
Friday, November 21, 2014

My Week in a Nutshell - Because I am a NUT

Raise your and if you are tired.  *HAND UP HIGH*  I don't know what is wrong with me, but I am just BONE tired.  It just seems like I always have one more big thing to do and I just don't think I can do one more thing.  Except the next thing on my list is to drag in the Christmas stuff and I will do tha no mater what.  Even though The Breadman thinks it is a "waste" of time.  See, that shows how well he knows me - the vintage Christmas that I find and hoard all year long - that is my favorite thing in the world to rediscover this time of year.  I have sold SO much vintage Christmas between the Junk Ranch and both of the booths.  I keep seeing all those cute things go and I am starting to get remorseful about letting them go.  So, I need to see my magnificent pretties to realize that I kept all the  good stuff!  When I decorate, I strip the house down to furniture only and then I Christmas it UP. It is a huge job, but I am really looking forward to seeing my pretties!   My vintage stuff in our house means Christmas to The Bean   - so it will be done.  Silly Breadman anyway.

Today we went to see Mockingjay.  It was very good if it is on your list to see.  I haven't read that book yet, so I didn't know what to expect at all.  We have no plans to see Dumb and Dumber To.  
Tonight we went to the lighting of the Lights of The Ozarks and the Christmas parade.  It was early this year due to in town Razorback games.  The highlight of the parade was Lara's cute twins carrying little signs as they walked to support their local alderwoman in an upcoming run off election.  They were SO proud carrying their little signs.  (Just so you aren't alarmed their Daddy was with them. They weren't out politicking alone.)

Oh, and the lights were pretty darn spectacular too!

I have been hitting a few thrifts when I can on the hunt for vintage Christmas.  I have found some things that made me happy and a couple things to sell.  I bought a Kitty Cucumber Christmas Musical for $1.99 and sold it in less than 24 hours for $52.99.  I love sales like that!  
When I was at the thrift, the D*ggars and the 19 K*ds and Counting film crew where there.  The girls were shopping and the crew was filming them shop.  I tried to stay focused and look for vintage Christmas since I was there for that purpose.  But, several times I was looking on the shelves in my own world and I would look up and the camera was pointed straight at me.  So, I might be on another show without meaning to be!  I actually spotted that Kitty Cucumber after I spoke to Michelle while we were waiting in line.  
As we were leaving, the youngest daughter there in the center gave The Bean a big smile. Which is funny because I am always telling him that he needs to marry her!  He needs a big family since there are only the three of us.  

Recent thrifted finds:
Sweet angel tree topper and a Santa mug.  The mug was a set of NOEL mugs, but ironically enough, there was NO L.  I bought the O since it looked normal on it's own.  

There is one thrift that I have had good luck at finding the good old Reader's Digest books but it is several towns away, so I don't go there as often as I should.  I went last week and I was rewarded with 48 beautiful old covers.  I was prepared to spend $12.00 since RD books are 4/$1.00, but *surprise* books were half off, so I only paid $6.00 for 48 books!  I haven't cut these apart yet since I am looking for different things to do with them other than making my clipboards.  

Everything here cost $3.00 at the Super Cheap Thrift.  That glass jar had the ugliest arrangement of 1970's cat tails and dried flowers and colored corn in it.  It was awful.  But now that it is empty - that;s a super cool jar!  

Sunday I make a milk run as it started to snow.  I made a quick stop at Goodwill (it is right next door to the store!)  and found this great little gnome.

All these ornaments came from differnt thrifts after one big day of thrifting.  One here, one there - it made me happy.  Those spun head gnomes riding on those satin balls - OH MY GOD.  My favorite!

Sorry for the rambling and random post.  My life is pretty darn ordinary and boring, so I don't know why any of you read this stuff!  But, I am SO HAPPY that you do!  


