
Monday, April 11, 2011

1000 of This, 1000 of That

One Thousand. 

I bet I have changed a thousand rolls of toilet paper.

I bet I have made a thousand meals.

I bet I have paired up a thousand socks.

But, I know I have blogged a thousand posts.

1000 posts.

That's a lot!

Thank you for reading some of them, most of them or at least this one!

Stick around for the next 1000, okay?  *Fingers crossed!*

To celebrate my accomplishment - how about a, well, you know - one of those things where you leave a comment and I draw a name and the wiener gets the loot. How about a fabulous package consisting of 1000 items?  Yes, you read that right - the wiener will get a box packed with 1000 items.*

Leave a comment - make sure there is a way to contact you either through your profile, your blog or your email.  Tell me what you have done a thousand times (Keep it clean.  HA!)  I will draw a winner next Tuesday and start gathering up 1000 items. 

*Using code to discourage Googlers......


  1. oh wow... keeping my fingers crossed.. I need a little good luck:)WOW 1000, that is amazing!

  2. Wow that is amazing. I have washed more than a thousand plates in my married life, or a thousand meals a year.

  3. WOW! Congratulations! This is quite an accomplishment. I would love to join in for a chance to win the giveaway. Let's see... I've done over 1,000 scrapbook pages, I've collected 1,000 pieces of thrifted items and I'm wishing you congratulations for all of your 1,000 posts. Great job and hope there's many more thousands of posts to look forward to.

  4. I bet I have washed 1000 loads of laundry (this week alone, it seems)!

    Congrats on 1000 posts!

  5. Congratulaions on 1,000 posts!
    I'll 'pass the parcel' on the prize - you really don't want to pay the postage to the UK!
    ($1,000 LOL!)

  6. I know for certain that I have laughed 1000 times and I have cried 1000 times. Congrats for such a cool milestone!!

  7. Congratulations on your big 1000.
    I'm a teacher, so I'm sure I've taught 1000 lessons!

  8. What an accomplishment! And each post wonderful to boot (no, one liners like "I just wanted to say Hi..."!)

    I was going to say what jess said, so I will say I have ate at LEAST 1000 pieces of chocolate just this year! :)

  9. I bet I have told my kids to stop fighting 1000 times, lol. 1000 congratulations to you on your amazing accomplishment! I always look forward to your posts!

  10. I thought you were going to say you made $1,000 selling a hardhat or a camp lantern on eBay. (Oh, if only!) 1,000 posts is amazing (and I've read most if not all of them!) As I have quite enough stuff already, don't enter me in the drawing - just wanted to say congrats!

  11. i now feel compelled to see how many posts i have written. lol

  12. Yeah for you.I love reading them so keep on blogging.Let's see...oh, I know.I've told my kids to stop fighting at least 1000 times.Loads of laundry.Trips to the grocery store.But I haven't been to 1000 yard sales so I'll just have to keep working on that.Congratulations to you and thanks for sharing.

  13. I have read your blog a thousand times and loved it every single time!!

  14. I'm happy to have found your blog through a friend. I enjoy reading your posts! Let's see...I know I've climbed our stairs a thousand time PLUS to go back and get or do what I forgot! :) Please enter me in your drawing

  15. I'm sure I've told me son not to be so loud 1000 times!!

  16. Good for you, I am lucky if I have 200 posts on my blog. Probably would have more if I posted more then once a year. ;) I wish we were neighbors so we could go thrifting and rummaging together.

  17. h my gosh, congrats! I think I'm about to hit 500 or something. But my blog will be 5 years old next week. :

    Let's see . . . 've probably ridden the subway a thousand times. Sad.

  18. Oops, guess I should read to the end. At least 1000 diaper changes between my two children, or is that one too "dirty"? ;)

  19. Congrats on the big 1-0-0-0!

    I've told the kids to quit fighting 1,000 times; probably threw away 1,000 unmatched socks; kissed my husband 1,000 times (now my mind is wandering about other things with the husband...wait, what?...this is a family blog!); and I'm sure I've emptied the kitty litter box 1,000 times as well.

