What is a monkeybox?
When I was a little girl, we had a pet monkey named Amanda. My Dad worked in the produce business, so each night he brought home that days culls in a big box - spotty cucumbers, pithy apples, limp celery, moldy oranges and the like. We called it a monkeybox. It was really just trash, but my Mom would take each piece of fruit and trim it, pare it and cut it up to make a beautiful fruit platter for Amanda. Even though it was deemed trash by one, it still had life left in it and was good for the purpose we needed it. That's how I live my life - thrifting, yard saling, looking for another's trash to be my treasure.
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Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Sale of Sales
When you arrive, there are about ten big tables covered in boxes of things, plus the boxes are stacked two deep under all the tables. Everything is $1.00 a box, or each item is 25¢ each. Or, this is what I do, you can get an empty box and make your own box for $1.00. I made three boxes, plus gathered up many more items from the other tables. I spent a total of $14.25 for five boxes of things. *Most intended for resale. Well, a lot, anyway!
Eighteen handmade felt Santa napkin rings. The paper napkins complete the bearded look - all part of the $1.00 box.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Thrift Thursday Part II
That tray or platter is old white enamel with red trim, which I adore. It was under a pile of old plastic once-was deli platter trays. On a whim, I dug it out because it looked old. And it was! And, it was only 25¢! The old stuffed animals are filled with sawdust. Old carnival wins, I assume. They were 25¢ each too. The set of white enamel Coffee and Tea canisters were $1.00 total. There is a sticker on the bottom that says, "Not for food use. May poison." So, I will have to think of a non-tea, non-coffee idea for them.
This is an old Philco bakelite radio/record player that I found for $2.00. Yes, two dollars! They seem to sell in the $50.00-$100.00 range on ebay, but the shipping is about as much. I think I might try this on Craigslist. If nothing else, it will go to my Dad's house in his antique collection. I can't get it to work, but I haven't tried too hard. It has a bunch of glass tubes and odd things under it that I am afraid of breaking if I tinker too much. I wish I could get it to work. I still have all my old Disco albums that I would love to hear again.
Okay, are you ready for this? What's better than finding a few vintage Shiny Brite Christmas ornaments?
How about finding 86 vintage Shiny Brites all in red? I bought three paper bags and two small boxes of Christmas ornaments for $1.50 total. I didn't even bother going through them at the sale, because I figured it would be my afternoon's entertainment to sort it out. I did see a few things in the bag that made me know I was getting a good deal. And, guess what else? These red Shiny Brites aren't even what I saw in the bags.
Are you ready? Are you sure? Okay, if you say so.... Vintage Shiny Brite-a-palooza is what I saw. There's a few newer ones, but they are mostly old and oh, so pretty. I swear, I could have just left the suitcase full of ornaments (sans the cat) and left it on display until Christmas.
See? Oooooooh. So, so pretty. The red ornaments will most likely be attached to a bottle brush wreath. I think an all red ornament wreath would be so pretty. I'd love to put it on the front door, but I worry about ice and cold breaking them.
Tomorrow I am going to my favorite sale of the year. They have one or two sales a year and I have been going since The Bean was a baby. The people that have the sale, actually live in Kansas, but they bring their things here and have a big sale. They buy at old household auctions, re-sell on ebay and then sell the remaining things at this sale. And, even though they do sell on ebay, I have found a lot of things there that I have made good money on. They buy box lots for certain items, and just sell the rest. They normally have at least 25 boxes lining the driveway. The boxes are either $1.00 each or you pick and choose from the boxes and make your own box for $1.00. I swear, if I had a truck, I would just buy all the boxes and sort it out at home. They also have a flat bed trailer covered in linens and everything is 25¢ each. This includes a few clothes, but also kitchen towels, embroidered pieces, tablecloths, aprons, etc. They also often have boxes of material for $1.00. I bought a box of material once after I realized that the "material" was actually several tablecloths and other vintage linens. I think I ended up with 40 pieces for that $1.00. This was back when I had a flea market booth that did quite well. Then there are tables upon tables covered in little treasures. I am normally there about two hours looking at everything. Last year, I didn't buy that much, but I still had a lot of fun picking up a few things and looking at everything else. Everything in the entire sale is vintage. Nothing new, nothing modern. Just old stuff everywhere. I'll never sleep tonight thinking about it all. Gotta get to bed so I can get up early! I'll take my camera!
