
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Holiday Bazaar 2015

Thanks for all the love and support on my POOR PITIFUL ME post.  It just got to me and I didn't want to whine to you guys,  But you guys are the best - I should have come here sooner.  Thanks.  PS - Pipes are clear, oven is fixed, cat is fine, Breadman got paid what they owed him and he has a job interview on Friday.  WHEW.

On to better things.  On November 7th I am selling at the Project Graduation Holiday Bazaar at the High School.  You might remember that Lara and I sold at this same event two years ago and it was a tremendous BOMB.  I think I sold $70 and Lara sold $25.  The promoters (all friends of mine) did a smack up job getting people to come and sell at the Bazaar.  But they did NO advertising or promoting.  So hardly anyone came to shop at all.  Mostly it was the vendors walking around buying things.  And not much of that either really.  I chalked it up as a learning event and it actually helped me figure out how to display all Christmas things at The Junk Ranch and it was for The Bean's graduating class  - so it was a good thing to support.

This year the lady handling the event is doing a great job getting vendors AND promoting it.  The last time I think there were 25 vendors and this time there are over 50.  It is bigger and nicer.  Plus, the type of things that I make and sell (and Lara too) are more popular now than they were then.  I mean, everyone is on the vintage Christmas bandwagon right now.  I have vintage Christmas, so why not?  I am going to take it all to the booth that week, so I figure load it up, set up for a day maybe sell some and then drive it on out to the booth.  We shall see.  

In preparation, I have had my glue gun going day after day.  I'm making lots of over the top cute things and ornament encrusted wreaths.  

I made this wreath first.  All sorts of vintage fun on this one.  

As I was sorting through my ornament bins, I found a theme.  So, I went for it.


Candy canes, peppermints, trees and holly round it out.  This one as my friend Amy said, "Won the internet".  I had the most "likes" ever on a post when I showed this wreath.  After a few messages from fellow wreath makers, I was told to put this on Etsy at at stupid price.  So, I did.  If it sells, I will be elated.  But, honestly, I really love that thing!  I would normally say I would make another one, but I used a ton of my hoard to make this one.  There is a lot on it - hidden on the sides and on the inside.  

I've made snowglobes and prints and frames and on and on.  Lord, please let someone like kitschy tacky fun. 

I'll be back soon - it's time for the Flu Shot Clinic and it just happens to be halfway to the ALL CHRISTMAS THRIFT.  So, DUH.  


  1. Love all the wreaths but the Santa one is a collectors dream! I hope it sells for a lot or you get to keep it??? Glad you are giving this a try again.

  2. Those wreaths are great fun.Sort of like playing Where's Waldo only it's I Remember Having One of Those (like the Santa sun catcher) .

  3. That Santa wreath is so cute it may "break the internet!"

  4. Oh good goll, I missed the post about the horrid week and have to wonder if it is even legal to cut someone's pay without telling them first. I will be send the good vibes on that job interview!!
    The wreaths are soooo great. You have a talent for it, for sure.

  5. Those wreaths take a ton of time and effort, not only to make, but to hunt down the materials for them. You should totally ask a stupid amount for it! Now if it were me, I'd think "dang that is so cute. I'm keeping it!".


  6. Love, love the Santa wreath!

  7. I love kitschy tacky fun and so do a ton of other people, I hope you sell the crap out of your stuff! That Santa wreath is over the top fantastic. I'm not a huge fan of ornament wreaths but I'd buy that Santa one in a heartbeat!

  8. Go Shara! Go Shara! I can't wait to hear how it goes. A wreath with that much work and material in it deserves to sell for a stupid high price. I hope it does.


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