  20. Can't wait to read the next thousand post as they always give me a chuckle. 1000 times a day I let the dogs in and out, in and out.....making me crazy 1000 times over! One thousand text messages, again it feels like a day from children.....can you, can I do this or get the idea. I pray I fixed my account to have my email appear. Weiner Angelle

  21. Congrats on 1000 posts! That is truly an accomplishment! I will for sure be around for the next 1000!! I have taken a thousand photos since starting to blog and I love it! Thanks for such a fun giveaway! hugs, Linda

  22. WOW 1000 goodies..I'm in.
    Love your blog...always so fun and interesting..have a grand week...
    Best Dawn

  23. I have packed well more than 1,000 lunches for my 3 kids...
    Congratulations and hope you find 1,000 treasures this year (small ones!)
    sarabeth in Mass.
    ps--My word verification is "blesses c" Sounds like a good omen.

  24. I have read 1000 Shara posts, seriously I have read them ALL. Your posts are the highlight of my day, keep posting for 1000 more.

  25. Oh darn forgot my 1000 things...I must have taken the trash out a thousand times..just last year...

  26. I have easily changed 1000 diapers! Jessica, who was interested in the tennis skirts a lifetime ago!

  27. 1,000?? That's fabulous! I enjoy reading all of your posts and I hope you have at least 1k more:)
    So what have I done at least 1,000x? Hmm, how about going to the grocery store?!

  28. 1000 posts is a whole lotta typing. Many congrats!!!! I bet I've changed a thousand diapers or made a thousand prayers. Thanks for the lovely eye candy and fun posts.

    brightest blessings.

  29. Congrats on the 1000! Way to go...
    I bet I have gone to over 1000 estate sales in my quest for the goodies!

  30. Congratulations! I'd LOVE to be the big weiner...I mean winner-lol! LOVE your blog!

  31. Congratulations, Shara! What an accomplishment! I am sure I have calculated 1000 numbers as my life as accountant. Go you, can't wait to read the next 1000 posts!

  32. i am sure i have used a thousand wet wipes and my daughter is only three :o)

    love your blog, don't dare change a thing.


  33. I have changed a thousand diapers! or more

  34. Holy cow! That's a lot! Many congratulations to you. I'll be sure to stick around fo rthe next 1000.

  35. WOW... Congrats on your 1000!!! I just started. I'm on 23.... sad face. :(

  36. Congratulations on your 1000 - and we have loved them all. I traveled more than 1000 miles last week and got back at 1:15 am due to the weather in Chicago! I've also asked my husband what he wants for dinner at least that many times and had him answer I don't care! Keep posting Shara, I look forward to reading another 1000!

  37. Congratulations on your 1000 birthday. That is something to crow about! Well, since I have to keep it clean I guess I can't say that I have wiped my kids bums 1000 times? No? Well, then let's see...I have tied my shoes 1000 times and I always start with the left shoe!

  38. Keep it clean?? Hows this? I bet I have washed a 1000 loads of laundry!! LOL!

  39. Wow! That's a lot of posting. A lot of interesting reading and a whole lot of photos of awesome vintage stuff! Looking forward to the next thousand.

    I've sold a thousand items from my booth and easily priced a thousand more.

  40. ONE THOUSAND?!! That, my dear girl is WAY COOL!!
    I'm sure J would say that I go to a thousand sales a year 8-)... or at least bring a thousand pieces of junk home!!!
    Looking forward to 1,000 more Blog Entries!!!!

  41. Hmmm...what have I done a thousand times?

    texted my son...
    washed dishes...
    washed clothes...
    sold 1000 things on ebay...
    bought 1000 things at sales...
    saved $1000 using coupons...
    and...this week...deleted 1000 emails that were all junk!

    Congrats on your milestone!

    And if my email doesn't show up? It's Laurie from RC/YSQ...


  42. Yay, a giveaway! I'll bet I have purchased craft items 1,000 times!! Whether I needed them or not, lol!!!!


  43. Congrats on your 1000 Birthday! I have used a 1000 coupons, driven many more than 1000 miles, typed 1000 emails, and looked at Facebook 1000 times (mostly for those pics of the Grands). Love your blog.


  44. I have 1000 craft items that I have "saved" from the landfill.
    I have 1000 vintage things waiting to be painted.
    I have been to 1000 yard sales and would love to go to 1000 more.
    Congrats on your milestone. I haven't even hit 50 yet on my blog Grandma's Trash.

  45. Congratulations on 1,000! I have been reading along for most of them, and really enjoy your blog.

    I know I have smiled at my DS at least 1,000 times - he puts a lot of happy in my heart, and he is GRADUATING FROM COLLEGE in a few weeks!! I'll try to post a photo of new grad and Mom on YSQ when it happens.
    Happy Easter! Pat

  46. Wow 1000 items? That will be a huge box! Congratulations on your 1000th blog post. Have fun on your trip.


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