
Sunday, July 05, 2015


Yard sales are always in short supply on a holiday weekend.  There was one advertised and it was literally up the street from me - but they never said an exact date.  I drove up every day starting Wednesday through Saturday and they were never having it.  Maybe it will be next week, I don't know.  But, it sure bugged me BIG TIME.  Luckily, a friend called to say that she had a plethora of things that she didn't want to deal with anymore.  Things she was over, but knew still had value or use - so would I like to come pick a bit?  WOULD I?

I would.

So, I did.

She had tubs and tubs and tubs and TUBS of linens.  Good golly, Miss Molly.  Barkcloth, vintage, feedsacks, tablecloths, chenille, lace, quilts and more. I pulled out anything that looked bright and happy and old.  Kind of like me.  :D  She didn't really have an idea of individual prices, so I just made a pile of what I wished I could buy.  In the end, the price was really, really good so I was able to bring it all home!  Yay, me!

I made myself go home and do all my chores before I took the time to sit down and look through it all.  I like to make myself work for the pleasure of going through my junk.  I'm weird that way.  

So many pretty colors and prints.  I never thought I would be a linen person.  But the bright cheerful prints just make my heart sing.

There were 13 tablecloths - nearly all were perfect without stains or holes.  

Pretty florals.

Siesta time!

Love the flowers on this one.

Wilendur Ivy.

This one is a bold all over print - really great.

Wilendur Red Roses.  Fabulous!

Wilendur PINK Roses.  I am not a rose person - but this is fabulously beautiful.  Sadly, someone had cut a big chunk off one corner.  WHY would anyone do that????  I was able to cut the end off evenly so it still works on a smaller table (it was HUGE).  But, still....*sniff!

Smaller Wilendur Red Roses.

Bad photo - but a gorgeous heavy big tablecloth with perfect colors.  

Lots of PINKS!

Geraniums on this one - I think I have one like this with the red and aquas reversed.  

Strawberries, blueberries and flowers.

And a small print PINK rose cloth.  

THIRTEEN tablecloths all at one time. 


BUT WAIT!  There's MORE!

Several pretty bright tea towels.  

And feedsacks!  Uncut feedsacks.  

Patchwork print.

Nice red with flowers.

This is totally NOT my color scheme - but it is the prettiest one I have ever seen.

Aquas and pinks.  

GINGHAM with periwinkle flowers.

Pinks, reds and flowers.

And, happy bows with flowers.

There's more, but I imagine half of you are in a linen comma right now.  

But, think hankies, fabrics, napkins and more.  


It was a really, really good day.

Damn good!


  1. I'm hyperventilating here. Congrats on your fab linen score. Beautiful eye candy for sure.
    :) Pam

  2. Oh, so many beautiful linens. Can't wait to see the rest.

  3. Wowza!! I am speachless.

  4. That was a great score and made up for the yard sale that never happened.

  5. I hate those yard sales that don't happen. I've run into several like that this year--more than normal. Don't know what's up with people. Everyone should have a friend like that or at least get a call like that once or twice in their lifetime. I predict someone's fall Junk Ranch set up will have a fresh new tablecloth look!

  6. Vintage linens are my favorite thing to find at yard/estate sales. They are usually dirt cheap where as in the antique malls, they go for $20+. You found some beauties! Good luck letting them go :-)


  7. Wow I wish I had friends like yours. I love finding Vintage Linens but they always have stains on them. I'm trying to figure out how to get them cleaned.

  8. That's so much better then the mystery yard sale would have had! I love vintage tablecloths but you NEVER find them around here. NEVER EVER. You did roll around on the stack of these didn't you? Like the rolling in money, but rolling in vintage linen!

  9. So loving all those linens!! The table cloths are gorgeous and I truly love love the pink one's! Nice to have friends downsizing I think!

  10. O. M. G. you had a real life "dream"! I can only dream about a friend selling all those beautiful linens for an affordable price. They are beautiful! Can't waiters see more.

  11. Shara you hit the mother lode. How wonderful to have such a thoughtful friend.

  12. OMG I want some vintage linens NOW!!! LOL sorry, I am that crazy!

    If it wasn't evening I would go thrift, for sure!

    What happened to you , I wish would happen to me but with Pyrex!

  13. Woo hoo! That's one amazing haul of linens. Well done!


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