
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Well, Thank God That's Over

Well, the emails and texts have started coming in asking where I am and what has happened to me.  I have had a whole lot of crapola going on - nothing that won't pass or that has already poassed as I write this part.  But, MAN, what a week it was!  Here is what I wrote this weekend.  I decided not to post it because it was so depressing and whiny.  But, keeping it real - so here you go.....

This week had been total crap.  The Breadman's check was super low - Oh we cut your pay and forgot to tell you.  There has been a problem with his pay being too "high" their words - not ours.  So, they pay him his hourly rate but then pay him for less hours that he actually worked to make it fit into payroll.  So, they adjusted his hourly and now they will pay him for the full 40  but they forgot to pay him for the 40 so it was SO LOW.  Oh, we'll make it up to you next week.  This has happened so often you wouldn't believe it.  I mean, do they think that we just works there for fun?  Don't they realize that he is supporting a home and a family?  It is just so frustrating.  I am trying to find him all the jobs I can to apply for right now.  Finding him a better job has become my new job.  *Since I wrote this, he was contacted by a company that is interested in him, so FINGERS CROSSED.

Took the new kitty girl into the vet to be spaded this week.  They did blood work and vaccinations and called to tell me that she has FIV which is an autoimmune deficiency in cats.  Within seconds of the phone call they were saying they were so sorry and would I need to make some decisions about having her euthanized.  Would I WHAT?  She was 100% normal acting when I took her in an hour ago.  After a bit of talking, they said that she could be fine as long as she stayed healthy - and she is healthy now.  It is sort of like AIDs, but no one likes to use that term and I certainly don't want to either.  If she were to get sick she would have a very delayed immune system that would not allow her to heal and she would die from it without immediate antibiotics.  Then they went on to say that some cats never even have any effects of it and live to be 14 years old or more.  There is no danger to the other two cats getting it unless there was ever a situation where one bit the other and blood was drawn.  Heck our old fat cats barely looked up when Dory came into the house and it's been calm sailing ever since.  Dory is laid back and a real sweetheart, so there is no issue there.  Of course, we will always watch them, but I see no issues.  If the cat had been brought in just to be fixed and released back out, they would recommend having her put down to stop her from spreading the virus. Talk about one horribly long phone call where I was up and down the emotional gauntlet.  I came home and did a world of googling and learned that cats can live long healthy lives, they cannot spread it via water or food or litter box, or grooming or any other way other than an exchange of blood. There is NO reason to put down a sweet loving cat.  Even though everyone at the Vet is extremely nice, I couldn't help feeling a bit PISSED OFF about that entire phone call.

They also said that if the cat had ever been to the vet and had vaccinations, it is possible that she is only a carrier and doesn't actually have the virus.  Since we don't know her history, there is no way to know.

Except - an hour later they called back.

Dory had been put under anethesia for surgery and just as the Vet started to make an incision he noticed that................Dory is a Neutered Male.


We joke now that we took her to the progressive town that recently voted in an ordinance to offer equality to all  and they gave her a sex change.  So, Dory is a boy.  We still say Dory, why not.  Or Dorman.  That's my favorite.  He is healthy and active and appears to feel fine.  We feel like he was sent to us for a reason and now we know that it was so he could have a nice long safe life.  Another person could put him down.  And, that would have been a terrible, terrible shame.  

Thursday morning I put a load of laundry in the washer and the water came pouring back out of the drain hose.  Not fun.  I got that all mopped up and stopped doing laundry until we could get some crystal lye to put down the pipe.  Of course, the flood made even more laundry - wet stinky laundry.  

That night I turned on the oven to preheat it and POP there was a noise and a burst of sparks. The heating element had broken and burst into flames making the oven a firey useless mess.  I would like to tell you that I handled this with grace and dignity.  I did not.  I sobbed.  SOBBED, I tell you.  The straw that broke the camels back, I suppose.  Huge wailing cries.  Dinner was ready to go in the oven, it was late, I was tired and I had no other ideas to make.  So, I just sobbed and sobbed.  

