
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Jewelry For Sale

I have put some of my Domino Pendants up for sale.  If you click on the "Jewelry For Sale" tab under my blog header you will see all of them.  Pendants are $12.50 shipped to the upper 48.  

Don't buy them just to be nice.  
But, if you like them and you want one - well, there you go!



  1. I bought one (specifically the one in the top left corner in the picture above of the girl with the kittens) not to be nice, although I was being nice, but because I love it!

    1. You are sweet! I am glad you liked it! And, yes you are NICE!!!! <3!

  2. Cute! I think you're going to have a hit on your hands. Good luck.


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