
Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Pickin' Part 2: The Sell Pile

So, you liked that last post, did you?  I never thought I would get all giddy about fabric and linens.  I still don't like or understand a lot of it - but give me a bright happy tablecloth or a brightly colored feedsack and I am all OH YEA BABY.

On to the rest of the pile (except there is a big thick stack of vintage feedsack quilt pieces and a bag of millinery flowers to sort.  To be continued.....:)

Very vintage tiny kid's baseball pants and a week little hat.  I can picture this framed with an old ball and bat or glove, but will I ever do that?  Oh, probably not.  But, maybe someone will.  

A vintage child's dress.  I had hoped this would fit Hazel, but is it was too big.  Love that fabric though.  


Twenty one hankies.  I had sworn off hankies - but when twenty-two hankies present themselves to you at once, you do not say NO.  

My pickin' buddy found these and put them in my pile.  Now I feel guilty - if you want them back say so OKAY?  Aren't they just the cutest?  "Nut Brown Maiden" isn't a song I know. Do you?  These would also be darling framed for a kid's room.  I think I will frame the "Auld Lang Syne" for my New Year's decorations.  UNLESS YOU WANT THEM BACK.

Linen place mats.

A ticking pillow cover with a zipper.  

Napkins.  I wish I could sew (actually I have no desire to learn to sew) - I would make some pillows out of these.

Patchwork pillow cover.

Sweet tea towel.  

Card table tablecloth with a napkin motif in the corners.  

I think this is called a bolster?  It is open on both ends to slide a long pillow through - or maybe even two pillows?  I do love that fabric.  

Heart shaped pin cushion.  

Two pristine PINK rose pillowcases.  These might crawl out of the TO SELL pile and onto my bed.  But, I can't be certain.  

And a feedsack apron destined to be repurposed as the bib has been cut off.  I had to rescue that fabric though.  

Lots of vintage goodness.  I guess I didn't say so in the last post, but most of you guessed that the tablecloths are KEEPERS.  About once a year I cull a few out when I add a few.  But to add that many at one time was pure joy!  But, I will TRY to cull out a few.  Or at least get them all out and look at them and refold them and cram them back into the shelves.  Yes, I think I can do that.  ;D


  1. Double WOW. Such great vintage pieces. Treasures.

  2. Wow, some fab linens in the sell pile. I found a couple of the music theme hankies recently, framing is a good idea. I think those gorgeous pillowcases are definitely keepers. Thanks for sharing the rest of your amazing haul.

  3. I literally drooled when I saw the last post on the tablecloths.Those rose pillowcases would definitely be making it to my bed too.Talk about fabric drunk!

  4. Wow. Wow. Wow! I wish I could sew too. Can't even fake that I know how. Some amazing treasures.

  5. Oh, those hankies and that heart pincushion... Love, love love!

  6. Oh you really did score big time! Love love the pink rose pillowcases (they could crawl onto my bed anytime~giggle). The hankies are precious and I love the little one's with songs on them. Tablecloths and fun linens just make my day. Thanks for sharing your treasures and I'm amazed at the sell pile...your doing good!


  7. Any time you can find that much stuff for a sell pile, then you should be able to keep as many tablecloths as you want! I love those musical hankies.

    1. You are preaching to the choir! I get to keeeeep them! Yeah!!!!!

  8. Is there any chance you are going to sell that Washington hanky? My hanky-loving 27 year old daughter would love it and her birthday's coming up! Thanks!

    1. HI Joyce - if you see this - yes, the hankie is for sale. Email me at if you can - thanks!

  9. Those musical hankies are awesome!

  10. I think I need to buy some hankies from you! I am looking for a particular style for a craft project and the one with the aqua roses on the left looks like it might work. I need hankies that have a border print that I can cut around on both sides to make some cuff bracelets. Name your price! I will send you a pic of the cuff I made so you can see what I am talking about.

  11. PLEASE for the love of vintage - WHERE and HOW do you store all of your collections? I have six storage units of varying sizes (in five cities in two states), have taken all the space in my beau's (our home), have two small booths at the antique mall and am starting to seriously look at buying a house so I can at least have an investment vehicle to store my stash.

    1. Wow! That's a lot of storage units! I just have my house no basement or attic. One shed out back with things from my husband's parents house and the outdoor decorations - plus my TO SELL Blowmolds. The garage is pretty darn full - all my holiday collections are in storage tubs and organized by holiday. As for my collections - they are all over the house. Pottery is all together, tablecloths are in two different cabinets, birthday things are in the kitchen, baby things are in the hallway. I do have a lot and I do have a rather tiny house, but I know where it all is! Good luck!

    2. OK - seriously, you are my hero. No basement or attic?! Gheeze woman, you are inspiring. Then it can be done. OK - I need to get to organizin.

  12. So wait, not only do you have the best pickin places in your neck of the woods but you also have the best friends to pick from too??!! Jealous!

    1. I do have some super sweet junkin' buddies!

  13. Just read your last two posts, what a score! Vintage linens is one of my fav things to find. I always say I'm going to cull out a few too, but I usually just pull them out, gaze at them lovingly, and refold them. I would have kept them too!

  14. Shara, those song hankies are just the best. I have never seen those before.

  15. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I am interested in purchasing your musical hankies. Could you please give me a price. They would need to be sent to Colorado.

  16. Wowzers! Amazing linens... Those musical hankies are off the chain!

  17. Love all of the linen treasures! If you'd like those napkins made into pillows, I'd be happy to do the sewing for you. Email me if you'd like to chat more about that ;)


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