
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Blaghy, blog, blog, blog

Every night I come in here thinking I will write a blog post and it will be GREAT and you guys will laugh and cry and just love it.  Then, I think about what I have done lately and realize if I blog about THAT you guys will hit the 'DELETE monkeybox' button on your bookmarks.  I am super duper BORING right now.

It is January 13th and do you want to know WHAT?  I am trying to put my stuff back out from Christmas.  But not ALL THE STUFF.  I am trying to switch it up and make decisions and new displays.  I did get the pottery out this week.  I culled out a lot of my matte white pottery which was SO HARD.  It's not that I am getting rid of it, I just chose to not put it all out this time.  I am loving the colorful stuff only.  Today I finally got a little cooperation from the Breadman and he helped bring in a big cabinet from the garage so I could finally finish up all that I took out at Christmas.  He is unreasonable grouchy in this cold weather, so I specifically waited for a sunny day before I requested some of his time.  (He is on my bad list, so bear with me while I bitch a bit.)  (He's never read a word of this blog.  Ever.  I can vent here.)

One morning a few weeks ago the truck wouldn't start, so the BM took the "good" car.  And he has driven it every day since.  He won't talk about the truck, he won't have it looked at, it just sits there in the driveway.  He gets home by 2:00 every day (he leaves at 1:30 am), so I can still get out and do some of the things I need to do.  But what I really, really NEED is a day out in MY car all by MYSELF.  I need to hit a few thrifts ALONE and look at ALL.THE.THINGS.  I might not buy a damn thing, but I need to LOOK.  In two weeks he starts a new longer route that will take him into Missouri every day so the chances of me EVER getting out of this house for a mental break will be slim to none.  

Now, I didn't come here to have a pity party.  God knows I avoid "Poor Pitiful Me" posts on other blogs.  I'm sorry about that.  But, you guys are my friends and you listen and YOU CARE.  


So, last weekend, Lara and I went to an auction.  It was at the Armory inside and apparently every dealer in the five state area was there.  I am used to farm auctions or Estate auctions where everything is spread out from the entire house and you bid on box lots or piles of junk.  This auction had it's share of boxes of stuff and piles of things.  But, it was all collectible stuff.  Very nice old stuff - lots of old German things.  There was a box of Christmas decorations and you could only see a box of blown glass ornaments and a few old Santa's and a little chap in a tuxedo.  I was hoping I could score it for maybe $20.00 at the most.  It sold for $95.00.  Zoinks!  There was a round suitcase with vintage doll clothes that I thought I might be able to get for $15 or $20.  It sold for $85.00.  It was so sad to see all this stuff that you really wanted to be able to buy it or really even bid on it because the bids started out more than what I wanted to pay in the end.  The auctioneer said that the couple had passed and left it all to their two grandchildren that were in their mid-twenties who had said, "Sell it all and mail us a check."  Ouch.  There were books, photo albums, WWII uniforms and medals and so many wonderful things.  It saddened me that their families just did not care.

This post really needs a photo.  Let me see what I can rustle up for you.  Hang on.  

Yea, I got nothing.  

Aren't you glad you came here?  

I'm sorry.

I'll be back in a better mood with happy stories of junk and journeys and lots of photos.

But, it might be awhile.



  1. Shara, you just might have to take matters into your own hands if you want your car back. I think it is every women's right to drive anywhere they want to go! Too bad about the auction. Very frustrating to have stuff go so high. I love your blog just as it is!!

  2. I get it, Shara. I really hate this time of year. I feel like I am in a constant fog of funk that I don't see any end to. I am a person who craves routine but for whatever reason, routine is what is killing me right now. I know that all it will take is a good junk fix and I will be on the mend. Hopefully you and I get some of that alone time we are needing soon! Spring and the good sales can't come quick enough.

    Hang in there friend. Glad to know I'm not the only one :-)


  3. I am coming from the side of my husband who had depression yearly in the winter. There is less sun to help clear out the fog. Your husband is working long hours and odd hours is his sleep as restorative as it needs to be. Take the lead and have the truck looked at. If it doesn't start your insurance should pay for towing to the garage. I was stay at home for years and know what it is like to not have a car and how frustrating it is to have grumpy husband come home when you have been locked in all day. I do see your side I just think that he does not have the energy to even think about that truck when he gets home. Hang in there this too will pass

    1. I think I agree with this. Yes, it is a hard situation. But it always bothers me when spouses gripe about each other seriously to other people. That may not be what you meant to do, and I apologize if I'm overstepping. Breadman just might not be able to deal with it right now, mine gets like that at times and it is just something that happens and I have to take the lead sometimes.

