
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Thanks for the sympathy on the last post.  We know the truck needs a starter.  We just need to have it towed and find the money to pay for it.  Labor on that is a real b*tch.  Pardon the French.  

I got a slight reprise from my sentence on Wednesday.  I dropped the boys off at the movies and then I met up with my Dad for a few hours of mindless thrifting.  I went to my favorite thrift for finding Reader's Digest Condensed books.  I use them for crafts, but I am currently just hoarding a huge pile of them in the garage.  But, of course - I need more!  This store usually has piles of them for 25¢ each and then they are always half price - so 8/$1.00.  Heck of a deal.  They did have a big pile of them, but they were the nondescript blue and green covers that I can't use.  I did find two to buy as well as a set of old classic children's books - I paid $1.25 for the set of ten.  I already took them to the booth and I forgot to take a photo.

Next stop was a thrift affiliated with the Super Church in town.  The usually have very little vintage stuff, but what little they do have they price crazy low to move it out.  How silly is that?
I spotted this one amazing vintage glass for 50¢.  I looked and looked for more - but just found the one.  It was still worth getting.
But, while I was looking, I found these.  25¢ each and they were mine.  

Our next stop was Goodwill.  I have a love hate with this particular Goodwill.  It is really dark and the aisles are tight.  But every time I am there, I find one really good thing.  Only one, but ONE is good!  So, I have to look really hard at everything to see it because I just KNOW I will find something.  I swear I am going to take a flashlight one of these days.  Anyway, I was on the very last row of stuff and I was starting to think I was going to leave empty handed (NOOOO!) when I saw it.  Siting on the shelf.  Angels sang.  Trumpets trumpeted.  Stuff like that.

A 1940's French Gumbacher Easel.  

I've never even heard of one of these and I have certainly never seen one, so as soon as I saw it, I could tell it was something special.  

It folds up into a carrying case and that is how I found it on the shelf.  
Today I got it all set up and discovered how truly awesome it really is - it is fantastic!  All solid wood, dovetail joint and a dovetailed drawer to store you paints and brushes.  All the hardware is brass.  It's really a study in Engineering the way it all folds up and tucks into the box.  

If I had a mansion with a big picture window overlooking the ocean or mountains, I would keep it and place it in said window and I would sit and dab at my watercolors all day and drink mint juleps or something similarly dainty.  But, alas, I have no mansion and I have a truck to repair, so to ebay it will go.  Two similar recently sold - one for $140.00 and one for $375.00  I have to research it and make mine be like the $375.00 one.  :)  

A few more stops in the last couple days including the Super Cheap Thrift.  Funny note about my beloved Super Cheap Thrift.  As if it isn't already cheap - today housewares, kitchenwares, toys and knick knacks were all 50% off.   "How much is half of 25¢ ?" they kept asking.  

Items of note:

Mid-century teak and tile mosaic card suite coasters.  

A big mid-century gold glass divided tray and a mess of curtain rings.  

The tiny curtain rings will be re-purosed as wee shadowboxes.  I have teeny deer and teeny toadstools and teeny bottle brushes trees.  They will be teeny.  And adorable!  
 A pink Noritake Nippon Candlestick.

Glass mushroom jar full of 1970's dried flowers and a candle.  Can you say, "CALL 9-1-1!"?

These silly 1960's stature things always sell in my booths.  Now, not for a ton - but if I can get them for 25¢, I can sell them for $5.00.  I don't know if people collect them or if they just strike them as fun and pick them up. 
I remembered Magpie Ethel's excitement over these Shrimp Cocktail glasses so I picked this one up. I remember getting these when I was little.  It has a chip out of the lip so it's really only good for a tiny bouquet or crafting.  
Vintage turkey gravy/jelly/cranberry/ I don't really know server.  Cold painted, so it's older.  Vintage Turkey's are one of my many collections and one of the harder things to find.  

I paid $2.00 for a bunch of junky Christmas stuff just for this little rubber doll.  She was worth it.  

The flash card came from a flea market next door to my flea market.  With my love of thrifting and junk and ephemera, it had to come home with me.  

This record was at my flea market.  It was in a bundle of three for only $1.00.  As you know, vintage Birthday things are my favorite to find so this was a happy thing!  

Speaking of happy things.  


I found a YARD SALE.  


And while there I made friends with a fabulous Bulldog.  
And I found this beautiful vintage table cloth for $2.00.  It's been along dry spell in the world of vintage tablecloths.  I know I say I love a lot of things, but honestly vintage tables are really the whole reason I ever set foot into any thrift or yard sale.  That is what I am looking to find.  

Just so you don't think I am a hoarder - the tablecloth, birthday record, turkey, tiny doll and flashcard will stay with me.  Everything else will go to the booths or to ebay.  Something to keep and something to sell.  A great few days of thrifting!  


  1. Those 1960's statues are at every single thrift I go to. Glad you have luck selling them. It doesn't seem like anyone wants them here!

    Love the tablecloth. It has been AGES since I have found one. Okay, two weeks but still.


  2. Your tiny doll needs to go live in your glorious dollhouse. Loving all your glassware. Well done on your latest hauls.

  3. Love the tablecloth. I keep looking for a nice vintage cloth for my daughter but so far haven't found one. I think some for you and some to sell is the perfect balance. I do love that pink candle holder also. Hope the easel sells for big bucks so you can get the truck fixed.

  4. Nice to get out and find some junk huh? Everytime I hit an estate sale now I look through the glassware for more of those shrimp cocktail glasses..i want a set for my someday beach house.I hope that easel helps pay for the truck fix so you can be back behind your set of wheels. Good find on that! p.s. i also carry a flashlight with me all the time...those Goodwill aisles would be no match for me

  5. OMG, OMG, OMG I remember those Peter Pan Records!!! Love that they were colored and not just basic old black. Glad you got to get out and about a bit. Thrifting is good for the soul. Or is that laughter or something stupid like that? Anyhow, we NEED our thrifting!

  6. I am so jealous! I haven't found anything at all lately, other than Otter finding clothes and a few books. I'm thinking I have a craft project in mind using one of those Reader's Digest books, but I have a few things to do first and I refuse to let myself get overwhelmed with craft stuff again. Well, that's the idea anyway. You do find some fabulous stuff, that's for sure.

  7. we are having an ice storm so it is very nice to see when someone gets out!
    I love the painting easel I hope you get lots of money for it.

  8. Oh that easel! Swoon! Mint juleps are really harsh and nasty, by the way. (Blasphemy, I know!) Definitely not dainty. I sell anything playing card themed pretty quickly, so I love those coasters. I hate it when I can only find three of the suites.

  9. I love the easel. I hope it brings lots of money so you can get the truck fixed and get your car back. I love the tablecloth and record.

  10. Ha-Ha~ at first when I saw your photo of the 'Noritake Nippon Candlestick.' I thought it was MUCH larger and Got all EXCITED that you had found a Cool Bird-bath or Gazing Ball STAND!... then I read what it was... oh well - still a FUN day OUT!!!!!

  11. That easel is wonderful! What an amazing find, Shara. I hope it brings you lots of money. I haven't done any thrifting in eons... sigh. Hoping to go to two next week with my daughter. Thanks for sharing your great stuff. Love it all.

  12. Sounds like a fun junking trip, especially with your Dad! Love that easel and wishing you luck!!

  13. I know what a bite those unexpected repairs can be, I just found out I need a crown replaced. The cost has doubled since the original was done. I keep a flash light with me when I go out now. I was missing a lot of chips and cracks in those dark shops and garages.

  14. Can't WAIT to see what you're going to do with those gold frames! It will be GENIUS, I'm sure!!!


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