
Friday, December 02, 2016

Life Lately

Hello my friends.  Every night I sit and think I need to blog.  I refuse to be one of the many, many people that has given up blogging.  I like to write so I will always blog.  It's just that sometimes I don't have anything interesting to say or show, so I just don't blog.  I did have a fun adventure last week, but I'm not sharing that quite yet.  But, it was stupendous!  

It seems like I am busy from the time I get up until the time I go to bed and I don't even have a "real" job.  I do have our shared booth chock full of stuff and sweet Lara has been nice enough to let me put some vintage Christmas in her lovely booth.  I have been selling a lot in her booth so that makes me feel good about sales IF I am ever able to get a booth in there of my own.  Sales for me have been good in the shared booth as well.  So, that's good.  Of course, I could always use more money so I have been selling quite a bit on ebay.  Even though it is the time of year that I just start thinking about Christmas shopping, it is almost too late to sell on ebay.  People start wanting it RIGHT NOW and at bargain prices.  I just find it easier to not sell in December.  I do have a few Christmas items I am going to list as BIN and see if they sell in the next week.  

I'm also going to offer up some things on Instagram since the people on there are so much more laid back and friendly.  They feel like they are buying from someone they know more than just an ebay seller.  One of my recent ebay transactions involved an older man who told me repeatedly that he was a Veteran and he had to take a bus to the grocery store to get a money order to pay and on and on. I'm thankful for his service, but when he didn't pay for two days, ebay opened a case against him, as per ebay RULES.  Anyway, he wrote me and said you ebay people are crooks and you ebay people are cheaters and on and on.  I tried to work with him but he just go angrier and angrier. Finally, his payment came through, he got the item and left me glowing feedback.  I really expected a negative, even though I could have had it removed.  I swear it is always the under $20 sales that give you the most trouble.  I sold a $300 item and never heard a word from the buyer.  It's all just crazy sometimes.

Hey, remember when I said sometimes I don't have anything interesting to say?  Well, that doesn't always stop me from blabbing on and on and on about it, now does it?

I've been decorating. I started Monday but I still have a ways to go.  I'm doing it slow and enjoying my treasures.  I sold a lot of vintage Christmas at the Fall Junk Ranch and in both of the booths, so I was itching to see what I had kept!  People always ask em how I can stand to sell such wonderful vintage Christmas things.  That's because I keep the cream of the crop for meeeeeeee!  Photos to follow eventually.  It's really the same things I do every year, but it all makes me super happy.  My front porch is Happyville.  

I have been out hitting the thrifts on the hunt for more vintage Christmas, but it is few and far between.  I think more people are out looking for it and more people hoard it so it's harder to find.  But, I am hoping that people are starting to put their decorations out and start culling out some things to send to the thrift.  My Super Cheap Thrift had their Christmas all half off already because they have so much more to put on the sales floor.  So, I have plans of going there every time they are open until Christmas.  I went Thursday and got five huge bags full of ornaments for my ornament wreaths. Some of it was junk, so back it will go.  But I got a nice amount of things to add to wreaths in those 25¢ bags.  

This Nativity set was wrapped up in bubble wrap and newspaper in a baggie.  I took a chance on it and was pleased to find a nearly complete set.  It's missing an angel, but I think that is all.  

Yesterday I stopped at Goodwill just as they were rolling out a cart of merchandise.  They do that at 4:30, so that is the time to go, I have discovered.

This very old and very heavy wooden tool box was on the bottom of the cart.  I pulled it off and looked at it.  The top opens and the drawers all pull out.  It's really awesome with that red paint and the old address on top.  I decided it was too heavy and too bulky to buy, so I put it back.  The clerk walked over and took it to the furniture area and set it on the floor.  I walked about ten feet away and then I came to my senses and went back and swooped that sucker up!  Well, as much as you can swoop a 40 pound wooden chest up, that is!  

Today I was cleaning out the liner in the drawers and getting rid of the few screws and old files that were in it.  I pulled out all three drawers and found a bunch of great old things under the bottom drawer including three old wooden folding rulers!  I held my breath in anticipation of money taped to the bottom of a drawer, but there wasn't any.  Wouldn't that have been exciting?!?!?!?!

I hope you are all well and getting in the spirit.  I have missed your comments and I really do appreciate all of you!  