    2. Sorry Ottermom, I've never said a bad word about my spouse in all these years of blogging. But, he is grumpy and grumpy with me and this is my blog, so I vented a bit. I don't make it a habit to gripe about him or anything else. Just needed to vent a bit. So, I did. :)

    3. I didn't mean to sound grumpy myself. It's hard to express things in "print" sometimes. Sorry if I came across in a way I didn't intend to.

    4. It's okay - I didn't either. No worries. I am glad to know you see these replies - i have never known how to respond back to your comments. Now I can! :)

    5. Well, I'm late to this party, my apologies -- but I kind of have a different take on this. I'm actually thrilled when I find a blog that gives me a slice of "real life" instead of making it sound like the author's life is nothing but sunshine and giggles, you know? So many blogs out there paint this perfect picture and I end up feeling so inferior about my regular old life with all of its trials and tribulations...sometimes it's nice to have a reminder that other people out there are having the same kind of issues I'm having. I'm really sorry you hit the winter doldrums, Shara, and I feel good that this is a place you can come to to tell us about it. :-)

  4. POOR THING! I was without a car for just a couple of hours yesterday (Dead Battery - TOO COLD!) and it was really Weird!! Can you withhold Breadman's meals until the Truck is fixed?? I mean, you can't get to the grocery store.... right?!!

    1. I like how you think Svelte (insert evil laugh)

  5. Shara, we do love you and are here for you. I need days where I just go on the hunt. I may buy nothing or find a lot. It's the fun of looking and the hunt and time alone. Get that truck fixed! I'm changing up my displays that I'm using after Christmas also. Feeling like I want to change it up some.

  6. We love you, no matter what! Winter-time blues are hard to handle. Tell BM that you are going to take his truck to a dealership, that will do it! Hugs!!

  7. Thanks for keeping it real. I hope that truck gets fixed real soon. Maybe a tow truck to the mechanic? I've never been to an auction and now I'm not so sure I'd want to based on your experience. I'm still addicted to IG and all your photos. Your swap packages are darling. I'm not participating this year. I did personal swaps, but I can't wait to see what Valentine ornaments get created!

  8. Is it wrong that I am fixated on the fact that Breadman's acronym is BM? ;) LOL Tell him to fix that truck!

  9. Yeah, I know you call him BM and I know what it actually stands for, but today I saw it as an acronym for a TRUE bm. Put a "for sale" sign on the truck so he sees it when he comes home. OR, start talking about the NEW car you will be getting soon since he has taken over yours. Even if it's not true, maybe then he will get the message?

  10. If I didn't have my car I would go MAD. I need a vehicle to do what I want when I want...and not wait until someone returns so I can get out. Have you tried starting the truck when he is gone? If it starts drive it straight to the mechanic to get it fixed. Tow truck? Gosh that would drive me crazy...good luck!

  11. Girl, you vent all you want to. We all need an outlet, especially if were stuck in the house! Not every post needs to be happy, happy, look what I bought. Real, everyday, boring life isn't like that anyway. And yes, we do all care. If I lived closer I would totally come pick you up and take you thriftin! Now tell that Breadman to get that truck fixed! Ugh Men!

  12. OMG, I'd be going stir crazy if I couldn't just up and go to the thrift store whenever the hell I wanted! Just having my car at the dealer for the day getting fixed drives me nuts. It's just the IDEA that I can't go somewhere that makes me nervous.

    Personally, I'd get out the toolbox and open the hood of the truck and make it look like you'd been tinkering around in there. Leave some tools setting on the engine that really don't belong there, maybe like a hammer and a saw. Just enough to make him think you're thinking about fixing it yourself, but you obviously have no clue what you're doing so maybe he should fix it before you try to fix it and really screw it up :)

  13. Oh good grief!! Men do not grow up until they have exhausted every other option. Trust me on that, I have been married almost 40 years and have two sons. Sooner or later you will run out of food and that will get his attention. Men think with their stomachs.

  14. Sara D.1:01 AM

    I CANNOT imagine saying, "yeah, sell all of my grandparents history" - and without even seeing it! Some people don't know what they are missing and will regret it someday. :(

  15. Vent all you need to! Cant speak for anyone but myself, but I'm here for Ya! I know how frustrating it can be to be without a vehicle. Come on Breadman, get that vehicle fixed! No excuses! xo (xo for you...not breadman!) :-)


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