
Monday, March 16, 2015

The Weekend in Junk: Holiday Edition

Friday was a rainy gross day so there were no sales.  Saturday was more of the same, plus we had tickets to go see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat so there was no junking to be done.  BTW, if you have a chance to see this production - I highly, HIGHLY recommend that you do so - it is wonderful.

The story is dear to my heart because of a time when The Bean watched it when he was about three years old.  If you know they story, Joseph gets "killed' by his brothers and thrown down a well. When The Bean saw this, he dissolved into tears.  So, much in fact, I thought he was hurt. I was certain that three year old couldn't be that involved in this movie. But, he was.  And he was devastated.  It took about thirty minutes to get him under control to restart the movie so he could see that Joseph was going to be okay.  (I had limited knowledge of the story, but I was pretty sure the main character wan't going to get killed off in the first ten minutes.)  

Once the story began again and he saw Joseph was okay, he calmed down and enjoyed the story.  We have watched it many times since then and know all the songs.  It is a great production - not  a single spoken word - every work is sung.  If you don't like the typical Musical (The Sound of Music makes me want to stick a fork in my eye, sorry), you would still love this because it is so lively and colorful and different.  Plus, Ace Young without a shirt for two hours.  Winner,  Winner.  :)

Sunday morning brought sunny skies and warm temperatures.  So, I looked on Craigslist for any yard sales that were cancelled over the past two days and I spotted two. TWO!  On a Sunday!  We had something else scheduled. but I decided I could run to the sales while the boys had lunch.  Who needs to eat when there might be junk?  The firs sale was a fundraiser and the lady they were having the fundraiser for was sitting on a couch under a blanket in the garage.  She was pretty young and she looked all pale and she was coughing and she just broke my heart.  The stuff they were selling was pure junk and it all smelled bad.  There was a Bake Sale "in the house" but I passed on that.  I gave her a few dollars and left with nothing.  She thanked me over and over and offered to give me raffle tickets for the money.  I hope she gets some help, because that sad little fund raiser isn't going to do it.  

The second sale was just a few tables in a garage with some scrapbook stuff on one table and some odds and end on another.  There was a lady standing wide legged in front of the scrapbook stuff marking her territory, so I went to look at the other table.  I spotted a double set of pool balls for $12.00 and put that in the back of my mind to be sure to get before I left.  Sadly, I got so wrapped up in what happened next that when I came back to the garage, the pool balls were being sold.  *sniff*

What happened next. you ask?  Well, the little gal having eh sale said, "There are three sheds out back that need to be emptied out.  Everything is for sale."  Now, I'm not really the running type, but my short legs got out to those sheds REALLY fast!  

The first shed had old gas cans, oil cans, BBQ stuff, chicken wire and other things that weren't that old.  It was just sort of useful, but not useful to me.  The second shed had more wire, fencing, dog food and dog dishes.  I was getting discouraged.  But then.  But, then I went into the third shed and stopped in my tracks. 

BLOWMOLDS.  Big pumpkin.  Big Ghost.  Big Skeleton.  And hanging in the rafters?  A big Santa and a big Snowman.  I went and found the girl and asked the magic question before I got too wound up.  (Too late!).  She told me $2.00 (!) each so I sprinted (maybe, I dunno) back and laid claim to all the people that were not anywhere to be seen.  "I'll take them all," I said.  No one was even in the backyard, but I wanted it known.  They were mine.  :)

I looked like a loon dragging them across the car and heaving them over the fence behind the car. You know you are a die-hard junker when you load the car in an artistic manner just so you can take photos for Instagram, Facebook and the blog.  I got a lot of comments about the Skeleton being unique, so I did a little research.  It's a Don Featherstone and sells on ebay right now for about $80.00.  I've never shipped anything that big, but for $80.00 or more - I will!  

Back out to the shed - there wasn't much in there except a couple of boxes and a red and green tub.  I know red and green equals Christmas, so I took a peek inside.  I spotted several old ornaments, so I just closed it up and asked "How much?" again.  I ended up paying $20.00 for five blowmolds, the tub of Christmas, a handmade wrought iron pot holder, a school paper cutter (the guillotine type) and a few smalls.  

When I got home, I had a computer class to take, so I didn't allow myself to peek into the tub until that was complete and my chores were done.  I showed great restraint!  When I did finally sit down last night to look in that tub, I was shocked at the ornaments I had purchased.  This is the largest amount of antique ornaments that I have ever found at once.  I usually find one here and there.  These must have been in their family for years and generations.  Why no one wanted them, is beyond my comprehension.  

Here we go - lots of photos.  

Figural blown glass owl  

The thinest glass ornaments with glass glitter.  

A mercury glass drum.  

This one.  Can you believe it is perfect?  Not a chip off those dainty handles.  It must be at least 80 years old.  And it's perfect.  

