
Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Very Fun Day

The week before Thanksgiving I had an email arrive in my in box titled, "Want a date?"  I almost deleted it because I have had a rash of erectile dysfunction ads and "meet hot Russian Women" emails lately.  But, I took a second to look at the sender and determined that yes, yes, I did want a date!  It was from the one and only Eddie!  Eddie and Keith were making their annual pilgrimage to Arkansas (a 13 hour drive!) to see Keith's Mom and other family in the area.  Last year we had tried to get together, but that is such a busy time that it just didn't work out.  This year I was hosting Thanksgiving, had company coming into town and had lots of cleaning and prep to do so I didn't think I could drive the two hours to meet him this year either.  Eddie said they needed a little escape time, so they headed up over the mountain and came all the way to me!  Can you believe that?  I warned him that I might not be worth the drive, but he insisted.  

We met at the Goodwill up the street.  When I pulled in, I saw Eddie in their car and waved at him. He came bounding out all smiles to come hug me.  That was such a nice feeling!  Seeing someone you know, but you don't really know, and they are happy to see you.  Keith is not a thrifter and that was our plan for the day, so he went on his own adventure while Eddie and I went in to Goodwill for a little treasure hunting.

We ended up going to my house and Eddie got to see my not yet ready for company house (oye), meet The Breadman and The Bean and rub the cat's head.  The Bean loaded up with us and we headed out for a day of fun.  We hit nearly every thrift in town that was open and even had Mexican food as per Eddie's usual junking day out meal. I took him to my flea market to see the booth that lara and I share.  I bought some junk, he bought some junk and we had a good time.  It seemed crazy to meet someone you had never spent a minute with and then spend five hours with them.  But, the day flew by and we just had the best time.  I'm hoping we can do it again someday!  Eddie, you're a great guy and I had so much fun with you!  Thanks for coming up to see me!  

(I look terrible, but what do you expect?  He's wearing a TUXEDO, for heavens sake!) 


  1. How fun! I spent a very fun weekend with a blogger I met here. It was all about rug Hooking.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful day. I just love both of you and am so glad you finally met each other. Janet in Penna.

  3. I'm so jealous as both of you are people I want to hang out with and go thrifting!! Donna (Distressed Donna Downhome) and I met like that and the first time just spent hours and they flew by! I hope we can all meet up some day! Hugs!

  4. You two are so cute! Glad you had fun. I swear that I want to drive from Virginia to hang out with you two!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Want a driving partner? I'm in Tidewater.

  5. SO SUPER FUN! How nice of Eddie to drive the extra distance. I love meeting up with those friends from blogland and Instagram. And yes, our paths will cross someday too!

    1. It would be the ultimate experience to hang out and go junking with the two bloggers who took me to the dark side of cute - Shara and Laurie!

  6. First - you are such a cutie patootie! I don't think I've ever seen a picture of you (except for your kiddie pics)! You look just like your mom and I think she is just groovy!

    What an awesome day Shara! And how sweet of Keith to go on his own adventure so you and Eddie could junk guilt free! I imagine you both thought how lucky you were to finally meet in person and junking was the icing on the cake. Somehow, the online bond of junking created so much trust - you just didn't have to worry or second guess yourselves. Wouldn't it be awesome if we could all meet the folks on the sidebar of your blog in person!

  7. So jealous! It sounds like so much fun!!!

  8. Junking with a junking friend from blogland. Great mini-holiday treat.

  9. I love that you got to meet! Like minds never have a problem having fun even when they've never met.

  10. LOVE This SOOOOOOO Much!!!

  11. That is so cool to meet thrifty friends! I am glad you had a nice day

  12. That sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you got to meet and have a fun day!

  13. I got to "Ride the Ridge" with Distressed Donna Downhome. We had a blast going to thrift and antique stores. She's wonderful.

    I want to meet Eddie, too. I'm going to see if it's feasible to stop there on our way to Ohio to visit family from southeastern NC. It may be a little bit outside of the route, though.

    I really enjoy your posts, and I would love to follow you through email. Am I missing that widget, or will you install it?


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