
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Ho-Ho-Holy Moley!

*First and foremost - thanks to everyone that came over to the new monkeybox facebook page.  I was surprised to see so many people LIKE monkeybox!  So many new faces!  Feel free to leave a comment on the page to let me know who you are and how you came to find monkeybox.  I promise not to clog up Facebook with lots of entries and I also promise to keep on blogging.  I love blogging and writing and I will keep on blogging LONG after everyone else has given it up for whatever new techno thing is out there.  :)

Today we had to have brakes put on my vehicle, return our faulty cable box and remote, get gas grab something to eat and buy groceries.  I am sort of a one errand a day kind of girl, so that was a lot to do in one day.  Plus, I was car-less until 1:00 before we could even start errand running.  After doing all that I really needed to get home and put up the groceries, do my chores and make dinner.  But, I had that pesky GIANT dollhouse in the car to donate to Goodwill and since I was out there donating - well, you know the drill.  I made the fastest run through possible.  I had discovered last week that one of the plates was missing from the picnic ball set I bought there and I thought maybe, just maybe it might still be siting on the shelf somewhere.  So, I had to look.  Right?  (It wasn't).

I have a route I take in Goodwill - the same pattern every time.  Today when I went to take my first turn down the first knick knack aisle, I came face to face with a lady holding a folding table and she had the aisle blocked.  Since I was trying to hurry, I went down the next aisle over - an aisle I don't usually go down since it is baby clothes on one side and Halloween costumes on the other.  But, when I started down the aisle, something was peeking out from under the Halloween costumes.  A small round piece of green felt.  And, I knew what it was INSTANTLY.
An Annalee doll!  Santa's mitten to be precise!
This Santa is 30" tall - my largest so far.  I couldn't believe it when I pulled him out from under that Halloween stuff and saw what he WAS!  I held my breath until I read his price, because you just never know.  Lucky me - the price was only TWO DOLLARS.  He came in a big cardboard chimney with snow on it and I think he might be a store display since he is so big.  TWO BUCKS!

I KNOW some of you don't like Annalee doll's. and I can appreciate that.  I don't like Pyrex.  (DON'T HATE ME THAT'S JUST MORE FOR YOU!)  But, I just LOVE them.  They were one of the very first things I ever learned about when I started buying and reselling and collecting.  And, they were one of the first FINDS I ever had too.
Here's a previous entry about them:
These are my only big Annalee's. The girl in pink and the reindeer were one of the first things I thrifted (when I really began thrifting after The Bean was born and I knew I needed to make money, so ebay seemed the right fit). I saw them in the back of the thrift and my memory is that I vaulted over a couch to get them, but I doubt that I ever vaulted over anything, let alone a couch. But, I knew I had to get them before anyone else spotted them. They were $1.00 each.

Lesson learned:  Never get mad at the lady blocking the aisle. You might just find something that you would have missed.  


  1. I think I have told you I live near where they use to be made. the factory in the woods. I have a bunny and a santa and a reindeer that are all that size. I paid way more than 2.00 I bought them when annalee was still living.
    Good find for sure.

  2. I've never heard of these - I like them!!

  3. I am so glad you found that big guy! Wow you just never know do you. Part of the thrill of thrifting! Hugs, Linda

  4. He is impressive!
    Awesome addition to your collection, but now you need a matching Mrs. C and some elves:)

  5. i happened across a giant book about abe lincoln and though of bean. would you want to do an swP FOR SOMETHING?

  6. Every once in awhile I see an Annalee doll that speaks to me, like the cute little witch I snagged at TJ Maxx one year. I probably would've bought the Santa just because of the price! Thank goodness you don't like Pyrex because if you did there'd be none within 500 miles of you!!!

  7. Whenever I see those dolls at a thrift I check the price just in case they are low...I would buy them to resell because I honestly don't care for them...but seeing the big guy I might be tempted to keep him to display for Christmas. "Might".


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