
Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Weekend in Junk: Labor Day Edition

As I write this, there are 80,000 people up the street at the Arkansas Razorback Football game.  There are 100,000 or so people attending the Clothesline Fair up the street the other direction.  The Flea Markets are jammed.  There are yard sales in every yard, on every corner and in almost every parking lot.  The traffic is crazy going towards the Clothesline Fair and non existent going towards the football game. If you drove out North of me, you would come to the County Fair.  I won't even mention the Farmer's market this morning. There is just so much to do this weekend.  Which one did I do?   Huh?  Can you guess?  Huh?  Can you?

I stayed home.  

Did I mention it's 101 degrees right now?  

I don't do hot.  

Besides, everyone throws out anything they think is yard sale worthy and there is too much competition and they price stuff twice as high because so many people are out.  

I did go to one sale yesterday at a Historic Home - gorgeous place.  It was a fundraiser for the Animal Shelter.  But they also had high priced things mixed in so it was a crap shoot when you picked up something.  For instance, I picked up a little piece of pottery and it was 25¢.  Then an old metal recipe box for 10¢.  Then I saw an Irmi lamp and I jumped over a table to get to it.  (Liar)  It was priced $18.00.  Zoinks.  So, you had to be on your toes and not get too excited when you saw something because it could be a nickel, or it could be twenty dollars.  I personally prefer nickel prices.  Thank you very much.

Here's what I did buy:  A huge Raffiaware tray and matching bowl.  
 Blue pottery turkey planter, old cup with an old plane on it, silverplate napkin holder, smiley face box, Brownie Camera, S&P shaker (one piece), vintage New Orleans plate, Welch Jelly glass that I put in my hand so I could look at something else behind it and forgot to set back down so it goes to Goodwill (breathe!), Linus cookie cutter, swanky swig with stars, two handled cocoa cup and two restaurant saucers.
 This funny older Roller Skating Bear Santa.  
 Digging on his skates.  I kind of hoped he wouldn't work so I could lop off his roller skates and throw him out.  But, he does work.  When you turn him on, this really LOUD Christmas music starts and he skates about two inches during the course of one entire song.  Quick as lightning, he ain't.
A huge old Texasware tray, an old soda glass, a aqua and gray restaurant plate that I think is completely neat-o, a couple pieces of miniature pottery, a restaurant dish of some sort (upside down on the right), a vintage Valentine planter, a souvenir cup from Kansas in 1912 and a metal tablespoon with cherries on it.

Now, none of that stuff is really that great or worth a fortune or anything like that.  but, I was able to cram all of that stuff in both pictures into one box and only paid ONE DOLLAR for it.  See, suddenly it all looks better.  Right?  The stuff in the top photo will be sold somehow for a couple bucks each.  The things in the bottom photo will be kept or re-purposed.  Love the vintage Valentine planter as I find vintage Valentine stuff the very hardest to find (other than cards, of course).  I have a lot of Texasware that we love to use and it's all red and blue, so now with the big white tray, I can rock the next 4th of July BBQ.  

Since it was so cheap for that big box, I took another stroll around and found a few more things.  

 Have a Sweet Cigar box, an old rook game and a metal recipe box.  
$1.60 for all three.
An American Home Menu Starter chock full of old recipes.  

Mmmmmm Zabaione.  
Whatever that is.  
(Bet by the third comment I have someone that LOVES Zabione.)
This will go to the Barn Sale.

As I was waiting inline to pay, I decided to look in the locked glass case at the jewelry.  I didn't see anything, so I scanned the necklaces.  The sun was shining really strong on them at that moment and I noticed that in the middle of all the plastic Mardi Gras beads, a few strand shone a bit brighter and looked a bit more like me.  

The tag said, "Really old Mardi Gras Beads $1.00".  But, I knew better.  I'd hate to go to a parade where they threw glass beads.  Now, that would be dangerous.  (And this comes from someone that took a Blow Pop to the head one night at our Christmas Parade.  Oowie.)

So, the $1.00 box satisfied my need for bulk junking and the Mercury Glass Beads satisfied my need for a GOOD FIX.  Thank you Yard Sale gods.  I'll let you have the rest of the weekend off.  

But, next weekend?  I'ts ON!


  1. wonderful goodies as always. I just bought a recipe box full of hand written recipes I feel like I have that person's whole life in that box.

  2. I have found the mercury glass mixed it with Mardi Gras beads too. What are they thinking?


    Not really, but this is the third comment, so I felt obligated.

    "Really old mardi gras beads" cracks me right up. "Really, really old, like, before they even had plastic, they would throw glass at each other. It was hell on the eyes but luckily no one noticed since they were all drunk."

    I started to go to that one but I couldn't bring myself to brave PG, based on your descriptions of what a mad house it would be. Maybe I should have, because I had a very, very bad shopping morning. :-(

  4. My grandmother's name was Zabaione! We called her "Nana Zaba." She loved to cook.

    Okay, not really.

    Except for the cooking part. But she never made Zabaione.

  5. OK so I had to look up a recipe for Zabaione and it is a dessert made with egg yolks, sugar and wine! Well that's interesting. OK! So I love your finds and I would have bought several of those things myself. Always love to find Texasware and small pottery pieces for my collection. But the 'mardi gras' beads were a big yipee! Enjoy your weekend.


  6. Finding mercury glass beads has got to be one of my favorite things. But don't hate me when I tell you I have actually made zabaione for my husband a few times. He loves the stuff. Blech.

  7. It is hard to even imagine the prices you pay there. Pretty rare around here to find ANYthing for less than 50 cents and even that is few and far between. Nice scores!


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