
Friday, August 30, 2013

Why yes, I will

Why yes, I will take all those old Mardi Gras beads for $1.00, thank you.
*Old Mardi Gras beads are actually six long beautiful strands of Mercury Glass beaded garland. Hands down, one of my favorite things to find.  Made one very hot very sweaty rummage sale very worth it. 


  1. NOT going to ask if you procured them in the usual Mardi Gras fashion... TMI!! ;-)
    (They would have been well worth it though!)

  2. What they don't know won't hurt them. Right? I need someone to teach me what mercury glass is and what it looks like. Yes, I'm a bad junker boy.

  3. Last year, I bought an old basket full of mercury glass beads. When I went to pay for them, the guy goes "Ah...Mardi Gras beads!" then gave me a really creepy look. I'm pretty sure he wanted me to flash him. I pad him my dollar and ran away.



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