
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Naked Santas

So, some of you noticed the Naked Santas. Have I not blogged about that before?

When I was a kid, somewhere along the way, my Mom came across one of those Santa dolls that you are supposed to make a Santa suit.  BUT, she thought his nakedness was so completely awesome that she just put him on the table as is.  When I got a little older, I fashioned him a carefully grouped set of holly leaves to cover his privates.  Not that he had privates, but you know.  A little discretion though.

So, it became our family tradition to have a Naked Santa.  When my parents divorced and I moved to my college apartment, things went this way and that way and I don't know what exactly happened to the original Naked Santa.  But, the day I found mine (and then a second one as you can see) was a happy, happy day indeed. 
  Naked Santa lives on.


  1. You cracked me up - what a great tradition! Glad you gave them a little cover to keep their little ho-has from freezing. Oops! Did I just type that?? 8+)

  2. 8-)
    How did I miss THAT story?!?
    I KNOW I would have remembered that one...

  3. How funny. But you better get them covered up, cold weather is coming and they might freeze!

  4. OK only you would have a 'naked Santa' tradition! Love it!

  5. Funny that you have "Naked Santas." We have "Beer Goggle Santa" and "Tranny Santa!" I will get to posting about them...yes, I have actually started posting a few things!

  6. Nope, do not recall a story about the naked Santas', but thanks for addressing this issue. You might have just started a new trend LOL.


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