Thrift Thursday
Until then, here are my thrifty finds from yesterday:
Monday, June 23, 2008
My inventory results are in:
9 Vintage Flour Sifters
5 Bakelite Handle Cake Servers
26 Vintage Tablecloths
68 Vintage Cookie Cutters
Here is my quandary. I don't really need nine flour sifters. Well, I really do need one flour sifter as the last time I baked a cake I realized that I didn't have a usable flour sifter. But, do I need need nine old unsanitary, not for use, flour sifters? No. So, I decided to line them up and sort them out. I have a red handled sifter. Need that one. I have a green handled sifter. Need that one. An aqua handled one. Need that one. A beat up old worn Bromwell's. Like that one. A brand new vintage Bromwell's with the original 48¢ price on the side. Love that one. And, so on and so forth. I'm in quite the pickle with those darn flour sifters.
I have this old cabinet in my kitchen that I am forever putting things in that I pick up at sales. Often it is something small priced 10¢ or 25¢ that I just grab to save from the landfill. Not everything is a valuable treasure, just things that I see and love and bring home to protect. I really don't even know what all is in there now. One of the doors recently came off the hinges, so I took some photos of my treasures. I am going to dump it all out and take inventory of the contents later this week. So, until then, enjoy the photos and 'scuse the dust.
Look at all the goodies! Old typewriter ribbon tins, tin toys, old stuffed toys, kitchen items galore, old blocks, crockery, cast iron toys, glass insulators, wooden cheese boxes, an ice cream scale, skeleton keys, iron locks and lots of other things that spoke to me at one time or another. That little Mercury crock up in the upper right corner was one of the very first old things that I ever brought home. I researched it and found that it was used in the coal mines. I think it was worth about $25.00 back then, but I loved it because of the history of it and kept it.
This teeny handmade beaded coin purse is one of my favorites. It is not much bigger than a silver dollar and it is beaded front and back to look like an orange slice. It is very old and oh, so sweet. It was missing a few beads, but my Mom, the bead master, fixed it good as new, I mean good as old. The little celluloid doll is sitting in a very old primitively handmade scoop. It is made out of an old welded can.
An unused 1966 Date Book. I need to pencil in "Shara was born" on August 15th. Love the little teeny acorn the funny pipe cleaner Koala is holding. Don't forget - 'scuse the dust.
That glass item in the center is a very old blown glass paperweight full of seashells. The shell in the center is engraved with some words that I cannot make out and it drives me crazy with wonder and the date 1907. So, it is 101 years old. I want to know what it says and why someone made it. The stack of coins under it are over scale reproductions of coins that were made in 1976 for the Bicentennial. Each week there was a new coin and you could only buy them at a certain bank. My Dad bought me one each week so I would have the whole collection. That rubber cowboy popped out of the dirt at my Mom's house one day. She lives in a house that was once the Church Parsonage. Every time it rains, treasures pop out of the ground. One day she spotted a bride and groom cake topper in the dirt.
Dolls of all sorts. An old clothespin doll, a wooden beaded doll, celluloid dolls (some missing limbs, oh my!), rubber dolls and plastic dolls. Geez, is that another flour sifter in the background? Make that 10 flour sifters, then. Cripes.
Here's a corner of the kitchen cabinet that is in an awkward spot so I just use it for display. I just put all the old molds in the big jar yesterday. I have so many of those little molds. I really, really, need to only keep ONE mold of each size and design, but noooooo, I have at least six of each size and each design. It is a sickness, I tell you, a sickness. I found that little cast iron stove in the center not long ago for 25¢ and I adore it. As I cull out items and find others that I love more, some of these items may go by the wayside. But, not the molds. Or the stove. Or the old packaging. Or the crow on the pie. Or the.......... It's a pickle, I tell you. A pickle.
