
Tuesday, May 08, 2012


monkeybox now has it's own Facebook page.  I honestly don't know why, but it seemed like a good thing to do.  Now I can post my junkin' finds without people from high school and distant cousins asking me if I am a "Hoarder".  I see funny signs, funny ads and weird things when I am out thrifting that I want to share.  Just not with everyone, you know? You guys understand me, don't you?    Anyway, if you want to be my friend - come on over.


  1. You got it!! I love how easy and fast it is to Junque up my FB page. So easy that I do a lot less blog writing now!

  2. Are you abandoning us here on blogger for good?? 8-(
    (of course, I'll follow you ...)

  3. I decided to have my own lil group on FB as well I was not good with my blog and since i have created the group I have 173 followers and love just chit chatting making new friends and sharing ideas

  4. How exciting, I'll pop on over and like you!

  5. I'm there! This will be fun! Love your writing, so I'm really glad you aren't giving up your blog - reading it is always a high spot in my week. :-)


I love my comments. I'd love to respond to everyone, but if you don't have an email address tied to your ID, please sign your name so I will know who you are! It makes it nice to know who is saying what. Now, leave a comment! Please? ;o)