A bit later I regained my composure, got on Amazon and ordered a heating element.  It will be here later this week.  We found Crystal lye at Lowe's and fixed the drain better than new.  I figured out meals to make every day that didn't require the oven (I use the oven every single meal) and it wasn't so hard to do,  But I am ready for my oven to be back in working order.  Especially with the forecast of 39 in the future. Mama needs to make some Pumpkin bread.  When I am stressed, I like to bake.  I have been totally stressed for a week!  With no baking!  

I did learn that I complain about cooking and laundry all the time.  But you know what is worse that cooking and laundry?  Not being able to cook and do laundry.  Especially when that is how you personally judge your worthiness around the house by feeding and clothing your family.  

What a week it was.  Now, aren't you sorry that you came over here to see what I've been up to?  

*Disclaimer - I know that in the grand scope of all the terrible things going on in this world of ours that these things are minor.  That is why I didn't want to whine about it.  I'll be back with some craftiness and the story of my next show - will it be a flop or a success - we shall see!


  1. So sorry about your crappy week something must be in the air. I cried yesterday over a parking ticket yikes but of course that was the straw kind of thing a lot was going on before that. Here is to a better days ahead.

    1. I hope tings are better over your way and you are feeling better. A parking ticket is worth a few tears, I think. It's better here, thanks!

  2. Things can only get better. But having an employer that constantly moves the goalpost stinks, mine tends to give you a wage slip then the money isnt in the bank or the figure is missing a chunk error they will sort it next month , been job hunting for a year not a flicker from the 1001 applications ive sent , its my age i'm told ...52 ive got to work till im 66 !!
    But the cat will be fine, ours managed 8 good years , despite the doom and gloom from the vets , finally used his ninth life in the traffic .

    1. I hope you find a good job soon - how can an employer act like you don't need that certain amount of money each week? You know they are getting their money!!!! Dory Dorman will stay inside so we hope he has a long happy life.

  3. Weeks like this can really wear us down! I am glad you did not put Dory down, but what a call from the Vet??? They need some compassion training and some update in their communication skills. I love that Dory is a he, hard to tell when it's already been done but REALLY the vet should have seen that before putting him under. Glad things are getting sorted out and as they say, this too shall pass. Hang in there my friend and I hope the Breadman finds a new gig soon!!!!

    1. Dory's a boy! Ha.. Poor cat! Things are better this week and the breadman has an interview on Friday. Whoohoo!

  4. Hope things start to look up from here!!

  5. Ok, whine away - that definitely was a crappy week. Yes, in the overall scheme not the worst one ever but the worst one you have had in a really long time and hopefully the next one will be better. Hugs, and if that doesn't work set yourself up with some wine (or tea if you don't drink alcohol) and some chocolate. And get a hug from that sweet kitty you saved. He/she appreciates your love.

    1. The oven is working again, but I din't bake anything because I kind of bought ALL THE HALLOWEEN CANDY for my personal consumption this week. You gotta do, what you gotta do! Dory loves me, this I know!

  6. Cheapchick is right, whine away.I'm convinced every so often we have to let that stuff out or we'll a pressure cooker. Sure the world's a mess but there's not a lot we can do to fix it.It's when our own little worlds become a mess that we need to cry, whine a little and then get back up again. Happy baking!!! and yes I agree, Dory Dorman found you for a very very good reason. Nice save!!

  7. crazy and horrid week, but you certainly were entertaining with your description of it. I can't imagine you just SOBBING AND SOBBING. Some times a good cry is all one needs. Hope the world turns around in the right direction....

    1. I cry, you cuss. We deal with it. :)I'm kidding! Everything is better this week. Last week BLEW!

  8. What a horrible week! I'm sorry for all your troubles. I was reading the part about the Breadman's pay troubles in horror. I know you need him to keep this job until he can get another, but please be documenting what they are doing - short paying and all of these continuing "mistakes" signal cash flow troubles (besides which these shenanigans are illegal as h*ll). I hope he finds something else soon. Hugs your way.

