
Sunday, September 22, 2013


*When you read that title - please scream it with lots of panic and fear in your voice.  Thank you.

Four more days to get ready for the Farm Fresh Vintage Market.  I've continued to refer to it as the "Barn Sale", but it has been renamed the Farm Fresh Vintage Market for months.  

This morning I gathered up the remaining items to be priced.  This afternoon I am going to go strip the booth of anything I want to take with me to the sale.  Mostly the jewelry that I made, some vintage Razorback items, the vintage Fisher Price Toys and a few other things.  Not much since I want this to me mostly new merchandise for the BS and to be able take the remaining items to the booth later in the Fall.  

Tomorrow I will price the rest of the items.  Put them all in one spot in the garage.  Sort into departments and rebag into shopping bags.  I don't do well carrying those big tubs and I can cram a lot more in the car if the packaging is flexible.  

Tuesday I will take the tent down and repack it.  Organize the display items I am taking.  Contemplate packing a flask of whiskey in the car for stress.  Or chocolate.  Chocolate melts.  Booze it is.   

Wednesday I will pack the car with the tables and display items.  Freeze PB&J's and round up all our food and drinks.  No booze.  Or chocolate.  Well, maybe chocolate.

Thursday is set up day.  I HOPE to get it all there in two loads - one with set up things, one with merchandise.  Set it up.  Take photos.  Go home.

Friday - SALE BEGINS!  I will take one last load with us of the jewelry and other small things I can put into two tote bags, our food and chairs.  Sale begins at 10:00 am and ends at 7:00 am.

We can't start to close up until after 7:00 and we have to be back and ready for opening at 8:00 am the next morning.  I think I will just sleep under one of the tables.  Being set up at 8:00 requires a wake up time of 5:30 and this homeschooling doesn't ever have to be anywhere early kind of gal is SO NOT A MORNING PERSON.  Coffee, coffee, coffee is the usual answer, but a long walk to bathrooms and leaving the booth unattended is a bit of a problem.  

Saturday - SALE CONTINUES.  Begins at 8:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm.

Tear down, take a load of set up stuff home.  Go back for a load of merchandise.

Go home.  Eat a frozen pizza.  If I have enough energy I will cook it.  :) 





This is the first sort of thing like this that I have ever done and I want to do it right.  I have spent a lot of time making up displays and figuring out interesting ways to display items.  I have set up lots of flea market booths before and that is hard work.  But, you have days to do it and you don't have to build the building first before you can set up.  

I want to thank everyone that has given me all the encouragement to do this.  You guys are wonderful.  I'll be scarce this week since I am so tied up with everything else right now.  I have touched and handles SO MUCH STUFF the past few weeks that you would THINK I am junked out.  But, I am just tired of MY junk.  I really could use some good yard sales to lift my spirits.  Maybe I'll get a minute to look around the Barn Sale for a treasure or two.  "Look honey!  I made three dollars and BOUGHT ALL THIS!"  

Lots of pictures and a progress report to follow.  You guys go junking for me, okay?

Well, not FOR me, but on my behalf.

I'll leave you with a few photos from the 400,000+ motorcycle rally that was in town this weekend.  
I have never been on a motorcycle.  I have no desire to be on a motorcycle.  Yet, I go to the motorcycle rally every year.  I stick out like a sore thumb in my PINK. 

There are several different locations where the rally is in town, so you can ride the train to and fro.  We we go "to".  This was the ninth trip that The Bean and I have made on the train.  As we boarded, The Breadman announced, "My first train ride!"  Whaaaat?  How can that be?  Mom and The Bean have done a lot together over the years, I suppose.

Rows upon rows of motorcycles everywhere on every street and in every parking lot.  I do not know how on EARTH you would ever find your own motorcycle.  Heck, I can't even find my own car at Wal-Mart most weeks.

Yep, you guess it.  More motorcycles.

A CAR!  Yes, it's a tiny car.  But still!  A car!

Ah, that's more like it.  More motorcycles.

Traffic.  Motorcycles.  Loud.  Noise.  Vroom.  Vroom.

Loved this motorcycle ice cream truck.  

Hubba Hubba.

The line for the train to go "fro."  It was loooooong.  And hot.  
The entire train ride takes 5.56 minutes.  I timed it.  

I wonder, exactly where does one order giant flags with photos of corndogs on them?

If I do well at the Barn Sale.......
Mama's going to have a sweet new ride for next year.  

I kid.  But really HOT PINK with POLKA DOTS?  
Come on!

Okay, now I'm leaving!  


  1. Just remember to get the tent up first, everything else will fall into place...and enjoy everything. I also have a silly rule that I don't count my money until the end of a show. Just my silly rule..but that doesn't mean I don't know how much I sold!!
    Good Luck

  2. Try to relax and enjoy it. I am sure you will do just great with all your wonderful items.
    we have bike week here in June there is about 500,00 here this week even though it rained a lot.
    I personally hate it they clog up the roads and are very very loud.

  3. I don't see a thing wrong with a hot pink motorcycle! I think you'd look very fetching and flashy (in a good way) driving down the street on one. Good luck with the sale, wish I was just a little closer and I'd go.

  4. I predict that you are going to have the most popular and successful booth at the show. How could you not? Rooting for you.

  5. Deep breath and you will be fine! (don't bring will make you even more tired eventually) Email me if you have any last minute questions. Am excited to see it all come together and how you do!

  6. I see on their FB page they are giving out early shopping passes for 9 am on Friday, so you will be sold out by the time they officially open at 10! Have fun.

  7. I'm sure you're going to have a great sale! Just looking at all your things and reading about all you've done tells me it's going to be an awesome booth. Good luck, can't wait to hear about it.

  8. Best of luck on your sale, Shara! I know you will do great. You put a lot of thought, planning, and hard work into it. And you will shine! Can't wait to hear all about it. I'm sure you'll have some great stories. ;-)

  9. hopefully the folks in the neighboring booths will be willing to keep an eye on yours for potty breaks, and of course, you'll do the same for them. Good luck, lots of sales, come home with no stock left!


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