
Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Little Saturday Thrifting

Today I went out to straighten the booth.  I was missing a ton of stuff and I got super excited but then I found it all in the back of the sore being used as props.  I don't really mind my things being used, but they need to be displayed in a way that you can see it is FOR SALE and not just a display.  There was about $125.00 worth of my things back there out of the way where no one goes.  That kind of bummed me out.  I might have sold some of that stuff.  I put it all back in the booth and will leave it for about another week at 25% off.  It was pretty busy today, but I think the Christmas shopping is done.  Now people are shopping for themselves.  

On the way, I stopped at the Super Cheap Thrift.  When I checked out, the lady was super rude to me.  They are the nicest people at that thrift - that's half the reason I love to go there.  I think I will report her to the lady that is in charge.  I think she would like to know that someone was being rude.  ANYWAY on to the goods.  

Well, not yet - these actually came from a different thrift this week.  They are Dr. Peepers glasses - they are HUGE - they cover nearly my whole face, but they are sparkly and pink they only cost 25¢.  So, of course, I HAD to have them.  
Today's finds.

This is a tree topper and it is Rowe Pottery.  It is a beautiful cobalt blue. It weighs a ton, I cannot imagine it actually being on top of a tree.  I think I will put it in my pottery display.  I have a lot of stars in the living room and pottery too, so a pottery star - okay.  It cost 25¢.

A nice heavy milkglass ashtray.  

A cast iron hanger of curled up cats tails.  It-s newer, probably from Hobby Lobby or somewhere similar, but it was 25¢ and we need a hook by the door to hold our hoodies wear to go get the paper and mail every day.  

Two gingham lidded jars that I covet, a couple bottle brush wreaths and four bottle brush trees, a little cottage and a vintage Santa in a spaceship ornament.  The glittered ribbon was actually a Dollar General find at 25¢ a roll, but GLITTERED ribbon - COME ON!  The plan is to make snow globes out of the jars (there is a Christmas tree shaped jar on the bottom shelf you can't see) and bottle brush trees.  

I spotted the blue cabinet at a sidewalk sale in town.  I thought it was an old grocery store rack, but once I picked it up, I could tell it was an old bathroom medicine cabinet sans the door.  

I pretty much paint everything white, but the blue is kind of growing on me.
Also, can I just say that this is a pretty good photo - I think.  

That red cart that everything is sitting on is something I found at a garage sale a couple weeks ago.  I bought a lot of things at that sale, but they were all for my parents - a handmade Native American drum, beading looms, beading books. beads, Native American pottery and some other Native american things.  The cart is bright red and all chippy just like I like things.

I heard that on a commercial today that the week between Christmas and New Years is a 
Week of Wonderful.  

They meant it for sales and shopping, but I like to think it's the week of wonderful things like enjoying your home, your family, treats and fun.  So, I hope you are doing just THAT!


  1. great finds as always I am looking forward to seeing your creative projects.

  2. Love what you found! Good plan for the bottle brush trees and the blue is a great color for the old medicine chest.

    We are having rain today. All day. So I am planning the menu for our annual open house next Sunday.

  3. As always, I cannot get over the prices you pay! Bravo on some great finds.

    I think we should designate 2014 as the year full of 'W.O.W.'
    - and we can ALL wear our Rose colored sunglasses to make it happen, of course none of ours will be nearly as cool as your Sparkly Dr. Peepers!! - Love 'em!

  5. Ditto with Kathy and your crazy cheap prices..a quarter? a quarter? a quarter? Lucky girl.
    Week of Wonderful huh...taking down all the Christmas, but have hit some sales and enjoying the kids. Also just down time, which I SOOO need. (did I mention I still need to get my Christmas cards out which are now New Years cards)

  6. I love that old medicine cabinet. I usually paint everything white too, but the blue looks really good with your treasures in it. Happy New Year!

  7. Love your finds this week. The gingham lidded jars, the star, the blue cabinet and oh yes all those cute trees! I hope to hit some thrifts this week, I need a little 'fix'...yep I do!


    I hope you are planning on keeping those glasses, Shara, because you will look nothing less than fabulous in them.

    I looked all season for bottle brush trees! And the tree topper is fab. Great, great finds.

    Shame on the super cheap lady. She doesn't belong there.

  9. I swear sometimes I leave comments in the morning and in the evening they are gone! Maybe I'm getting old?

    Is the star Rowe Pottery or Pottery Rowe? There's a potter here in town with his own shop and gallery. His last name is Rowe and all his stuff is stamped Pottery Rowe.

  10. This is always my favorite week of the year. A lot of sitting around, playing board games, watching sappy movies on Hallmark channel and eating left over Christmas cookies (thank God they're gone now because my butt can't handle any more).

    I went to Walmart and found those jam jars with the gingham lid and was actually going to buy one, scoop out the jam, throw it away and just use the jar. And then my cheap self wouldn't let me do it. Have a good New Year's! I'll just be sitting here munching on some leftover candy canes (the bottom of the barrel for Christmas candy).


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