
Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I get a ton of great deals at Whenever I find a particularly great deal, I will post if here with a Search Box and the wrods to enter to find it quickly. I would appreciate you using the search box on the "Deal of the Day" site. In the summer they have a toy sale featuring $30.00 toys for $5.29 with free shipping. I bought 15 toys last summer and was able to donate them to Toys 4 Tots, the Giving Tree at my School, the Salvation Army and a few other local charitites. I alos bought a KitcheAid mixer there for a total of $79.00 after discounts coupons and codes. I have never seen one like it sell for less than $169.00.

Hint of the Day: Come back here for more great deals at Amazon aond other places too!

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