
Sunday, September 01, 2013

Weekend in Junk Part II

I went out to straighten up the booth today since it is such a busy weekend in the area.  Also, I decided to bite the bullet and take all of the different jewelry I have been making and put it in the booth this weekend.  I have handled that jewelry SO much that I felt like I was leaving my CHILD unattended when I walked away from it.  I couldn't really tell if I had sold any, but there was a group of people in my booth looking at it when I got there and they liked it.  So, that's a good sign.  

Anyway, since I was driving right by, I stopped at the same Animal Shelter Fundraiser Rummage Sale that I went to on Friday.  They still had so much stuff it was crazy.  But, a lot of it was gone too.  This was the sale that had crazy pricing - some rummage sale prices, some flea market prices, some antique prices.  For instance, today they had a $450.00 cabinet full of 25¢ items.  

Today I took my time and looked through the books, then made a quick run through the rest of the sale.  It was really hot again and they had a Fish Food Truck set up and it STUNK.  My head was reeling by the time I left.     

I got a big pile of books.  Every time I put myself under a DO NOT BUY ANY BOOKS rule, I buy more than ever.  I got a set of twelve of the old Child raft books - they have great pictures for framing and for ephemera packets.  The Sunbonnet Babies book is from the 1980's, but it has sweet color plates in it that look old.  

I think I will frame them for the booth or the Barn Sale.

This old Poetry reader is from the State of Kansas.  My Great Grandfather was the Superintendent for the State of Kansas and he wrote a lot of the text books back in the 1920's.  I always pick them up if I see them just to see if he had anything to do with it - this isn't one of his though.  I still like it.

The cover of this book is falling off, but I just loved the cover.  Brenda Starr - Girl reporter.  I guess it's my Journalism background.  Shara Stacks - Girl Reporter.  Except it would have been Shara Richardson - Girl Reporter.  

I got 18 books for $4.00.  They were supposed to be 25¢ each, so I think they gave me a deal.  I left the bag up front and they totaled it up when I wasn't there so I didn't even know how many I had until I got home.

I also found this fun 1970's frog and toadstool baby mobile.  It was a GINGHAM (hi Lara) musical thingy on the top.  I actually had the matching lamp in my room when I was a kid.  Not sure where it will end up.

I looked in the jewelry case and saw two necklaces that interested me.  When they handed them to me, there was this 1776 Bicentennial necklace marked 25¢ and a silver dream catcher necklace marked $22.50.  you really had to watch those prices!  You can see which one I bought.  To the booth.
A 50¢ Christmas tablecloth that needs to have the living bajeezus soaked out of it.  It's got all kinds of stains, but I think I can rescue it.  I mean, for 50¢ I just kind of had to take pity on it.  I do need a Christmas tablecloth for the Barn sale for my Christmas stuff. so it should do the trick.  (Yes, I have many, many vintage Christmas tablecloths, but I do NOT have time to go through the Christmas tubs to find them).

The last thing I found over in "Holiday Corner" was this wee little blowmold Trick or Treat pumpkin.  The actual pumpkin is about as big as a small cantaloupe.  I guess it would be for a little, little kiddo.  There are no markings on it or dreaded UPC's, so it's an older one.  Very cute, indeed.  And a keeper.

After I left the Flea market, I stopped at a big sale in an empty warehouse.  They have sales there quite often and I always go.  I really never find much.  They have an abundance of things, but nothing really outstanding or interesting - clothes, kitchen stuff, toys - the usual yard sale fodder.  But, that doesn't stop me from stopping to look.  I do usually find a few things in all that clutter.  

This little girl planter isn't my usual thing, but she is kind of sweet.  
She is marked JAPAN, so she is old.  She will go to the booth.

I saw this sweet little planter on the second table when I got there.  He was $5.00 which was pretty high compared to what everything else was priced (the little girl was 50¢.

Since I thought $5.00 for one thing was a lot, I left it sitting there.  

But, when I went to the next aisle to look at the other things, I kept seeing it over there.

Looking at me.  

"You know you want me!"

Taunting me with it's ubber cuteness.

In the end, I plunked down the $5.00.  And, I really don't regret it one bit.  

Even though, I swear, I do not collect baby planters!  
Maybe I just collect really sweet and unique baby planters.

Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day.  
(Once upon a time I was in actual labor on Labor Day!)


  1. good stuff as always is the necklace silver?

  2. Sure. I bet if I drop by your house you'll have a whole cabinet full to the brim with pink and blue baby planters :) BTW, love the glass beads you found in the last post. That is the kind of thing that keeps me looking. Happy pre-Birthday to The Bean.

  3. Such a variety of prices, but in the end you got some great stuff. I wondered if you could 'really' walk away from that adorable baby planter! Nope!

  4. I always tell myself No More Books, but that goes out the window the second I see the colorful covers and amazing graphics on the illustrations. There are just so many uses for old books nowadays. One thing I love to do is use them to add height to my holiday displays. Good luck on your tablecloth. Don't you feel so accomplished when you get one clean?


  5. I guess that means the Bean's birthday is nigh upon us, so best wishes to him.

  6. Nice finds and I think that little fellow would have swayed me as well.

  7. I hear those voices from vintage items too...

  8. I have much to comment on regarding this post, so bear with me.
    1. I am SO GLAD you put the jewelry in your booth. Have been meaning to urge you to do so since you counted it up and realized that you have so much potential moola there. Also, this is a way to sort of market test which types are more popular than others. Can't wait to hear the report on it.
    2. How did your booth seem to be faring after the big weekend?
    3. Those books are amazing and I am shocked you found such good stuff on Sunday, but it just goes to show, it doesn't hurt to try. We were out today (I also checked on my booth ) and I wanted to hunt that sale down but things had gone awry during a potty break and we needed to hustle home. Wonder if they slashed prices dramatically today?
    4. Love both of those planters and would have paid $5 for the pink boy as well.
    5. I was going to ask you how it is that you write so well, if you had always been gifted in that direction, and now that I find out you have a journalism background, I am not surprised!

    That is all. Did I win the longest comment contest?


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