Here are the vintage cookie cutters in their new home - the giant four gallon Mason jar. See that, at the top of the jar? Space! Room! A place to keep collecting cookie cutters! Yipppppeeeee. I've posted photos of this jar before, and it is deceiving. That is a HUGE rolling pin behind it. It weighs 12 pounds and it is 2 1/2 feet tall. I bought it from a lady that made pies for a living at a diner. How she lifted that thing all day long is beyond me. She made pies for 40 years with that rolling pin. It was a part of her life 40 hours a week for 40 years. And, she sold it for $2.00 at a yard sale. Why am I such a sucker for other people's history when they don't seem to care about their own history?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
A few Saturday Finds
I also bought a nice old wooden stepstool that needs a coat of a paint and some sanding. At 5'2", I am always in need of a stepstool! But, not another project!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I received my win from Kristin yesterday. Not only did I get the scrumptious Lolly Dolly, but she sent me a Bag O' Bingo and a wonderful handmade card.
Thank you Kristin. Lolly has a loving home in Arkansas.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Thursday Thrifting
I got this bowl full of matchbooks for $3.00. (Banana not included) I couldn't find anything to sue for scale except this banana. Pretty lame. The point is, this is one mega glass bowl chock full of matchbooks. The bowl was worth $3.00, although I will most likely re-thrift it. I'd bet there is at least 300 matchbooks in there, if not more. I bought them to resell, but in the recesses of my mind I think I am remembering you can't mail matches. Hmm. I found brand new ones and old ones that go back to the old five digit phone numbers. They are from all over the USA. I found one from Heinie's Steakhouse. I asked to go eat dinner there on my 7th birthday. It was a bit pricey and you didn't get much, but I wanted shrimp on my birthday. I guess I wasn't always frugal and thrifty! Don't most kids want pizza on their birthday?
A hodge podge of items. The material is a floursack, but I'm pretty sure it is new. With the Mill around here (the one I have shown before) there are a lot of new floursacks around. Still, it is a sweet print and as big as a pillowcase. It was 25¢. The shadowbox with strawberries was 25¢. It will most likely be emptied, painted and filled with something vintage-y and kitchen-y. A bag of vintage robin's eggs for 10¢, a bag of old sewing items including these two sweet cards of old buttons for 75¢ and the two old song books for 1937 were the bestest price of all. Free. Our library has a huge section of books for sale - paperbacks 25¢, hardbacks 50¢ and then a cartful that is FREE. They usually put the "old out of date books" in the box for free. Where do you think I go first?
Here's my "I don't know what I will do with it, but I had to have it" purchase of the day. This is a huge and very heavy wrought iron candelabra. It is very well made and I love it. I, however, have no where to put it, so it will be a thinker. I'll have to think about what to do with it. It was only $4.00. I've seen these re-purposed with old teacups on the candle holder part and old enamelware hung from the rest of it. I'd love to have it on my big front porch over the old wrought iron bistro set with the big pot of geraniums on it. What's that? I don't have a big porch with a bistro set and geraniums? Bummer. It's in the garage on top of my cool bulletin junk board that I made that DH broke (Grumble. Grumble) and a blue train case that I bought because all the other bloggers are snapping them up like hotcakes. I have no idea with to do with it. It's a thinker too.
