
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you are all having a wonderful Thanksgiving!  It is just the three of us here today.  I will make Mexican Chicken Casserole and pecan pie because we are weird.  Sunday I host the whole family (all six of us) for a real sit down Thanksgiving Turkey dinner.  Today I will work on my Christmas decorations and listen to The Breadman yell at the STUPID REF on TV.  

 I leave you with this photo of my Mom with a turkey.  I love it!

I am thankful for all you nice people that come here to visit!

Thank you!  


  1. Happy Thanksgiving. I enjoy every post you write.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Shara. Love that photo of your Mom!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Love the photo of your mom.

  4. We did have turkey, but I don't usually cook so this was a treat this year! Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. We went to the Thanksgiving Buffet at the Ramada - I was soo excited- they had 'made to order omlettes (!??!!!) YUMMO!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful I meet so many fun people through blogs! You included :)

  7. I think it sounds like a great meal and a great way to spend the day. Just finished yelling at the ref myself.

  8. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Enjoy your blog so much and am disappointed when you don't have good finds to share. Guess you are also.

  9. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I am thankful for your funny and wonderful stories.


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