
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What's in THAT basket?

(I thought of something to talk about!  My junk!  Woo-hoo.)

Sitting beside my refrigerator, I have an old freezer basket chock full of kitchen-y goodness.  I don't think anyone, including me, knows how much stuff is in this basket.  Let's delve in and have a look, okay?
Here's the basket.  Forgive some of these photos - I took them with my iphone and I am still learning how to use that contraption.  (But, oh Lord, I love that thing...)

First and foremost, the infamous crocheted watermelon potholders.  I never set out to collect them.  I rescued them one by one from yard sales and thrift stores.  Some have even come my way from blog friends.  Tonight I counted and I have 51 of them.  Crazy, I know.  

Along with watermelon potholders, I love and appreciate anything utilitarian that someone put their hard work and time into creating.  Doilies and potholders are another weakness.  The SCT often puts a bundle of three or four out for 25¢ and I always snap them up.

I like red ones the very best.  Each one is different hand has a different use.  That ruffly one on the top is a pot scrubber.  Can you imagine scrubbing a crusty old pot with that beauty?
I have a few in orange.
A few more in yellow.  
This doiley is huge - it goes in the center of a table with all the Daffodils around it.  It is fantastic.  And a favorite of my Mom's. :)
Of course, you have to have green.  That lily pad potholder is divine.
And you really must have blue too.
Maybe even a purple or two.....or three.  The tiny one is a wee little coin purse.
Then there are some in all different color schemes.  I love the two pansy doilies in the corner.  I've never figured out how they made that swirly one in the bottom corner either.  So sweet.
 Wait!  Did I mention pink?  You have to have PINK!
These trivets are made out of bottle caps - each one carefully crocheted with tiny little loops around each bottle cap.  A couple of the grape clusters have gotten too close to the hot burner over the years, but that doesn't bother me - I still like them.

You would think that was close to the end of the basket, but you would be WRONG.
Hey - how did those wooden ones get in that basket?
A few more colorful items.  The red, white and blue one is a dishcloth.  Like I could ever use that beaut!
There are dresses and undies.  :)
And lots of potholders too.  
Feedsack potholders, kiwis from Australia, sweet embroidered apple faces and rug hooked houses.

 And the final addition arrived in the mail today:
Eight tiny aprons meant to be "worn" on a Soda Bottle with the straw tucked neatly in the pocket.  The 1950's version of Wine Charms.  I saw them in Beth's Etsy Shop last week and I tried to resist them.  They were still there three days later so I decided fate wanted them to be mine!  And now they are. Love!

Do you think I can put anything else in that basket?

I think I can!  I know I can!  I know I will!

Do you have any secret stashes?


  1. I knew you collected the watermelon potholders but who knew that much gorgeous crochet and other items were in that basket. Watch out if some of them go 'missing' if I ever visit you... :) Wonderful collection! hugs, Linda

  2. Hi Shara,
    These are fantastic! I especially like the watermelons and the daffodils. Daffs are my birthday flower...I know when they start showing up that spring is on the way.

  3. What a stash! Am amazed at the variety of colors and patterns that were created..those women of yesteryear knew how to rock a potholder or doily! Love that daffodil one!

  4. That is one bottomless basket! Love the watermelons and all the handmade potholders. I have some my Grandma made.

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  5. That's like the Mary Poppins bag of refrigerator baskets. :) I'm seriously agog that so much fit in that basket!

  6. could you make those watermelons into a bedspread/ quilt type thing, it would look ace !

  7. Being a crochet addict, I have a huge stash of yarn. But it's not exactly a secre, just a closet full! Also, there is a lot of work represented in your collections. The swirly thing, as you call it, isn't as hard as it looks if you do how to crochet. I love the daffodils.

  8. Shara, that is an awful lot of stuff for such a little basket. I am amazed at your super-powers.

  9. Shara - Hi!
    I discovered your AWESOME blog a month or so ago. I am in awe of your mastery of collecting so many fabulous items. You are the queen! They are all beautiful. I don't know how you do it - I did not know that so many watermelon potholders existed within one person's range, or so many other fab creations. I am truly inspired. Thanks for your blog!

  10. Loe the collections. You even have a few of my favorite heart pin keepers in there. I've only ever found one but I've made three that I think are really pretty. And now I know that the metal basket I have is a freezer basket. :)


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