Three clip on birds - a peacock, a bird and an owl.  All perfect.  

This one has so many edges and depths.  

Two perfect pink ornaments.  The tiny top on the bright one pink is amazing.

A few  more vintage ones and not antiques.  Love finding the patriotic colored red, white and blue (especially when they have aged to pink, gold and aqua).

A wee little house.  I have a couple more like this already.

Can you see the raised lady in the middle?  This one has a tiny broken end on the point.  But I have never seen one like it, so it will stay until it breaks.  

A clip on Santa and a figural Santa.

A few more vintage ornaments.  
And a tear drop with Dresden.  
And my thumb.  
Sorry 'bout that.

This Santa head is about as big as an apple.  It is fantastic.  

Clowns, we can all agree can be creepy.  But this is a jester.  And jesters are not creepy.  

Two old glass Queen of Hearts light covers.

A pinecone.  
I have one like this from my Stepfathers Grandmother.  
Happy to have another.

When I lifted up the cardboard dividers, I found that amazing mercury glass spider web with the spider on it stuck in the cardboard.  I am so happy that I found it!  And that toadstool?  Uh-Mazing!

This one is my favorite.  A toadstool baby.  I mean COME ON. 

So many fabulous old ornaments.  I am still in disbelief that they are mine.  

Moral of the story:  Always check for Sunday Sales!  


  1. WOWSER!!!
    ...and on a SUNDAY!

    1. Sunday is my new favorite day!

  2. great haul for sure I am sure you are not to sad about losing the pool balls.

    1. Greedy, I know. But I am still sore about losing them. But super happy with the rest!

  3. What the what?! A sale on Sunday and an amazing one at that? I never, and I mean NEVER look at Craiglist for new sales on Sunday. That changes NOW! Everybody needs to hit a blow mold jackpot like that at least once in their lives, don't you think?


    1. I look at Craigslist every day - you just never know! That's how I hit the Monday digger sale last week. This is the second big blowmold haul I have made. it makes for an interesting drive home.

  4. Well, you hit the jackpot, didn't you? You got some great ornaments and, oh, that skeleton blowmold! Lots of people collect those two-handled ornaments and will pay a pretty penny for them. Good luck.

    1. Thanks! I most likely will keep the ornaments. But, money talks! :) We'll see.....

  5. Hi. My name is Kim and I'm a blowmold addict. You SCORED big time with that blowmold haul. My jaw dropped when I saw the skeleton on IG. Those ornaments are over the top amazing too! Good for you!

    1. I didn't know that the Don Featherstone molds were being made in the 90's. It is dated 1997, I think. I love blowmolds, but I try to limit myself to ONLY Santa's. It's hard! :)

  6. Best Keanu Reeves impression here---Woah! This is a haul for the record books. I've never even seen ornaments like most of those. How cool and special for you. Plus, BLOW MOLDS! Awesome.

    1. Blowmolds are a pain to store- but they are worth it! I am still in awe of the ornaments!!!!

  7. Are you selling any of those old ornaments?

    1. Not yet. But, I might at the holidays. I most likely will hoard them!

  8. Beautiful ornaments! And the skeleton is awesome! Don Featherstone is always great to find:)

  9. What an amazing score. I think they were meant to be with you!!

  10. Anonymous8:39 PM

    MonkeyBox, Love it all! I seriously think we could have a vintage ornament smackdown (no violence, just a pure entertaining contest - and show what we got)! And, you found some cool blow molds too - on a Sunday!!! Awesome! PocketChange

  11. The shed! What a awesome spot to did crazy good! High five girl!

  12. Love everything you got, you lucky, lucky, girl !!

  13. I was chuckling thinking of you driving home with all those huge blow molds stuffed in the back of your car. I bet the people passing you were like "what the hell was that?" Haha! Good Junkers would know in an instant! Great finds, you found some gorgeous ornaments!!

    1. People always chuckle at me when I buy blowmolds. Like I am an old granny or something. Suckas!

  14. I'm kinda speechless at this amazing haul of stuff! Wow on the Blo Molds and the ornaments!

    1. Me too! Hope you had a fun trip !

  15. My oh my ... You must have swooned while exploring the box of ornaments. They're stunning. Lucky you!

    1. I did swoon! I am still swooning! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Oh my! I'm swooning at the thought of finding all those vintage ornaments for such a good price. Congrats and thanks for sharing the pictures. Cool blow molds, too. You have the knack, girl!

    1. I'm still sort of giddy about it!~ :)

  17. It warms my heart that the hoard of lovely antique ornaments will now be properly appreciated. Great scores!

  18. OK - now you are just showing off! I luv luv luv the toadstool ornament and didn't even know there was a toadstool baby to luv!!! Send some junking mojo my way girlfriend - cuz you gots it!

  19. WOW!! LOTS of great blow molds and ornaments!!! Lucky Day!! :)


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