What is a monkeybox?

When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

MyBlogSpark Giveaway

Winners are Jen, Wendy & Pat!
More giveaways to come!
I am happy to be teaming up with MyBlogSpark to sponsor a few giveaways to my loyal blog friends.
The first Giveaway is from Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt. I received a free product coupon in the mail from Yoplait and My BlogSpark to try the yogurt. I chose Vanilla because I like to add my own blueberries, strawberries and cherries to my yogurt. I liked the Fiber One Yogurt. It is a bit sweeter than most other yogurts that I have tried. But, if your sweet tooth is craving something and you are looking for a healthy alternative - then I think this Yoplait Fiber One yogurt would be just the ticket! I ended up eating mine plain out of the carton and did not add any fruit to it. I would buy it again. There is almost always a coupon in the Sunday inserts. You know I love my coupons!

Yoplait is being kind enough to offer THREE of my friends a chance to win a Yoplait Gift Bag full of goodies.

You will get a coupon for a FREE 4 pack of Fiber One yogurt in your choice of flavors, a divided covered dish for lunch, a big tumbler with a snap on lid, two fabulous combo fork/spoons and a very nice insulated lunch bag/cooler.

Just leave a comment and tell me what is your favorite middle of the day snack? I get overwhelming cravings for popcorn in the middle of the afternoon. I don't eat it that often, but sometimes, I just need some popcorn!

Winners will be drawn and notified Friday afternoon. Sign up ends at noon Central on Friday. Please EVERYONE sign up and don't feel guilty about me spending money mailing them out. These gift bags will be shipped directly to you by MyBlogSpark! Isn't that nice? They ship fast too. So....what are you waiting for? Sign up NOW!


  1. Oh dear I left a comment without answering your question! Count my two as one comment---My FAVORITE mid-day snack is cheese, nuts, and Triscuits---at the same time!~~~XXOO, Beth

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Oh damn, now I'm craving popcorn. And it's just time for (a healthy) breakfast. Favorite summer mid-afternoon treat: italian ice. Backup favorite: anything chocolate! JessicaD

  3. Lately I have been noshing on tapioca pudding. I don't care for drinking milk, so I try to eat lots of puddings and cheese. Might be good for me to ADD fiber, hmmmm?

  4. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Sad to say, I LOVE potato chips. But I am eating healthy now, so I reach for a 100 calorie English muffin with a little bit of jelly for a snack if I am really hungry! Carmen

  5. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Hmmmmmm. Yogurt!

  6. Throw my name in the hat. Favorite snack foods in the afternoon are popcorn or raisins. And a diet ice tea to wash it down with.

  7. Unfortunately, I usually crave chocolate - the darker the better! Wish I could say it was something healthy. Wait a minute! Dark chocolate is healthy. Yay for me! :)

  8. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Well, when I am trying to be good, I will have a piece of fruit, or a little baggie of cereal, or some popcorn (& now I am hungry for it too!) or sometimes even some trail mix. When I am being not so good, it could be anything from a Hershey bar on down to a box of Cheez Its!!!

    I LOVE your blog, I check it every day. I want to start thrifting, but in my little neck of the woods there 'aint much to choose from. I keep saying I am going to get up on Saturday mornings & come to "town" to go to all the garage sales in hopes of finding some treasures...

  9. A spoon or two of peanut butter, yummy!

  10. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I like hot tea with milk for a snack. I've tried the Fiber One yogurt - did you know it is 0 Weight Watcher points because of the fiber. Do agree that it is better when you spiffy it up with fresh fruit.

    Pat from yardsalequeen

  11. YUM oliveoyl64, I love tapioca!!
    My favorite afternoon snack is candy...Hot Tamales, Sweedish Fish, Milk Duds, Mike and Ike...etc...

  12. Hi, Shara! Olive told me to come visit and I'm glad I did. I'll be back!

  13. Popcorn is a fave of mine. Also eating cherries when I can catch them on sale!

  14. At work... usually chocolate. At home... cheese puffs. Healthy, huh?

  15. Anonymous8:59 PM


    Thanks for the give-away. Sign me up for sure.


  16. I read your blog every day. Yours is my favorite blog. I love to read what you have to say (you're very funny) and what great items you pick up in your travels! I wish I lived near you so that I could go with you!!! My favorite snack is McDonalds Yogurt Parfait. Please enter me into your giveaway!! Thanks so much!


  17. How fun! My favorite middle of the day snack (I'm usually at work) is a little chocolate - for a pick me up & hopefully a little energy boost. Pair it with an afternoon cup of coffee & my day is instantly better!

  18. My favorite midday snack would be anything with chocolate.

  19. Either popcorn or chocolate, depending on the day.

  20. My fave afternoon snack is apple slices with peanut butter or cheese.

  21. Dark chocolate. . .anything with dark chocolate.

  22. My favorite afternoon snack is a Little Debbie...doesn't matter the kind. They are SOOOO good, but so bad for you, so I only get them sometimes.
    theremingtons (at) cox (dot) net

  23. My favorite is cheese. I don't why but I always get a cheese craving after lunch. My friends say I'm more mouse than human!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. i am a big fan of yogurt it is fast and healthy it depends if i am in a hurry , for speed a banana but if i have time a pumpkin scone from starbucks yummy
    roswello at hotmail dot com

  25. I like some almonds or an apple! Thanks for the chance to win!

  26. Ironically enough, my favorite snack food in the afternoon is yogurt. I especially love the Key Lime flavor.

    Debbie: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com

  27. Like you, popcorn is my weakness! I also get chocolate cravings, but those are much more rare.
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  28. Hey Shara...I love Yougurt but have never tried that one...so enter my name please. I was wondering what this blog spark thing was...i heard something about it somewhere, but the info didn't stay in the brain. Got to agree with Jessica D AKA Anonymous...I love something cold and fruity, especially since it's HOT! Can't find the fruity?? Bring on the chocolate!! :o} *elaine*

  29. My favorite is trail mix. It always hits the spot and keeps me going until dinner!

  30. My afternoon treat is usually fruit or pretzels. My favorite is pretzels with a Hershey kiss balanced on top - yum nothing beats salty pretzels and chocolate.


  31. I would go for some Chocolate or def some Cheddar Rice Cakes!! Yum!!

  32. My favorite snack in the summer is something sweet and fruity like a smoothie or some type of melon but if that doesn't hit the spot usually some cheese and crackers will do it! I also could eat yogurt all day and night with a little granola mixed in it.

  33. My favorite lately has been 1/2 a cup of reduced fat cottage cheese with a sprinkle of splenda and cinnamon. It fills the craving for something sweet, but without a sugar crash later.

  34. I usually go for something sweet (like candy or granola bar) but I know that something protein (like yogurt) would be better.

  35. My snack choice is an apple.

  36. I usually crave some kind of ice cream!

  37. I think my favorite snack is popcorn. Not just the middle of the day either. I am talking about any time!!


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