
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday's Finds

So, here I am back a mere 16.5 hours after my post about TOO MUCH STUFF with today's Yard Sale Finds.  Hahahahahahahaahahahaha.  I think I have a sickness.  But, I just had to get out and see what I could find.  I would have been happy to come home empty handed.  But, I just needed to see with my own eyes that there weren't piles of Marie pottery, Hawaiian paintings and Rushton animals lying in the driveways this morning.  I didn't find any of those things, but I did enough to make me happy, but not so much that it is a burden.  Best part - it's already all put away where it belongs.  So, it's not a STUFF issue!

I found this great old Vertifile File Cabinet for a  dollar.  I've never seen anything like it.
The top slides open like this.  It reminds me of a library cart or a mailroom cart.  I am going to use it in the Booth to hold books.  I think it would be cool on a patio full of iced drinks too. 

The smalls.  Two 1950 "My Pictionary" books, a glass cat pin cushion, a string of beads with roses, vintage Christmas tree brooch, funny elephant baby pull toy, a wooden Santa, a red thermos for my collection and a vintage checked tablecloth for that collection too.  (I love it when my junk photos look artistic.)

Also, good news. 

I found Jesus at a yard sale.

Baby Jesus that is. 

I bought all these back in May, but there wasn't a Jesus to be found. 

And lastly, two old vintage Bake King Bread pans.  I'm going to use them to hold notepads and pencils.

Maybe I will have more restraint this week?  Only time will tell.....;o)


  1. It is a sickness and I have it also!! I did manage not to go out today! But it was hard! Love that cool file cabinet!

  2. Hello! I have one of those vertical files except mine is green. I use it for its intended purpose, but I love your idea of holding iced beverages.

    And the pink enamel "cup" in your last post - I just bought the same thing last week! It was labeled as a child's chamber pot. A pink potty!


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