
Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Bundle up!

Winter is finally here.  According to the weather winter is everywhere - but it really hit Arkansas this week.  Tonight it will be 2 degrees.  TWO DEGREES.  We don't see weather that cold very often in these parts.  It is supposed to be that way for a week or so at least.  

Yesterday I went to the thrift store to buy a warm fuzzy scarf.  Not because of the weather but to make this:

I had seen a wreath on Pinterest using a scarf, but they just wrapped it across the middle (like it was on your shoulders).  I wanted to wrap the wreath around and around, so I found a very long one.  I was pleased that not only was only 99¢, but it was just the perfect shades of blue to match my house and my winter decor.   

I already had the little child's skates that I had thrifted last year and I already had the wooden snowflakes and the sparkly junk from 90% off at Target.  All I had to do was assemble it.  I had it all made and it still need something, so I found those perfectly colored pompoms that I had made stuffed in a drawer.  I added a jingle bell to the center ( and ode to my roller skating days...) and it was done.  

I like the pop of color on these cold Winter days.  

I do a whole blue and white winter theme on the porch. 

It's a work in process - as in I work on it when it isn't freezing.  It might take me until Spring at this point.  

You guys stay warm out there!  


  1. Cute! I can't believe how cold it seems to be everywhere but here. It was 64 degrees here yesterday. In January! I want snow!!


  2. I'm completely smitten with that wreath. It's perfect! I need to thrift some skates. All our skates are in use for the backyard rink. Stay warm. It's wicked cold and we've got the lake effect churning up a ton of snow in MI. No complaints though. We've been wanting this. Hugs!

  3. Love that wreath! So cute with the skates and the blue on the porch is perfect. It is suppose to be super cold here for the next few days...burr!! Stay Warm.

  4. We're expecting a high of 3 and a low of -12 today. Love your blue theme.

  5. That is one cute wreath - really like the blue and white together!

    We got 4" of snow yesterday - they didn't delay or cancel school much to the frustration of everyone. Some high schoolers spent 2 hours on the bus getting there. All the buses were delayed so some schools only had half their students as kids gave up waiting and went home!

    Yes, keep warm winter is really come!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have morning car duty this week so I am NOT looking forward to this arctic blast. We will be inside for lunch recess, or I would have to be outside then also. I will look like the Michelin man only all in black with my jacket and ski bibs. I wear Uggs or ski boots, but will also be putting those dandy foot warmers in my shoes and hold one in each hand to keep my phanlanges toasty. I plan to have a scarf tied around my face so all you will see are my piercing blue eyes. I will have to get someone to take a pic and send to you.

  8. I LOVE this! the tiny ice skates are the perfect touch!

  9. Super duper cute wreath. Those cute ice skates also remind me of my rollerskating days. Only the cool kids had big pom poms on their skates. God I loved roller skating.

  10. That wreath is so cute - perfect for this beyond-chilly weather!

  11. LOVE the wreath, such a cute idea for winter. Colder than heck here, too. Right now (11:20 pm) MINUS 1 here with a 20 below wind chill. Lots of schools closed tomorrow due to the severe cold and threat of frostbite. Stay warm!

  12. Let's all move down to Florida with the alligators and old people :) At least we'd be warm.

  13. Nice job on the wreath, Shara! Stay warm!
    love rosie

  14. Love the wreath with the adorable kids ice skates. Hope you are staying warm.

  15. I really like that wreath. I've never thought of using a scarf, I just might have to make something like that myself.

    1. You could crochet your own scarf right around the wreath!


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