
Saturday, June 08, 2013

*Knock* KnocK? Is anyone there?

Oh my goodness!  My beloved blog has been missing for the past 24 hours and I have been absolutely SICK with worry!  I finally found it, but you will need to bookmark this new address-  This is where I had the blog originally, but had bought a domain just so the blog would always be safe. HA.  That worked great, now didn't it?  

When Google tried to recharge me for another year, the credit card I had on file had expired. in the time it took for me to update the information, a company in Nevis had bought the monkeyboxblog domain out from under me.  Now, isn't that special?  NOT.

What a mess and I am sick.  But, I at least have my blog back.  I knew it was important to me, but now I really know HOW important it is to me.  I have cried buckets.  Boo hoo.  I am thrilled to see my posts again and all my junk and everything.  Now, I just hope all my readers can find me again.  Leave a comment or shoot me an email if you read this, okay?

Also, if you have a link to my blog on your blog, would you mind please updating the link to ?  I've always said I blog just for me and I'm amazed anyone even reads it.  Now I realize that I am SO VERY thankful for my readers.

Gosh, what a day!

I'm baaaack, baby!


  1. I'm here. glad you are too.

  2. It came up fine here glad you are back.

  3. Glad you're back, they should hold the blog names for a while to give the owner time to update and re-pay. But at least it's back. I missed your blog.

  4. That is a crazy blog story. Glad you had a back-up!

  5. Got ya re-bookmarked to favorites. What a scary ordeal, to think all your hard work and words of storytelling, could be lost in cyber space.

  6. Wow. That's scary. Glad to see you back though. I'll re-bookmark you!

  7. WOW!!! when I did my usual to get to you it said
    something that "it could not be found" & had GO DADDY
    as a link-what the #$%%&*?????

  8. WOW!!! when I did my usual to get to you it said
    something that "it could not be found" & had GO DADDY
    as a link-what the #$%%&*?????

  9. We can still see you! 8-)

  10. I got you in my reader just fine!! So I guess the link is working OK. I would be devastated if I lost my blog also. So glad it came back!


  11. I am doing a major sort and purge and have a medium sized box of various Easter stuff, some vintage and probably some not. Lots of little ornament type thingies for an Easter Tree. Would you want them?

    1. HI - There's no way to contact you through your posts. I tried to find you the last time you left me a message too. I'm sorry! Can you shoot me an email?

  12. I think I've always just used your old URL anyway and it worked fine over the years.

    I hate dealing with domain renewals and so on and have had a few close calls myself.

  13. I'm glad you got it back! I was so sick to my stomach for you when I read your post on Facebook! I must have had you under the old name because you are still on my sidebar-just like always! :)

  14. Hey Shara!
    Glad to be able to find you again! Have you contacted those (unmentionable name here) people to see if your blog name is available for sale (reasonably, of course)?

  15. Thankfully I liked you on Facebook because I couldn't remember how to find your blog, but find you I did.


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)