  1. I'm so glad to see you post and to know you wont' stop blogging. I know my posts have gotten sporadic but I love keeping in touch so will continue to blog as long as I'm able. You do find so much great stuff. The thrifts haven't had much vintage Christmas at all but I've found a couple of things here and there. Not that I need more (ahem) but of course that never stops me. Putting up the tree today and will see how the new kitty reacts. I have put it on the dining room table in hopes that she won't climb it. We will see.

    1. Our newest cat is obsessed with looking out the front window - exactly where the tree goes. I'm sort of nervous, but I will leave a little stool for him to hop up on and look out. Hopefully that will do the trick!

  2. Keep on blogging. I am right there with you....still hanging on (although posts are much less frequent than before..thank you Instagram)

    1. Blogs are such a fun read. I am happy that you are still blogging even though you are INSTAFAMOUS!

  3. I think instagram has replaced blogs for many as it can be done in real time. The nativity set looks exactly like the one my mom had when I was growing up. We lovingly set it out every year and yes it is missing the angel that hung from the top of the manger.

  4. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I am a long, long, LONG time follower and love to see the things you find and what you do with them. I too love yard sales and thrift stores. Glad to hear you say your will keep blogging.....I will keep reading!
    Marie in Oregon

    1. Thank you for commenting! I'll always be here - so come back and comment again! Thanks fro reading all these years!

  5. Like you I've been savoring taking out my vintage Christmas this year, though I haven't bought any. I'm still trying to thin the herd lol. Love your Santa's in the frame. Great score on that toolbox. :)

    1. I'm only buying for resell at my shows. I have kept a few small things, but I try to let something go to make room for it. It's just so fun to look for something new/old!

  6. Not that you have to keep blogging for me, but are you kidding me - everything you write is interesting to us! You are so humble about what you do - but make no mistake - you are VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! I look forward to reading

    We connect with you because you confirm our vintage wishes, hopes, and dreams. We cheer when you find that amazing elusive score. We do a (virtual!) cartwheel when you get it for super cheap. We anticipate the Junk Ranch as much as you do even though most of us will only be there virtually through your blog or Instagram. We love to see you decorate for the holidays. Some more than others (me!) because I either don't have the decorations (Thanksgiving!) or time got away from us.

    You make us laugh and you educate us. I would have overlooked a Rushton rabbit at an auction and I scored an Annalee reindeer because I read your blog. And I don't collect them, but I think I bought 8 vintage Santa mugs (made in Japan) because of your influence. You'll be proud that I bought them for 25 cents each, teach!

    I don't mind a few advertisements or affiliate links - I don't hate on a blogger trying to make bank. But I stopped reading some of the other blogs because they don't feel authentic anymore and there seems to be a slant towards gaining advertisers, not readers. As my Southern BFF would say, you are the real dill, pickle.

    So yes, please keep on blogging for you. But know that we love and appreciate that you are blogging for us too!

    PS - sorry I went on and on but I just couldn't stop the train - we love you!

    1. Ree Cee, Can you email me at I want to talk to you! <3

  7. I am glad you came to your senses with the wooden box it is awesome.

  8. I love reading your blog, Shara, even if not much is going on. Whenever I am down, your blog cheers me up. :-)

  9. I enjoy your blog and I also follow you on IG. Your writing is authentic and I feel like we could be sitting at a table drinking coffee and chatting. Keep up the good work!

  10. OMG - I laughed out loud at your comment about money being taped under a drawer. I ALWAYS think that will happen and I look in anticipation. So far it hasn't. :-( At any rate, I would have snatched up that box in a minute.

  11. I look almost daily to see if you have posted something and always enjoy reading your post and seeing your pictures. I don't blog currently because I can't post any pictures and I'm not sure why :( as soon as I figure it out I will be back to blogging. I also look forward to your Instagram posts. I see your etsy link but can't find your ebay link...what am I missing?

  12. I love reading blogs. Not just looking at pretty photos, but actually "reading" them :), so I always look forward to your posts!

  13. If I could get a booth where I live I would make a killing! It is not a common practice in Montreal, Qc.

    I love seeing how you decorate and it always inspires me to Xmas decorate!

    I find that as a blogger, I get lazy and don't post as much anymore...I use kicks in the arse
    to get me blogging again!

  14. Hi Friend! Sorry I haven't commented lately, hubby had surgery, life has been busy, haven't been visiting blogs lately. You are about the only one I even read anymore. Been busy with eBay, you are so right, its always the smallest sales that produce the biggest headaches. Everyone wants something for nothing, and you had the right idea, I should just give up in December and take a break. Love your little nativity you found :)


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