
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Art Wreck

On our day out the other day, we stopped at a truck stop,restaurant/convenience store/arcade/art gallery (yes, you saw that last one right) and I spotted this painting for sale.
I think I know where the artist got their inspiration.......
Don't you agree?????

**Thank you for all your sweet comments and nice words.  I write this blog for me and I am still amazed when people read it.  I feel like I have made a lot of friends out in Blogworld, and it makes me happy that you consider me a friend too.  As for the haters........{tongue waggle} nanner-nanner-boo-boo.


  1. That's not something you can get in a Wilton Cake pan kit! LOL

  2. When I first saw the picture, my thought was that it looked like the monkey cake. Looks like somebody was spying on you!

  3. God, I LOVE that kind of stuff and I would've totally bought it if the price were right. I have an original painting I bought at an estate sale--it's supposed to be the woman's husband but it's impossible to tell if it's a man or a woman in drag. I treasure it.

  4. Shara, Yes, it does look a lot like your cake. It reminds me of a paint by numbers kit gone wrong. Love your blog, as always! Those who don't probably don't have much fun!

  5. I just wanted to tell you that I normally am a bit of a blog stalker and don't leave comments but I love your blog. It is always funny and upbeat. I like to think that we would be friends if we lived near. Anyhow, forget the nasty hater, it is always a case of jealousy, and keep blogging about that funny monkey cake!


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