
Friday, January 27, 2012

It Was Worth A Shot

Today I saw TWO yard sales in my area so I hopped in the car and went looking.  I never did find the first one.  Damn little teeny signs with bad directions.  I knew where the second sale was and I thought it had promise since the ad read:  Large Indoor Sale with a lot of everything.  HA!  Wrong-O.  The sale was outside a building and there were three tables of junk, and I do mean junk and one rack of stinky clothes.  Sigh.  I know it's Winter and no one is having sales yet, but I got really excited when I saw there was a yard sale.  Patooie.  I did buy an old metal tool box that is the loveliest metallic blue color.  I will use it in the booth to hold sheet music.  I'm glad to have it, but it really wasn't worth the makeup and the gas it took to get there.  :(

After those disappointments, I stopped in at a thrift that I have only been to once.  I used to go there a lot, but then they moved to a smaller location and it wasn't worth going to anymore.  But, I found myself in the area so I stopped in - once again, it wasn't really worth stopping.  I did find three weird things to buy.  When I checked out, the guy said, "Boy, you really needed those three things.  I bet you couldn't have lived another day without those three things!"  He said it nice and he was only joking, but he should be happy that I came in and bought the three weird things in his store!  No one else would have bought them, I betcha.

Here's the blue toolbox and the three weird things - a teak nose (I told you they were weird!), a ginormous paper clip and an old receipt spike.  Those little craft cups came from Goodwill later in the day.  I think I have six of those receipt spikes now.  I just throw them in a drawer for now.  I consider it my moral obligation to remove them from the thrift stores so a kid won't poke his eye out with one.  

On to Goodwill to drop off some donations and have a look around.  I'd be better off if I only donated, but you know you just have to take a peek.  So, I peeked.   

I didn't find much of anything, so I decided to take a chance on this big cardboard box that seemed to have gift bags and wrapping paper in it.  I figured for $5.00 I would take a chance on it.  After all, all my other Spidey senses had rocked for the day, right? 

I found a few big new gift bags that I can use.
Over thirty packages of older wrapping paper - most still wrapped and including a couple pretty sweet ones.
A ribbon - lots or vintage ribbon.  Velvet ribbon, Sasheen ribbon, lace ribbon and some ungodly bright orange yarn that is screaming to be used on The Bean's next birthday.  There's also a bow maker in there along with bow pins and instructions as well as a snowflake ornamen kit.  (Hey!  How'd that nose get in there???)

As I sorted the ribbons, I spotted a hidden surprise.  Do you see it?
A vintage spun head Bride and Groom!  Eek!  That tiny little find made the day out  completely worth it.  Maybe my Spidey senses aren't entirely whacked after all.  


  1. I had a thought about your collection of old receipt spikes. They'd make a good base for a make- do. Of course you'd have to dull the point somehow so it doesn't unexpectedly come poking through one day...that could be unpleasant! but the pretty metal base would give a spiffy look to a make-do.

  2. Oh the spun head bride and groom are adorable. At least you found a few good things! Hugs, Linda

  3. Looks like you had a 'nose' for treasure. Ha. :OD

  4. I love to find an assortment of goodies like that and then to find that cute little bride and groom - nice!

  5. Glad that spun head radar was working today...great bride and groom! Don'tcha love to find a treasure like that in the most unexpected places?

  6. Those spikes look wicked sharp!!
    Love the bow maker:)

  7. I thought the same thing when I bought a receipt spike one time. I joked I would keep it by the bed for an intruder. My husband seemed a little worried.

  8. You can rationalize it all you want, but you do realize that you're collecting receipt spikes, don't you? :-)

    I love the nose. I would have picked it too. (Pun intended.)


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