
Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Thrift Store Volunteer

I generally go to the Super Cheap thrift on Thurdays because my favorite ladies run the register.  Everything is already priced, so it's not because they give me good deals - it's because they are so nice.  They are always happy to see me and say I buy the most interesting things.  Most of the people that shop there are using vouchers to get clothing and household items.  I buy all the weird stuff, the unusual stuff, and the vintage stuff.
Yesterday I found this for 50¢.  It's a vintage Add-A-Matic hand held adding machine.  This was high tech in the 1950's - you used it at the grocery store to tally up your purchases.  In this age of high tech everything, I love to show The Bean the technology of yesteryear, so I threw it in my bag. 

When I checked out, the lady that was bagging up my purchases, grabbed the Add-a-matic and clutched it to her chest.  She kept saying, "No way!  No way! No way!"  She told me how her Mother worked at Sav-On and used one of these at her job and when she grocery shopped and when she paid bills., etc.  She said she always had it in her pocket or in her purse.  "Whenever I picture my Mom, I see her with one of these in her hands", she told me.  She had tears in her eyes when she said her Mother had died about a year ago. 

So, what could I do?  I gave it to her.  She tried to pay me for it - she even wanted to give me a dollar.  But, I didn't want it.  Her face made my day.  She was so happy.  She said, "My kids are going to FLIP!"

Making her happy, made me happy too.

**Blog buddies - I no longer accept Anonymous comments.  If you do normally leave comments aanonymously, please register for a Blogger Profile.  It's painless.  Or, you can email your comments.  I like hearing them.  Just not from the ONE Anonymous person that seems to think it is okay to say hateful and hurtful things about me.  :( 


  1. Are you kidding me? Some people have too much time on their hands and too much of an inflated ego if they hurtful things about you, Miss Shara. I think that you are one of the most interesting and fun people I have come across in my life! I really do enjoy reading your blog! Keep doing what you do and good job changing your comment requirements to protect yourself!
    Hugs and smooches!

  2. Am so happy you made her day...isn't it nice that a little thing like that can thrill somebody so?

  3. My gram had one of these and never never never shopped without it in her hand! Thank you once again for bringing back a fuzzy happy memory for me!!!

  4. Ok now I am going to show how old I am. When I was first married I had one of those when I grocery shopped and it was much later than the 50's You notice it couldn't get up to 100 which is what I usually spend when I am going for milk ugh the prices have gone up so much.

  5. My problem is that when I go shopping, if the checkout girl/woman admires my earrings I wind up giving them to her. I mean, I make them and they don't cost much to make, and hey, like you said, it makes at least two people happy. I do kinda regret giving away some gorgeous rhinestone earrings after I asked later if she wore them and she said, "No, I decided they didn't look good on me so I gave them to my friend." Hopefully the friend will appreciate them. Those Add-A-Matics were THE BOMB back in the day! And I can't believe someone is leaving anonymous mean posts to YOU of all people. A mental case, for sure.

  6. How sweet of you. Something so simple to make their day. You are very good about that. Thank you for sharing.

  7. How sweet of you...isn't it rewarding to make someone else happy that way? You just payed it forward and some good karma will come your way.
    Sorry about the haters, but at least there are more nice people than not nice, don't you think? I do.

  8. Aww..that was soo nice of you! As soon as I saw the picture, I remembered my mom having one of those when I was little in the late 70's.

    Sorry to see that you've been getting crummy comments!

  9. The (smiles) and the (stories) are what makes the journey fun... aren't they?!
    GOOD KARMA coming your way for sure...

  10. I have to start out by saying that I faithfully stalk, I mean Follow your Blog for more than one reason. "A" you're absolutly halarious and "B" you DO always find fun and interesting stuff. A lot of wich reminds me of my youth. When I first logged in to Google the first picture I saw was the Add-A-Matic. I was SO excited because I have been secretly hoping to find one someday as I also have very fond memories of "click, click, clicking" away on one that my mother carried with her all the time. Maybe to add up groceries or more likely to keep me busy while running errands. Needless to say once I read your story, I was moved by it so much that I am now on a "mission" to find one. Thanks for offering your kindness because these small gestures are what makes the world an awesome place.......As for all th annonymous "stalkers" out there with nasty comments...........GET your own life and do something nice for a change and make someone's day smile!

  11. Shara I remember my Mom having one of those in the 1950's also. So cool of you to give it to her, you made her day! I understand about he anonymous comments, I have never allowed them on my blog. hugs, Linda

  12. Shara--I just cannot believe that someone would have the gall to harass you anonymously on your own blog. I'm sorry you have had to experience that. I appreciate you and your blog and love reading it!

  13. Hadn't seen one of these before and found it very interesting.
    Keep up the blog its brilliant and I often come here to lurk

  14. I think that my mom or my aunt had one of those counters, I remember being allowed to play with it when I was fairly young. I haven't seen one in years. That was very sweet of you to give it to the lady at the thrift.
    Don't worry about trolls that leave nasty comments. They have too much time on their hands, but they are not worth your time. It's a shame that people think they have to be that way. I think they are just small minded.

  15. I so remember these! We married in 1970 and my food budget for a week was $10... can you imagine trying to eat on $10 now?! I live just outside Rogers, come visit me at Granny Mountain!

  16. My mom had one of these and used it faithfully. I played with it when she wasn't looking. It makes a very satisfying click, as I recall. You were awfully nice to give it to her. You're a good person, Shara!

  17. This is such a great story. :)


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