
Monday, September 26, 2011

The Weekend in Junk

This weekend I was able to hit a few sales on the way to my Grandmother's house for the very.last.time. We finally got it all cleaned out. It is empty and it feels SO GOOD. It is all done and over. I know that sounds cruel if you don't understand the relationship I had (or rather didn't have) with my Grandmother or if you don't know that we have working HARD for over a year to clear out that house).   When I left for the last time, I literally felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders.  I felt light and happy for the first time in a very long time.  Now I can get back in control of my own life, my own house and my own junk. 

Speaking of junk.  As the contents of the house dwindled and the idea of making multiple 40 mile round trips to the thrift to donate things became less and less appealing, I started putting a few things out at the curb.  Not junk, but not "make a 40 mile round trip to Goodwill" worthy either.  Each time I put things out, it was always gone the next day.  I read in the newspaper that it was Clean Up week last week, so I put out a TON of stuff out - Christmas tree, laundry basket, dish drainers, suitcases, plastic tubs, small little shelving units and miscellaneous things.  Clean up week means that the city will take it all to the landfill, but it really means that people (myself included) drive all over town looking for treasures.  By the end of the week, everything I had put out was gone, so either someone took each item or the trash truck handled it.  Imagine my surprise when I re-read the the newspaper and found out that this week is actually clean up week.  Whoopsie!  I guess a few people had an early Christmas at the curb thanks to me.  :D  I'm just glad it's G-O-N-E!

Since I thought Clean Up was over, but it was actually just starting.....well, I had to make a loop through town, you know. 
I found this neat old crate and snagged it super fast.  I had all sorts of ideas about it.  As I drove home, I thought about it and I decided it was a Strawberry Crate - each slot holds a quart berry basket perfectly.  That's nine quarts per crate and it's just wide enough to hold in your hands at arms length and the size would slide onto the back of a truck easily.  Yep, I had it all figured out. 
Then I got home and noticed that on the end.  It's a cigarette display - and a pretty new one, in fact.  So much for my lofty Strawberry Crate ideas.  I still like it though and I will use it somehow.  What do you think?

Now, on to the yard sale finds. 
I found this pretty vintage Mother with a baby for 10¢ first.
She will go with my Mother's Day Collection.
Then this cute little boy for "June" for a 25¢.

Then these two little #1 Girls for 5¢ each.
And this little January Girl for 25¢.

I think it's fun when you find sort of the same type things at each sale you hit.  And, at 75¢ total for them all...well, you can't go wrong.

A couple of novice oil paintings.  I think these sort of things are quirky and fun.  They are headed to the booth, to see if anyone else feels the same way.
The "smalls".  The little nekkid Sunshine Family being my favorite find.  I carried my little baby around in my pocket until she was nearly bald.  I paid 60¢ for everything shown.  One of the items in this photo will go into one of my favorite collections.  A collection I have never mentioned on here.  Hmmmmm...can you figure it out?
A Gaudy Golden Gilded Owl.  With Jeweled Eyes.  I was almost embarrassed to pay for it.  But, I happen to know it will fly off the shelf at my booth for about $10.00. 

While I have sworn off all things Watermelon (except a lonely potholder, of course), I had to pick up this little handmade sea grass basket for 25¢.  It fits in the palm of my hand and must have taken forever to make.
This plastic cut "glass" cake plate flips around and over to make a serving bowl and plate.  Perfect for cakes, cheese and crackers and chips too.  It is in really good shape, although there are knife cut marks on the tray inside where cakes were cut over the years.  I like things like that though, but o the booth it will go. 

On the way out of town, I spotted a sale at the Storage Business where they were selling off things people had left behind or not paid the rent on.  I whipped the car in the parking lot with visions of Ton and Barry in my mind finding guns and saddles and such.  Sadly, it was just rows and rows of boxes of stuff.  Random stuff like toys and books and whatnot's and kitchen things.  Nothing exciting.  I did buy two boxes of books for $1.00 each (the bulk of which I had re-donated to the Salvation Army within twelve hours) and this Woodcut print for a dollar. 

I was going to stick it in the booth for a few dollars, but on a whim, I decided to try and research the artist.  His name is Herschel C. Logan and his woodcuts sell for between $200.00 and $1,500.00.  I am still researching this one as I cannot find it  online anywhere.  I was in contact with an Art Gallery earlier today that quoted a price of $75.00 to clean up the water stains on it.  (If it happens to be worth a thousand bucks, I will spring for a cleaning!)  They also showed an interest in purchasing it, but wouldn't make an offer, instead wanting me to name my price.  I will need to do some more research and decide what to do - put it on ebay or find a buyer myself.  I'm pretty excited to have possibly found an item worth real money.  It gets me excited about junking and selling and finding treasures to sell again. 

I'll keep you posted!  :o)


  1. Shara I am so glad that Grandmother's house is empty and you are done! Love all your junkin finds. That crate even if new is very cool. What collection don't we know got me stumped! Can't wait to hear more about the woodcut. Fingers crossed for you!
    hugs, Linda

  2. that is some super junk you have there, Miss Shara. What fun!

  3. I love your paintings the fall one is very sweet. The wood cut it a new england scene for sure. I hope you find you can sell it for alot.

  4. OMG! OMG! OMG! (said in my best 'teen' squeal...) about the Herschel Logan - Way.Too.Much.Fun!! Just the kind of motivation that every Junker needs every once in a while 8-)!!

  5. I hope the woodcut gets you big bucks!! That's so cool when you come across unexpected stuff like that.

  6. Wowsers! Hope the print is worth the high end price:) That is awesome and it is great finds like that which keep us hooked!

  7. Whew! I'm glad you are DONE!! I totally get the g-ma thing and know exactly how you feel. Hope the woodcut turns out to be a big treasure!!!


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