
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Our ever growing small town has been needing a flea market. I considered opening one, but I really didn't want to LIVE there all the time operating it. So, lucky for me, someone else took the jump and started one up. It just opened Monday and I was the 12th person to rent a booth, so I think it should do well - there is a lot of space. It is inside a grocery store from the 1880's. If you have ever seen pictures of an old grocery store, you can imagine what it looks like inside - floor to ceiling shelves along each wall. I have a five foot wide section that reaches up to the 14 ft. ceiling, plus a corner and in front of a big four pane window right in front of the highway. I think it is in a great spot - lots of room to display and merchandise. She told me I could do anything on the shelves, in front of the window, on the floor, etc. And the best part - it is only $40.00 a month!

I had two booths before - one I did quite well at but was a bit too far away to keep up well. The other one I did terribly at because it was more upscale and my stuff is nice, but not antiques. I am more of a "vintage" and "primitive" person - no true antiques.

This is the type of Flea market wher you rent a space, set it all up and leave it. There is some one on duty to help people and check them out. All I have to do is keep it full, straighten it up and pay my rent. Commission is 10% plus the 40.00 rent. Pretty good - I was paying $55.00 a month and 15% eight years ago when I had my booths.

This really gives me the oppurtunity to clear out a lot of stuff which is great. But, (this is good and bad) it gives me the opportunity to BUY more stuff too! ACK!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I wanted to comment on your post above, but the comment box wouldn't pop up. I just wanted to say that using the Amazon box is a very SMALL request for such a nice offer! I'll be sure to use it!


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