    1. He was running a route and making more money, But the routes all sold out so now he is loading trucks. He is making more than everyone else, so they are tying to adjust his pay. Heck, it's not his fault he's been there the longest and make more money than the other loaders. He got paid today for what they missed alst week and correctly this week, so hopefully it will last. Plus, he has an interview on Friday. Yay! Thanks for being nice about my whining! :)

  9. Geez--And I thought I was having a bad stretch. Honestly, nothing you said felt like whining. It was more of a survival narrative. You're strong and and you made it through! I am glad that Dory is okay. As traumatic as the whole call was, that is something you needed to know. I know he's going to have a long, happy life with you all. Good luck to the Breadman in the job hunt. What they are doing sucks. I agree with Pat--document, document, document. If they're doing it to one worker, they're doing it to others, Eventually, someone will take legal action. Hang in there! We're all pulling for you! Pumpkin bread....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Thank you for taking in Dory Dorman & loving him! If he always stays inside, he should live a long happy life with you. (No cats should be allowed outside. It's too dangerous.)

    1. Once a cat comes in my house, they are my prisoner and NEVER EVER leave. Inside all the time and long happy healthy lives!

  11. I'm glad you are on the other side of this now. I agree with Laurie. A good cry is necessary every now and then. In blogland or IG land, it might look like we all have our lives together, but we don't. I appreciate you keeping it real. Hugs!

  12. After reading Andie's recent sad post and this one and dealing with the mess in my head and house for the past month--it all just reinforces that quote that says something like, be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. We all struggle, don't we? Wish I was nearby--you could come borrow my oven for your stress baking. ;)

  13. When I was having paycheck issues and having to wait for my pay, the bank (WI) teller told me that the employer owes interest to employees that have to wait to receive payment. So check that out and as your friends above said, document with examples, dates and conversations with management. I hope he has a new employer soon. When all is said and done you handled yourself beautifully. You are a strong woman Shara.

    1. You always say the nicest things to me! Thank you. I don't think I am strong, but I try to deal with stuff as it comes my way. But, golly, last week pushed me over the edge! Thanks for coming here Sheryl. ((hugs))

  14. I'm late in reading this, you POOR, POOR THING!!! My heart goes out to you... but I was really confused earlier when you mentioned that your 'heating element arrived'. Hope things are looking up! Keep us posted on the B-Man's job hunt progress!!

  15. I am so sorry all this happened to you. I agree with everyone it is fine to whine and cry and scream and even throw things if it makes you feel better. Glad to hear this week is better. I hope Breadman gets the new job. What employers!

  16. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Hey Shara! When we took a stray kitten into our vet, she called me crying to say he had FIV and probably wouldn't last more than a few months. That was in 2001 and he is still here! He has an occasional eye infection that has to be treated, but other than that he is fine and very happy. So don't stress about Dory. He will do just fine with you!

  17. Sorry about your crappy week last week. Glad this one is going better. And hope all looks up on the job front for your husband. If it makes you feel better, I come to your blog to cheer me up - you always make me laugh!

  18. I'm late reading this! Please don't ever think you're whining... We all need to vent now and then. You sure had one crappy week, that's for sure. Hope things are looking up. Fingers Crossed for the breadman to find a new job.

  19. Late to the party but glad your week is better and hope the breadmans interview went great! I was having a similar week, furnace acting up, dryer went out, on and on, I commiserate with you! Keep on trucking, there's nowhere to go but up! Dorman is lucky to have you, he's gonna have a long healthy life!

  20. I had no idea you had such a wretched week! When that many things go wrong in such short order, it's hard not to be all keyed up and need a release! If venting and crying get it out of your system there is no shame in that! We are all friends here...anybody who says otherwise can go fly a kite! (That's a polite way to put it!) Now on to better times! Hope the Breadman gets the new job he wants!


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