
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Something for YOU

To thank everyone for all the nice comments and for the lovely emails that have arrived in my inbox lately - I think it is time for a Farm Fresh Vintage Market GIVEWAY!

After the Sale is over and I am well rested, I will pick a winner and they will receive a VIRTUAL BARN SALE BOX. Yes, it will be just like you came to the Barn Sale yourself and shopped in my booth.  Feedsack necklace?  Yes!  Ephemera Pack?  Okay!  Vintage kitsch? You got it!  I can't show photos because I really don't know exactly what I will send you.  But, if you ask anyone that has ever received a box from me, I think they will all agree that I PACK it FULL.  

Leave a comment to be in the drawing.  No hoops to jump through.  Just make sure that I know you or can contact you through your comment somehow.  I get so many "no reply" comments and I can't respond to those comments.

What are you waiting for?????  DO IT NOW!  I'll pick a winner Tuesday and post it Wednesday.


  1. I don't want to be entered in the drawing, I've already won a fun box from you so I want to let someone else have a chance. But I wanted to let anyone interested know that a box from you is guaranteed to be something fun, and it will be chock-full of goodies.

  2. Ooh me! Me! I love your blog and read it daily (through Bloglovin). I know you'll have a great barn sale.

  3. I am glad you have no hoops to jump through..just a simple comment. I am not in a hoop jumping mood today. Good luck dear..I know you will do well after all your weeks of prep. YOU GO GIRL!

  4. Sending you good wishes for a fabulous show!!

  5. Shara I know you are going to have such a great experience at the Farm Fresh Vintage Markiet Sale! I'm so happy for you! I'm in for the chance at the giveaway! Hugs, Linda

  6. Hey, maybe you'll have such a successful show, there won't be much left, right? Good luck this weekend!

  7. Don't enter me in the contest since I HOPE I'll be right next door to you at the sale and can shop your booth to my heart's content. Just wanted to say what a great idea -- you are a generous gal. Here's hoping you sell out on Friday and therefore don't have to worry about the potential rainstorms on Saturday!

  8. I'm sure you'll be a huge success at the sale Shara! You've put a lot of thought and effort into your display and your items.

  9. I must be thinking Way.Too.Much about this darn barn sale of yours (wishing I could come check it out) - 'cause I had a hilarious dream about it last night... but that is a WHOLE blog post of it's own!! GOOD LUCK my dear Shara - we are all cheering for you!

  10. Good luck today! It's going to be fabulous, I just know it!

  11. Pick me, pick me! Good luck at the sale and I would love a feedsack necklace. ;) This is Shanna in WI.

  12. I would love a surprise package, count me in!

  13. I hope the sale is fabulous. I'd love a chance to win your giveaway. I know it's going to be a fun one!

  14. Here's hoping that you don't have anything left to fill a box with, or maybe just a little box....Good are go get'em Tiger!!!

  15. I hope you sell everything, but...if there is something left then I know it will be awesome for the winner:)

  16. I am a fairly new follower, but I must say that I am always excited to see a new post from you! Good luck with your sale! kmeyers101 at live dot com

  17. Shara,
    Good luck at the Farm Fresh Barn Sale! Hope you sell lots and lots and have a great time doing so! I'd love to win a box of your goodies from you. This is Warrenton week in Central Texas and I'm rarin' to go...Food, fun & JUNK!

  18. Anonymous4:12 PM

    You are going to have so much fun at the Barn Sale. Everyone will love your displays and your items you are selling. All your preparation and hard work will pay off.

  19. I love your blog. I found it some time ago and read it from start to finish. Now I stop over about once a week to read what you have been up too. I would love to follow by email but can't find the button. Oh well, never said I was computer savvy.

  20. Hi Sarah,
    I hope you have an awesome time at the barn sale. I would come to say Hi but sadly I am all the way here in Jersey. Much luck and best wishes for a great and prosperous sale. Take pictures 'cause we all want to see your booth.