There's a sale on the next street over on Saturday morning. It is advertised as "lots of knick knacks". That usually means box of stuff for digging and hidden treasures. Maybe, maybe not. It's the thrill of the hunt, right?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Gettin' Organized - One Space at a Time
I am getting rid of things and putting the things I love out so I can enjoy them. I've been acquiring a lot of vintage tablecloths as of late, so I decided to get them out of an ugly plastic tote and put them where I can see them:
And, since we can't afford to build on for more space, I am adding space where I can find it. I had a ton of baskets in the linen closet with my coupon purchased toothbrushes, deodorants and razors. I bought these nice fabric shoe organizers at the Dollar Tree. I stapled them to the inside of the door and now I have plenty of storage for all the little things that get lost in the shelves and baskets. I've even made labels for each pocket, but I haven't gotten them on the pockets yet. I'm so Martha! *snicker*
Next chore: I have shelves above the washer and dryer and they are crammed packed full of gift bags, ribbons, tissue paper and gift boxes. I am going to save a few and donate the rest. I am going to find only the phone books that are good for THIS year and get rid of the rest. All the partially burned candles are outta here. The batteries must all be in date. If I don't know what cord goes to what electronic, so be it, they are gone too. I am going to finally shred the cancelled checks from 1999. I will find The Bean's birth certificate and immunization record. I will put my photographs in matching pretty boxes with labels. Oh, a girl can dream, right? Photos to come.....
Monday, June 16, 2008
Lost, Found, Won & Done
After three straight days of cleaning, I positively had to get out after he left. We headed to Target - Land of Hidden Deals. They've already clearanced out all their summer merchandise, which is crazy since the first day of summer is this weekend. But, if they want to mark it down and practically give it away, who am I to argue? Thee wasn't much left, but I did get a couple big plastic gallon size drink dispensers and a big Melamine striped bowl. I love giant bowls. The bigger the better. I don't know why, but I love having big bowls for salads, bags of chips, etc. All three things were $5.00, but would have been $15.00 since it was all 75% off.
On the way home, I spotted a thrift that has never been open on Mondays before, was open today, so the car just careened in on two wheels. Not much,which is fine. I've learned to buy only what I love and be happy with what I find and find a spot for it when I get home.
Here are my finds: A nice Floraline planter for 75¢, a hand carved Santa for 25¢ and a wee miniature old insuluator for 50¢. I've never seen such a teeny little insulator!
And... I WON! Oh, is she cute or what? I can't wait to get her and introduce her to the family. Thank you Kristin!
This concludes this post of random thoughts and silly stuff. I'll be back when I have something worth writing about!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thrift / Trash Picking Thursday*
The Bean and I were headed to a Church Sale this morning when I spotted something sitting at curbside that made me do a donut in the street. The lady that lives in the house where I found this often just sits things at the end of her driveway when she doesn't want them anymore. Just a thing or two at a time and no FREE sign or anything. It just sits there until someone takes it. And, it'susually me. (Man, I hope she just isn't trying to decorate the end of her driveway!)
Today I spotted this:
As for the Church Sale, I spent $10.00. The Bean got six brand new cool skater shirts for 50¢ each, $65.00 worth of new books for a total of $1.35 and three brand new Beanie Babies. I'd say he has quite the stellar day. (I know Beanie Babies are not worth anything, but he likes collecting them and it gives him something to shop for at sales. $1.00 is the most we ever pay for them, usually more towards 10¢-50¢ each. This year, someone had donated at least 300 brand new Beanie Babies and they were selling them for $1.00 each. Last year on the last day of the sale, stuffed animals were 5¢ each. So, guess where we will be Saturday morning.)
What did I get? Not a lot, but I did run into one of my very best friends that I haven't seen in years and we gabbed for an entire hour inside the sale BEFORE I even shopped. Oh, it took restraint, but it was worth it to see my friend again.
And, my cutie-pie item of the day. A sweet vintage apron with an embroidered bird and flowers. It was only 10¢ and very, very cute. But, it isn't blue or gingham and those are my apron collectiong guidelines. But! It has ric-rac and I am the ric-rac QUEEN. So, may I keep it anyway, pretty please?
Tomorrow another A/C man comes to give us an estimate. Monday we are having our house appraised. I am soo tired of strangers in my house. I suspect I am getting quite the reputation in the neighborhood what with all the A/C guys and Plumbers as of late. I just might outshine Crazy Carl the daily lawnmowing guy with my daily visits from strange men in trucks antics. "I got a Rep-U-tation!"
*Ten extra credit points if you know what movie that line is from!