
Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Weekend in Junk

This weekend did not turn out to be the greatest for junking.  But, it was very nice weather, we got a lot of productive things done and we went to see the Patriot Flag, which was a fabulous sight to behold.

Please note that the flag is attached to a Hook & Ladder truck.  It was gigantic and beautiful.  If the Patriot Flag ever comes to an area near you - you simply must see it!

As for the junk - I did go to the Church Sale I mentioned, but a) I went late in the day, b) it was mostly clothes, c) I was the only one shopping, d) the lady running the sale was singing old Gospel music while I shopped which made me feel awkward so, e) I didn't stay long.  As well as the Church Sale, I stopped at the newly relocated Thrift Store in town that happens to be right across the street from my Flea Market (and has had an effect on business).  At the thrift, I bought a neat old beat up drying rack that was $5.49, but happened to have a red tag and yesterday was 50¢ Red Tag day.  So, only 50¢ for a useable item in the booth.  Since it was right across the street, I took it right over and placed my vintage linens on it.  Therefore, no photos.  It was a lucky find!
I picked up the huge rolls of ribbon at the Church sale - 75¢ for both.  One is plain brown and one is a peach and brown check.  Neither are particularly attractive to me, but seriously, there are miles of ribbon on each roll and they were cheap!  We are taking a road trip this week and I suggested tying one end to the bumper and see how far we get before it runs out.  That would be fun, but probably not too practical!
I got 30 of these wonderful paper lanterns for $1.00.  They aren't vintage, but they aren't brand new either.  I'd love to have a outdoor party and hang these all over - wouldn't it be festive?

Odds and ends - a Cox Cable stuffie, an old pink talcum box, a fun vintage kiddo figure, an old sewing box with huge wooden beads inside, a handthrown strawberry dish, a ceramic tea strainer, a pair of wee baby shoes and two Leo Ward birds.  Most everything was red tag at the thrift - so each item was only 50¢ or less.

But, what's that all that stuff is sitting on?  Could it be?  Is it really?
Yeppers - a REDMAN Basket!  Not a particulary unique one, but it was good enough and a good price, so home it came.  I use them to store practically everything from gift wrap to cookie cutters to potato chips to craft supplies.  You can't have too many!  (Except I am nearing 25 and that really might be too many...)

Weird item of the day - a dress made out of a Shammy.  Why did I buy it?  Because it is a dress made out of a shammy, that's why!  (Isn't The Bean a purty model?)

BIG storm just hit - no time to Spell Check - sorry! 


  1. good stuff again. Great find on the basket.

  2. Wouldn't you know it, when the flag is going to be in the next town over, we'll be on vacation!
    I don't ever want to hear that 25 baskets might be too many. My metal picnic basket collection is reaching frightening proportions, but like you said, TONS of storage! And I don't know why, but I like looking at your wish list. Hopefully, you'll get to check them all off this summer!

  3. There's a thrift downstairs from our mall. I head down there when I need to take a break from working the booth. Love the big spools of ribbon. I don't think I've ever seen any that large before.

  4. The Redman picnic basket is wonderful. It sounds like you had some fun while out treasure hunting. Hope you have better luck at the next church rummage sale.

  5. hey there, I LOVE your blog and perusing your finds...I don't know if I've ever commented though.

    anyhooooo....about your shammy dress, it looked very familiar to me, and I swore I had seen one like it on Antiques Roadshow. It bears a striking resemblance to the a 1967 yellow pages paper dress they appraised at $1800-2200.

    I found a link to the appraisal, hopefully it works. If not I bet you can find it.

    Anyhow, couldn't help at least directing you to it, in case yours is valuable :) brightest blessings.


  6. The Bean modeling that dress is THE. FUNNIEST. thing. that I have seen in a Long time!!!!!


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