
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013- The Year in Review

It's time for my Year in Review.  This year I will combine what happened and my thrifitng in the same post.  I really found out this year that I NEED to go thrifting to get a mental break.

This year in our lives - The Breadman began his new job with Saralee/Bimbo.  Same thing he was doing before, just a new company.  He actually is paid through a temporary service, but the job is with Saralee.  (We recently found out that his job may not be there there in April.  Either that or he might get a nice high paying route.  I suppose you can guess which one we are holding our breath on??:?)

My Mom was in her two Rehab hospitals after her fall and several hospital visits.  January through March are kind of a blur to me and she really can't remember anything specific over that time.

The Booth kept on chugging all year long even if I had no time to devote to it some months.  I did the Barn Sale and had success and the Holiday Bazaar which I had suck-cess.  :D  I learned that I do enjoy the selling venue and I plan to do more this year.  I will just do a bit of research before I do another one.

On to the thrifted goodies of the year.

A larger wicker market basket for $12.99.  It is still sitting in the garage waiting fro inspiration to strike.  Or the urge to sell  it.  
Ninety peepholes for $5.00 total.  I had NO idea why I bought them, but knew I would regret it if I left them behind.  I sell them as "Pocket Telescopes" and have sold 42 so far at $3.00 each.  Nice!

Lovely piece of pottery for the collection.

Nice set of old flashcards from the thrift.  I have sold many of them and have many more to sell.  Of course, I kept a few!

Vintage Gurley Cowboy candles for my collection. 

A day of thrifiting all by myself produced all these German candy container eggs.  

And this awesome tin dollhouse for $4.00.

One of the hottest days on record and I found an unadvertised sale that was SO HOT.  I scored this fantastic old house thing for $5.00.  I love it.  
At a sale right around the corner from me and kind of late in the day I found this pile of vintage feedsacks.  An awesome find, for sure.  But, even better - this is where Lara and I met the first time.  A very good day!

Several strands of mercury glass beads (touted as "Very Old Mardi Gras beads" for $1.50) for a sale of a local antiques dealer.  It's nice to know that not everyone knows everything and you can still find a deal.   

A gorgeous tablecloth.  This year was light on tablecloths.  But, the ones I did find were perfectly gorgeous.  (I didn't find one single picnic basket this year.  Woe is me....)

A fantastic little yellow school chair that I have no use for but I LOVE IT with all my heart.

Steiff chipmunk for 25¢.

Set of pool balls from the thrift - one was missing, but I found it the next time I was there and they gave it to me.  I sold all of these at the Barn Sale (except Lucky #11) for $3.00 each.  

Chippy croquet set - been on my wishlist for a long time.  Bought it from The Duggars - so that made it even more special to me.  

One lonely kneehugger - 25¢.  

Not a lot in the world of vintage Christmas this year.  Well, nothing stellar anyway.  
Lots of bits and bobs and pieces and such.

Best sales of the year:

Day one of a clean out of a house.  Paid $20.00 for everything pictured.
Day two paid $20.00 for all this.  A great sale with a nice lady that wanted her Mother's things to go to people that appreciated it.  
I went the last day of a two weekend long estate Sale and still managed to find some great stuff.  Things were half off and I spent about three hours there digging and looking at everything.  I paid about $30.00 for everything I bought - there was lots more than what was in this photo.  I sold three tiny things for a total of $55.00, so it's all gravy from here.

The VERY best sale of the year was the Duggar's sale!  It was HUGE and I was completely overwhelmed by the shear volume of STUFF, plus the camera crews, the massive crowds and all the Duggar's milling about.  

There was SO much stuff it was crazy - they had collected donations, plus they sold a lot of their own things they had purchased at auctions and consignment sales.  I bought a few things - the croquet set being my favorite find.  The best part was getting to talk with Michele about our upcoming high school reunion and seeing all the Duggar's out working hard to earn money for The Arkansas Children's Hospital.  
The camera crews were there for the full day filming all the customers and the Duggar's doing different things.   I snapped this photo of them interviewing a lady about the sale.   

When the show finally aired, I saw them interviewing that same lady and then THERE IT WAS - MY TELEVISION DEBUT.  I saw ME walk onto the screen.  ME!  Over there in the pink with my trusty Joann's bag on my arm.  Who would have thought I would be on National TV buying junk at a yard sale this year?  Not me!  (I know it was silly and only a flash of me on the screen, but by golly it was fun!)

Best Day of Picking:

The day my Dad said, "Let's see if there's anything up in the attic".  I had no memories of ever putting anything in the attic, so I knew it would be empty. But, SURPRISE!  I found my old skates that I used in the driveway.  An old orange crate we found in my Dad's childhood home in KS, giant glass Coke bottles, my old skateboards and a few other surprises.  

The BEST surprise of ALL being my Hoppity Horse!  I always remembered my Hoppity Horse with a lot of affection.  So, to find my ACTUAL Hoppity Horse was kind of a neat thing.  I also see it sitting in a picnic basket I swatted down from the rafters.  I guess I did "find" a picnic basket this year!

So, that's my year in review.  Junk, journeys, TV appearances and family updates.  I can't believe that 2013 is over already.  I hope they don't all keep going this fast.  

Happy New Year you guys!  Be safe!


  1. Fun stuff and always interesting to go back and look at posts and see what goodies have come your way during the year. Hoping for more good stuff in 2014!

  2. You had some pretty fun time junking this year. I think the Duggars sale was the best, I did watch it on TV. Lots of fun finds and great sales. I hope job wise that the best things happen in 2014~~ Wishing you a great New Year!

  3. What a great post and boy do I admire that you can REMEMBER all the things you scored this year - good golly!!

  4. Even with all the "crap" going on in your personal life, you still managed to score some good "crap".

  5. You really found some awesome stuff, especially from the "clean out the house" sale. I can't pick a favorite, I love it all! I sure hope the Breadman gets his high paying route, he certainly deserves it. And I hope your Mom will be in good health. Best wishes to all of you in the New Year, and I am hoping that '14 will be a fantastic year for thrifting for us all. Happy New Year, and thank you for sharing!

  6. Happy 2014 to you!

  7. Looks like you had a killer year junkin! I love that Hoppity Horse. I always wanted one when I was a kid! Happy New Year!

  8. Happy new year, Shara! I think you had a great year - and your 'pocket telescopes' will remind me to think outside the box in 2014!

  9. Lots of great times in 2013! Lets hope the good vibes and finds keep coming through 2014!

  10. LOTS of GREAT finds for you in 2013! I'm hoping along with you for good news about the job!!

  11. You are a thrifting QUEEN...I bow down to you!!!! (I want some vintage pool balls so I'm kinda droolin' right now!!!)

  12. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I check your blog daily and enjoy seeing all of your wonderful things. Am always disappointed when you haven't had time to post anything. Linda


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