  1. The lights are beautiful, the Duggers are funny, and the ornaments are awesome! Doesn't sound too boring to me. My whole family is out if town and I had the whole house to myself so I cleaned 3 bathrooms. Now that's boring :)

  2. You are too funny! I really can't wait to see your home all prettied up with your amazing vintage Christmas!!

  3. Your life is not at all boring! Not when you find spun cotton! :-) ps I know what you mean ..."Lord, just get me through the next big thing and then I can slow down and enjoy life." But then there's just ONE more big thing! Don't get too tired to blog...your blog and Magpie Ethel are the two I look forward to every week!

    1. Oh thank you Rosie. Being in Magpie Ethel's company is high praise!

  4. Have you seen these boxes made from Readers Digest books?

    Country Living.
    You need to page to slide #18

  5. If your life is boring then it is boring in the best possible way. I adore reading about your adventures! Hope you get some rest and feel better soon.

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Like Rosie, I enjoy your blog and Magpie Ethel's very much. Keep on writing and sharing!

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I have to concur. Your blog is the first blog I read above any other blog and I read a ton of them. It's engaging and earnest writing and your aesthetic suits my style and it's fun to see what you find. Also, I really appreciate that you highlight how much you pay for your items. It's a mild pet peeve of mine that bloggers don't want to divulge what they spent on items. It helps put the purchase and constant search for items in perspective. So thank you for letting us know when something costs 25c or a whopping $1, it makes the find all the more interesting.

    1. Oh,I wish I knew who this was so I could send a hug through the internet! I appreciate your kind words. I just write like I would talk to someone. Except I get all backwards and weird in real life and I don't talk too much. I agree on the prices - I could about throw up when I see a great score of vintage on a blog because I assume they paid 10¢ each for them. If I KNEW they paid $100.00 for it, I wouldn't be so jealous. Not sure if you will see this - but thanks for posting!

  8. Hey, your life sounds pretty darn exciting to me. I'm hoping to go see Mockingjay on Monday. I loved the first two movies. She's not naked in this one is she :)

  9. I know exactly what you mean about being tired, except I'm not tired, I'm WEARY. Exhausted in a totally different way. Keep telling myself I just have to hang on for another month...

    Wonder if those books would sell if you grouped them into maybe 2 or 3 in sets of coordinating colors? I don't know. I found some Etsy sellers and their deal is they sell sets of vintage books in different color combos for people to use as decor items. I find that totally fascinating! The RD books have such awesome colors and patterns and I know people use them on their own as just decor items. Hmmm.

    And your talking about the Kitty Cucumber just reminded me I stashed away a Kliban cat Christmas teapot! Need to get that sucker out and listed ASAP! Thanks for the reminder!!

  10. I never find those dang Reader's Digest books. Must be because you have them all along with the Lustro Ware silverware trays.

    That pic with the Bean and Dumb & Dumber made my day!


  11. Shara, I'm tired but I watched my 3 yr old Grandson yesterday and while it's fun and I love it, gosh it wears me out. Plus I'm trying to get my house organized before Thanksgiving...YIKES! Love your Christmas finds, I think the little wooden gnome is my FAV!! Since you have said nice things about the Du**gars, I've started watching the show and they really are such nice people! Good for them. I don't agree about their stand on LGBT but they have a right to their opinion. ANYWAY....Love your home all decorated so get it done and share with us! I'm with the Bean on this one, it isn't Christmas unless all your goodies are out!

  12. Once again I love all your Christmas finds. Imagine the Breadman saying it's a waste of time!!!!! How DARE he! LOL! Christmas decorating is a must, especially when you have all the wonderful, vintage goodies you have. Looking forward to seeing pics... Love your blog - it's the first one I read... Keep up the good work.

  13. Shara, love your blog. You don't need to change a thing. Its perfect just as it is.

  14. I am all for The bean marrying a D*ggar but only if it means YOU will get your own show because watching you out on your junkin' adventures is some reality TV I can get on board with!


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