  21. It's taken me a lot of accidental contacts (search for santa head soaps -there you are; search for marble fruits - there you are!) to become a regular reader, but I love your blog!

  22. Been reading your blog for years now. Discovered you through I am Penelopes Parlor. Wishing you luck with your show and I would love to put my name in the hat.. Thanks

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Thanks for writing your blog. I absolutely love it! And, I wish I could be at the show to meet the famous Shara in person! Have fun! P.S. Wish I could meet the quirky Lara Jo too!! I want everything you two have!!!

  25. I bought the doll no one bought at your yard sale. we buried that doll with my mother who died in February- she had one just like it! at least this way she won't be lonely! I also got one of your wonderful boxes packed to the gills! count me in! I love surprises!

  26. good luck on the sale. You are brave. I would be terrified. All of us loyal readers can't wait to hear about the fun you had and the interesting people you meet. I hope I win as I would really love one of your fun necklaces. Brightest blessings.

  27. Love your blog! Been following your junking adventures forever it seems! Good luck at the sale. =)


  28. Good luck and make lots of sales! I am a transplanted rabid Razorback fan sticking out like a sore thumb in Ky Wildcat country. A teeny Hog trinket would make my day if I get lucky! :-) Have fun, make lots of memories! Nancy in KY

  29. OOOOOhhhhh. I would love some barn sale treasures. Please include me in the giveaway.
    Debra Ganas

  30. Feedsack necklace!?! Yes please! Your booth looks like so much fun, I would really like to do something like this with my sister someday, but I guess I have to stop keeping all of my finds first!
    Happy Saturday!

  31. Wow Miss Shara, love your booth!!! Sure wish I could be there. It is just the kind of thing I love. Looks like all that hard work paid off. How generous a gift. Take care! HTH. Janet.

  32. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Please count me in! I would love to receive one of your wonderful boxes more than aaanything! (Incidentally if you fail to sell any of those horse show ribbons at the barn sale then please let me know? I've been wanting some for what feels like forever and would happily buy them from you!)

  33. I thought I was completely vintage'd out . . . I have so much already. But when I saw photos of your sale, I have to admit that I would have LOVED shopping in your booth. Oh my.

    Aimee Suzanne

  34. If I'd been within 100 miles or so of you, I would have gone to your sale in a heartbeat to see all your goodies in person. Winning a goodie pack would be the next best thing!

  35. Amazing Booth! So wish I lived close enough to have gone to this sale... more importantly to your booth. It sure looked wonderful - going back to look over the pictures once more. Sort of like virtual attending...winning a goodie pack would be better than virtual.

  36. OK, this relates to your very wet blog entry, but I'm posting here cause I want in on the contest! You had to wring out your undies?.... Now that's a downpour!

  37. I am a regular reader, although I rarely comment. I enjoy your blog very much, and you are the first or second one that I regularly check out. Yes, I would love to be in the drawing....thank you for the chance.

  38. I truly enjoy your blog! You have great tastes in vintage items and great collections! And how much for the plastic yellow canisters at the barn sale? You are on my blog roll too!
    Lisa @ Happy Girl Thrift

  39. Long-time but mostly quiet blog reader... hope the barn sale went really well for your huge time and effort! I really liked the stuff you posted, especially your jewelry, and it would have been fun to see and shop in your booth in person!
    sarabeth in mass.
    TheSidewaysHouse @

  40. I wish I lived closer so I could shop at the barn sale! Glad that it went well and hope that you've completely dried off!

  41. Long time reader and fan. Your barn sale sounds fantastic.

  42. You did a wonderful job with the set up! Everything looks so nice. :) When we did our big craft show this summer is poured about an hour before the close and we had the same crappy wet experience you did. Did the top of your tent fill up with giant pools of rain and then pour down the sides and into the back of your pants or was that just me? If I'm not too late for the drawing I'd love a chance! xoxoxo


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)