MOVING?"  "Uh, we AREN'T?"  

Now this is a great one and I meant to share it earlier.  We had a really cold snap for about a week.  I moved my Gazing Ball inside so it wouldn't freeze and break.  I mentioned that the stand looked lonely, so The Bean filled a balloon with water and set it on the stand.  The next day he popped the balloon and this was what was left.  Isn't it amazing?  It looks like the Earth.  Sadly, it melted a few days later.  If it is REALLY cold at your house, I recommend doing this.  NOW!

Lastly, a pair of silver glittery hooker heels I spotted at The Super Cheap Thrift.  It's a Church run thrift and it's run by Little Old Ladies.  Not your usual hooker heel dealership.  :)

Oh wait - here's one more.  One day I was looking out my kitchen window and a truck pulled into my view, then whipped into reverse SO FAST and pulled into the neighbors driveway.  It wasn't one of their cars, so I went to the front door to see what was going on (Because I am a big old SNOOP).  I walked the fifteen steps to the front door and that truck was GONE.  Like nowhere to be seen.  But then I saw what they had done.  They had left the "Traveling Turlet" in their yard.  I can only imagine that this is a source of  great fun in their circle of friends and they must leave it on one another's doorstep unannounced.  It is funny.  It was funny.  It's been there two weeks and I am kind of over the Traveling Turlet.  But, better them than ME!

And that seems like the perfect post to end this PHONE DUMP post.  

You're welcome.

I'm here all week.



  1. Your pottery shelves always scare me. They look like one sneeze, or even a sideways glance, and you'll have piles of shards. The water balloon thing was too cool. I have to remember to try that. Our mall is kind of over run with hooker heels right now as people are trying to unload stuff before we close.

  2. Shara, I was trying to email you but I can't get it to work through your blog. If you are interested in the spinners, the Harbor in my small town had a couple left when I looked at them Sunday. I have a close relative that works there, possibly I can ask them to hold them if you want them but it might not be worth it for you to drive here or have them shipped to you - I'm not even sure if Harbor would do that so I would probably have to get them for you. They are bigger than they look, which is why I didn't get one. Although I might change my mind later.

    1. Thanks for thinking of me on these! I think I will jut go ahead and order two online and wait for them to come in. It's about a fifteen mile trip each way to HF, so I don't want to go and look all the time. They are on back-order. I imagine teh HF people are wondering WHY these are selling all of the sudden! I hope they don't wise up and triple the prices! Thanks again!

    2. That might be best, I had to go buy one for hubby today and they only have one left. If you buy it is person, Harbor always has coupons for 20% off and usually there is a coupon for a free item as well.

  3. A phone dump is an awesome idea although I would probably get kicked off of Blogger if I posted mine. I tend to have a really inappropriate sense of humor and most of the pictures on my phone that aren't IG ready relate to that!

    Want to know my dirty little secret? I bought one of those spinny things at Harbor Freight about a year ago. It's still sitting in it's box out in the project pile in the garage. Waiting to be painted.


  4. I painted mine aqua! I hadn't gotten to filling it at my show this weekend, so it was sitting on the table empty early on and everyone wanted to buy it! The fact that the spray paint had chipped off in places made it look old. I had to tell them it wasn't vintage, and lots of crafters and scrappers were happy when I told them where to get it.

    1. I honestly thought about buying a couple to sell at The Junk Ranch. I would tell them that they are new and not vintage. But I know you could probably sell them for $50.00 assembled and painted. But, since I cant seem to find ONE, I guess that won't be an option for me.

  5. I still want one of those spinny things but I haven't even checked HFT so had no idea they were disappearing! Eeek! PS I take screen shots on IG too! LOL And your post reminded me I need to do a phone dump right now...

  6. Love the phone dump post! Cracked me up...we do lead random lives don't we!

  7. Love the earth ice ball!! Close-up of your jacket cracked me up. I end up with all sorts of odd photos like that.

  8. I'm sitting in my office laughing at your dialogue for each photo. You are too funny. I'm totally addicted to my phone for all picture taking. I really need to do a big dump of my pictures. I have no more room and keep deleting one or two at a time so that I can take more pics for the blog or IG.

  9. I love this phone dump and the randomness of it. A phone has certainly become a new tool in our lives hasn't it?

  10. I enjoyed your phone dump post, that picture of the bean cracked me up, and I happen to own and love those silver heels. Kidding!

  11. Well, you had me searching around the house here for a balloon and believe it or not I DON"T HAVE ANY. May have to buy one when I go to the grocery, because that's too cool!

    I like your photo dump. You should make it a monthly installment. Shara Takes A Dump :)

  12. Ha! Love the phone dump photos.... the turlet would be funny for a few days, after that - not so much. Bet my grandkids would love the frozen balloon. So cool and it wouldn't melt here. We're buried in snow! Thanks for the laughs.

  13. Hi-Lar-I-Ous post. You make me laugh. :-)

  14. Hello Shara, I was wondering if you could tell me where you took/found that picture of the pink clouds.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Shelbi, I took the pink cloud photo in my front yard in NW Arkansas.


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